Using User Notes

User Notes are how we keep records on particular users when necessary. These notes generally include reasons why a particular user was blocked or flagged, or specific things to watch out for when interacting with the particular user.

There are two rules for User Notes:

  • Make your note as detailed as possible, but don’t write a novel. We want to know why you left a particular note on a particular user without having to pingPing The act of sending a very small amount of data to an end point. Ping is used in computer science to illicit a response from a target server to test it’s connection. Ping is also a term used by Slack users to @ someone or send them a direct message (DM). Users might say something along the lines of “Ping me when the meeting starts.” you for more info, but we don’t want to spend all day reading it either.
  • Please add notes if necessary, rather than editing or deleting someone else’s notes. Each note is timestamped and lists who added it, and each user can have multiple notes. This will allow us to keep a running history of a particular user, rather than wiping out their history each time we want to add to it.

Leaving a User Note is simple. You can either open the user’s forum profile, or click “Toggle user notes” next to the user when viewing a topic, and fill in the User Notes field. Again, please make your note as detailed as possible, but don’t write a novel.

If you toggle user notes from within a topic reply, a reference to where the note was written is created, and other moderators can quickly return to the post reply by clicking the timestamp under a report to view the full set of events that led to the user note being created.

The resulting note is timestamped and lists who added it. The note can also be edited or deleted. Again, each user can have multiple notes, so please add notes if necessary, rather than editing or deleting someone else’s notes.

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