February 23rd Support Team Meeting Summary


  • The Theme Review Team is looking for FAQ suggestions.
  • Please make sure that you’re using the latest Also Viewing script, released about a month ago (and updated a few days ago to make the banner sticky).

WordPress 4.7.2

We have nothing new to add to the known issues for 4.7 this week.

2017 Community Summit

The next Community Summit has been announced, and we have been collecting support-related topics and issues for discussion in the comments of this post. We will continue to collect proposals for one more week, so please leave a proposal soon if you have one.

Additionally, if you did not attend the meeting today, but would be able to be in Paris on June 13 and 14 as a part of the Support Team, please DM @macmanx in SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform https://slack.com/. The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at https://make.wordpress.org/chat/.. (There will likely be a chance for scholarships and sponsorships, but please assume for now that you will need to pay for your own travel and lodging expenses. If you would like to attend, but finances are a problem, please feel free to let me know know and we’ll see what we can do.)

And last, but certainly not least, a big thanks to @clorith and @bethannon1 for offering to help with organizing the event!

Checkin with International Support Liaisons


@macmanx @bcworkz @ipstenu @bdbrown @cristianozanca @kmessinger @numeeja @hardeepasrani @lasacco @kidsguide @jdembowski @sterndata @wido @keesiemeijer @lukecavanagh @zoonini @bethannon1 @t-p @stephencottontail @sergeybiryukov @logankipp @pmfonseca @clorith @fierevere attended

Read the meeting transcript in the Slack archives. (A Slack account is required)
