March 21st Support Team Meeting Summary

We had a relatively quiet gathering this week, looking towards the next WordPress release.

We will be going through and assigning Support Contributor and Support Team badges this coming week, so if you’re a representative for a part of our wonderful and widespread support community, please feel free to reach out to @clorith and he will help you facilitate things if you’re ready for the various badges (or if you don’t know and would like more details).

This is a recurring process, so don’t worry if you’re not ready, or just missed the time slow, this time around. We’ll be doing this again!

Checking in with international liaisons

We had members of the Portuguese, Hindi, Italian, Russian, Swedish, Serbian, Greek, Dutch, Indian and Angolan communities present during this weeks chat.

A new community in Angolia was launched recently over at

It was a wonderfully diverse gathering, and we would love to have more of you join us, so if you are from any non-English speaking communities, please consider joining us for the weekly meeting to let us know how things are going, share your experiences, we’ll share ours. And perhaps there’s something we can help each other with to help grow.

Open floor

@matteospi shared how he is working on a community-driven course/event at his local High School in Italy, which sounds like an exciting project!

If you’re looking to do similar things, the Training Team has a few resources available.

Read the meeting transcript in the Slack archives. (A Slack account is required)
