General announcements
Core Core is the set of software required to run WordPress. The Core Development Team builds WordPress. is looking for help in testing the new code editors, if you are able, please test the beta plugin if you can.
Part of the drive here is to improve user education that this is a place they shouldn’t touch unless they are confident in what they are doing, and also adding more failsafes to make it harder for them to break their site.
That being said though, we know that there is no such thing as a fool proof solution, so the more potential issues we can weed out before release, the less issues we will experience in the forums after release. We are the first line of support alongside hosts own support and hand-holding a broken site from code edits is never easy, many times so when they’re not familiar with editing code outside of wp-admin.
Debug page in core
A new info.php
page for core is ticketed and in the works, providing information about a users setup (think WooCommerce’s system status page) with easy copy-paste fields for putting the information straight into forum posts.
Input on what fields are of interest when providing support, as well as what information is valuable to the site owner, but not necessary something you’d want to post on the internet is also of interest in this case, if you have input on the matter please leave comments on the ticket (it’s gained a bit of traction after our meeting, which pleases me greatly).
Checking in with international support liaisons
The Italian, German, Swedish, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish communities are doing well, and more locales are getting upgraded to bbPress Free, open source software built on top of WordPress for easily creating forums on sites. 2.x!
Other business
There is a need for a page template on the new forum theme for providing a table of contents/easily link section for pages such as the forum guidelines, along the lines of what the handbooks have currently.
The guidelines in them selves (both on the international forum and the rosetta sites) are ever living documents and are revised as the need arise.
@anevins, @bdbrown, @bethannon1, @clorith, @cristianozanca, @diddledan, @fierevere, @glorialchemica, @hideokamoto, @jcastaneda, @jdembowski, @josearcos, @keesiemeijer, @kenshino, @macmanx, @mjjojo, @numeeja, @pmfonseca, @polkadotcreations, @stephencottontail, @sterndata, @t-p, @tobifjellner, @zodiac1978 and @zoonini attended.
Read the meeting transcript in the Slack archives. (A Slack account is required)