Per @jenmylo, we’re granting limited Super Admin capabilities on to trusted volunteers. They’ll need proxy access like regular Super Admins.
The whitelist of users is defined in the global config, and the code to grant them the extra capabilities is in an mu-plugin on
@kcristiano and @brandondove are the first two that will need it, can you please set them up? (karenalma is also in the whitelist, but she should already have it).
Brandon and Kevin, can you please post your public SSHSSH Secure SHell - a protocol for securely connecting to a remote system in addition to or in place of a password. keys here? If you haven’t used SSH keys before, GitHub has some good instructions (just ignore everything after step 2).
It boils down to running this in a terminal:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C ""
Make sure you post the public key (, not the private key (id_rsa). The private key should be treated like a password and kept secret.
Once the Systems team grants you access, I’ll follow up to help you set it up on your computer.