Sustainability Chat Summary, November 8, 2024

The WordPress Sustainabilitysustainability Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs Chat meeting took place on 08-11-2024 12:00 UTC on the Sustainability channel of Make WordPress Slack.

🗓️ Agenda

You can check the initial agenda here.

1️⃣ News and updates

No news during this meeting.

➡️ Looking for feedback

2️⃣ Come and Contribute

These are some of the priority projects and tasks from our roadmap to be taken forward. Are you a newcomer? Check our good first issues.

➡️ Social and Economical Sustainability

There was a very interesting discussion arising from the open call on the new 5ftF channel at #five-for-the-future. Some of the topics brought to the conversation were:

  • The lack of structure of the contributors representation which makes it difficult for contributors to make decisions and influence the direction of the project.
  • Why people do not make contributions that can be tracked as 5ftF.
  • proposal (draft) for a cross-CMS working group.
  • Relationship between a useful and well-structured funding system for contributors and good coordination between contributor representation and governance.
  • Governance models options and examples.
  • The role of Sustainability Team on this.

➡️ Environmental Sustainability

  • A new document has been created to start structuring the information on web sustainability guidelines for WordPress. Also, a decision on the sections is need in order to complete the structure and continue the information collection.

3️⃣ Open discussions

👥 Attendance

You can find the attendance thread here.

👉 Next meeting

We look forward to seeing you next 22-11-2024 12:00 UTC. If you have any suggestions for the next meeting agenda, please, leave a comment on this post.