January 26th Support Team Meeting Summary


WordPress 4.7.2

We have nothing new to add to the known issues for 4.7 this week.

New Forum Welcome (and link placement)

Thanks to @ipstenu, the Forum Welcome has officially moved to the Handbook, and after a great discussion on how to do it, a link to it has been added to the new forum theme.

Better “No Topics” Wording

When no topics are found, the forum currently reports “Oh bother! No topics were found here!” so we had a great discussion about how to improve that wording. Though we didn’t vote for anything specific, we rallied around something like “No topics found. Try a different search or start a new post.”

It gets the message across simply without any cultural limerick like “Oh bother!” (and is thus easier to translate), and offers two simple suggestions for what to do next.

2017 Community Summit

The next Community Summit has been announced, and we are collecting support-related topics and issues for discussion in the comments of this post.

Checkin with International Support Liaisons


@macmanx @clorith @bcworkz @sergeybiryukov @bethannon1 @lasacco @sterndata @liamdempsey @wido @t-p @bdbrown @cristianozanca @fierevere @kmessinger @numeeja @jdembowski @stephencottontail @abletec @zoonini @keesiemeijer @kidsguide @lukecavanagh @hideokamoto @kenshino @pmfonseca @otto42 @samuelsidler @zodiac1978 @jcastaneda @danhgilmore attended

Read the meeting transcript in the Slack archives. (A Slack account is required)
