The number of reports for 502 Bad Gateway errors is increasing recently.
My first report for 502 errors was for https://*
requests on Jan 7th. This was solved by @barry, “some memory corruption probably caused by a bug in pecl-memcache that we are working on fixing“.
Around April 3rd I got a few reports for The community site where WordPress code is created and shared by the users. This is where you can download the source code for WordPress core, plugins and themes as well as the central location for community conversations and organization. but couldn’t confirm them.
On April 13th I reported that the https://*
issue happens again. This issue is still there, see #dotorg-warnings.
Since this Monday we’re getting reports for 502 Bad Gateway errors on our make sites. For example
returns a 502 which prevents adding new comments.
But there are also new reports for (when submitting translations) and for localized sites:
The 502 errors do not happen on our sandboxes, only in production. Can someone please look into this? Thank you!