December 22nd Support Team Meeting Summary


WordPress 4.7

We have nothing new to add to the known issues for 4.7.

New Forum Theme

The new forum theme is almost ready for its official launch, so please continue to test the forum redesign!

To start the fun, simply visit

It works off of a cookie, so if you need to switch back, simply visit

If you find anything broken, please open a ticket in Meta Trac (after searching first, of course) under the Support Forums component, and prepend the ticket’s title with “Support Theme:”. You can also use this pre-made query for viewing reported issues.

Checkin with International Support Liaisons


Due to an issue on Slack’s end, emoji reactions were down for some participants, and we also noticed that a few messages disappeared at some point during the meeting. Because of this, we have decided not to list attendance this week.

Read the meeting transcript in the Slack archives. (A Slack account is required)
