Summary for August 19th Support Meeting

The weekly support meeting was held on Thursday, August 19th, 2021, 17:00 UTC in #forums on SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at Read the transcript in at your own pace (a Slack account is required)

Community headlines and updates

With the current situation being what it is for many people around the world, the support team will approach removal requests with more leniency going forward.

Following the example of other online services (such as the internet archives) in accommodating requests for removal of information that may be used to identify vulnerable individuals or groups of people. Although the support team has always been open to removing any information which may pose a safety risk to someone, there’s been a burden of proof for the need of this on the person or persons asking. In moving away from this, and instead acknowledging that not everyone is comfortable explaining why something needs to be removed, we hope to provide an even safer space for all.

WordPress 5.8

There’s not been identified, or reported, any major recurring issues with WordPress 5.8, that aren’t already known to the coreCore Core is the set of software required to run WordPress. The Core Development Team builds WordPress. team and being traced via tickets at this time.

More frequent support updates

Since the support updates are often very repetitive in what goes on, we’ve tried to only make summary posts when something that needs to be communicated happens. This does unfortunately lead to long periods of radio silence, which the team wishes to do something about, so moving forward we’ll try to do monthly summary posts as well any summary for meetings which cover important topics.

And in closing to this summary post, yours truly brings a lovely song, this time in Norwegian, I’ll leave it at that and let the melody speak for it self.

“Fem Minutter” by Aleksander Walkmann and Agnes Stock