January 17th Support Team Meeting Summary

General announcements

After looking at the feedback on the summary post, I think we’ll be keeping it as it is at this moment (with auto-completion only of topic participants), although a handful of you said you’d find it useful, that’s not a large portion of users, so we’ll see how this goes for now.

Next up, our support handbook could do with a bit of attention. We’re looking into doing an audit on the content, organizational structure and internal linking to make it easier to use, and easier to find what you need, when you need it. As currently there’s a lot of text walls, and it is also lacking some important information relating to rosetta sites which we would like to include.

The plan is, barring any objections, to start preparations after next weeks meeting, and to perform it via GitHubGitHub GitHub is a website that offers online implementation of git repositories that can easily be shared, copied and modified by other developers. Public repositories are free to host, private repositories require a paid subscription. GitHub introduced the concept of the ‘pull request’ where code changes done in branches by contributors can be reviewed and discussed before being merged be the repository owner. https://github.com/, much like the recent support guidelines update.

Checking in with international liaisons

Representatives from the Swedish, Italian, Russian, Dutch, Spanish communities were present during this weeks chat.


@clorith, @joyously, @t-p, @sterndata, @fierevere, @luciano1969, @bcworkz, @binarywc, @RDD, @firoz2456, @vincek1, @howdy_mcgee, @myselfkhayer, @numeeja, @bethannon1, @jdembowski, @jeroenrotty, @tobifjellner, @cristianozanca, @bph, @macmanx, @bhargavmehta and @fernandot attended.

Read the meeting transcript in the Slack archives. (A Slack account is required)

One is happy as a result of one’s own efforts once one knows the necessary ingredients of happiness: simple tastes, a certain degree of courage, self-denial to a point, love of work, and above all, a clear conscience.

George Sand, a French writer, 1804-1876
