June 6th Support Team Meeting Summary

First up, our weekly call to see if there’s anyone new around who’d like to help lead the support group at WordCamp Europe during their Contributor Day (https://2019.europe.wordcamp.org/contributor-day/).

It’s a great way to start getting more involved, the tasks are mainly helping get new folks situated and familiarized with the tools we use and how to navigate the places we help users. Feel free to send @clorith a DM if this sounds like it might be interesting, or you just want more details.

On the note of leadership, if that’s something you’re interested in, we’re looking to do some leadership training within the WordPress community, we’re currently taking input on the documentation and processes, and judging interest, you can find more about that at https://make.wordpress.org/updates/2019/06/03/team-lead-interest-post/

Checking in with international liaisons

Members from our Swedish, Russian, Dutch, Italian, Indian, Spanish and Greek communities were present for this weeks chats.

Open floor

Awhile back there was talk of a support appreciation day or something of the sort. Did that ever go anywhere outside of the idea phase?

Just an idea phase for now, although it’s been mentioned a few times since and if anyone wants to help put together a plan here, the support team is looking for volunteers. A Google Docs has been made public to help with collaboration on this.

Read the meeting transcript in the Slack archives. (A Slack account is required)
