March 14th Support Team Meeting Summary

General announcements

First up, just a reference to a cross-posted article on organizatory tasks in the community in general, which is worth a read, it’ll get some more details moving forward though, you can find it at

Second on the agenda, last call for strings on Health Check, I’ll start putting them in tonight/tomorrow. We’ve already got some valuable copy editing input yesterday as well, and a huge shout out to those of you who have been working on that!

The ticket for it can be found at which also has the link to the google doc for colaborative commenting

How we do attendance

After a bit of discussion, we’ve come to the conclusion that although attendance was useful previously, to help ensuring important information was shared and procedure changes were acknowledged, we now have better tools for this.

Attendance also had some negative effects, causing double pings on summary posts, and implied only those who attended the meetings had a say. Input is still very valuable, and appreciated, on our make/support posts, and outside of meeting hours as well.

Checking in with international liaisons

We had representatives from the Netherlands, Russia, Sweden, Greece, India, Italy and Spain.

If you’re from any other part of the world, and would like to participate, let us know how things are going, or just have questions or concerns we can help with, please join our weekly meetings and we would love to meet you!

Open floor

We’re still hoping to organize a form of Support appreciation day, and the pre-planning is happening in a google doc page. If you would like to help organize or get this going, please reach out either via DM on slackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at to @clorith, or leave a comment on the post relating to it.

Read the meeting transcript in the Slack archives. (A Slack account is required)

Whatever it takes.
