In July 2023, new functionality was added to the forums which allows anyone with the moderator role or above to reply to a thread anonymously, under a generic moderator
username. This can be done by checking the box next to Post this reply anonymously as @moderator.
This is what it looks like to non-moderators:
Other moderators are still able to see who posted:
Posting anonymously is optional, but offers several benefits. It offers privacy for moderators, and some protection from being contacted directly in SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at or outside the forums – such as via a contact form on their own website – reducing the potential for harassment of moderators.
It can also help provide a unified voice to help better educate and familiarize posters with the forum guidelines.
Email and Slack Notifications
At the moment, @
pings do not trigger any email or Slack modifications, but the moderator who responded to a thread anonymously is automatically subscribed to the thread by email. (Email functionality pending – please check threads manually for now.)