April 27th Support Team Meeting Summary


WordPress 4.7.4

We have nothing new to add to the known issues for 4.7 this week.

Auto-Closing Old Topics

We have been noticing an increase in “me too” replies on very old topics, and remembered that topics used to auto-close after a year prior to our move to bbPressbbPress Free, open source software built on top of WordPress for easily creating forums on sites. https://bbpress.org. 2. Work is underway to restore that functionality in Meta Ticket 2265.

We may consider decreasing the threshold to something like 6 months, but we’re going to see if things improve with the old functionality restored first.

Checkin with International Support Liaisons


@macmanx @clorith @vishalmukadam @liamdempsey @bcworkz @pr0v4 @erricgunawan @lasacco @jdembowski @cristianozanca @bdbrown @keesiemeijer @geoffreyshilling @sterndata @danhgilmore @lujeffcoat @t-p @stephencottontail @numeeja @francescodicandia @alchymyth @glorialchemica @sergeybiryukov @abletec @anevins @hardeepasrani @zoonini @bethannon1 @kenshino attended

Read the meeting transcript in the Slack archives. (A Slack account is required)
