Voting for Sustainability Team Reps 2023

All nominations for Sustainability Team Reps are in, and all nominees have confirmed their availability for the role. Now it is up to the community (you) to vote on your team’s representative.


The voting will occur on, the platform we agreed to use for this purpose. As mentioned during the last meeting, ideally four Team RepTeam Rep A Team Rep is a person who represents the Make WordPress team to the rest of the project, make sure issues are raised and addressed as needed, and coordinates cross-team efforts. will be elected if there’s enough people with, at least, two votes received.

Please remember that you can publicly bring up your concerns and objections towards a nominee in the #sustainability Slack channel

Next Steps

Polls are open from now on and will be closed during the meeting on 13-10-2023 11:00 UTC. Once the polls are closed, the results will be publicly announced, and we’ll check in with the winners to see if they accept the voting and want to become a Sustainability Team Reps 2023 starting on October 15th (2023).