October 13th Support Team Meeting Summary


  • Please consider sharing feedback on the forum redesign mockups.
  • Please consider looking over these proposals for 4.7, as we’re less than 2 weeks from the first betaBeta A pre-release of software that is given out to a large group of users to trial under real conditions. Beta versions have gone through alpha testing in-house and are generally fairly close in look, feel and function to the final product; however, design changes often occur as part of the process..

WordPress 4.6.1

We had nothing new to add to the known issues for WordPress 4.6.1.

Forum Upgrade Status

The official ETA is that everything will be done when it’s done.

We have nothing to add to our list of things that would be nice for Moderators and other volunteers to have and the list of known issues at this time.

In good news though, we would love to announce that those with Keymaster access can now bulk-spam topics and replies from wp-admin, so if there’s ever a really crazy spam flood, ask for a Keymaster in #forums on SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform https://slack.com/. The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at https://make.wordpress.org/chat/. (there should be one available at most times).

Reminder on Some “How to Moderate” Things

Despite this handbook page on moderation in the new forums, and this overview of working in the moderation queues, it would appear that some key points are being ignored.

  • Do not trashTrash Trash in WordPress is like the Recycle Bin on your PC or Trash in your Macintosh computer. Users with the proper permission level (administrators and editors) have the ability to delete a post, page, and/or comments. When you delete the item, it is moved to the trash folder where it will remain for 30 days./delete/archive spam. Spam is spam and should be marked as Spam and sent to the Spam queue, where it will remain until Akismet automatically removes it on its schedule (something like 15 days).
  • Do not unapprove things. This sends them back into the Pending queue, which really should be empty at all times (those items older than 2 months will be cleared soon). Basically, Unapproving something means that another Moderator has to take time to figure out what to do with it, and they might just re-approve it. If you come across something live that is spam, mark it as Spam. If you come across something live that shouldn’t be there but is not Spam (duplicates and other junk), use the Archive option. Archive is the new Delete. (@jmdodd will address this tonight by removing the Unapprove option)
  • Announce when you are working with spam and/or pending in #forums on Slack, and announce when you are done. The actions are currently hard toggles, meaning that two people clicking “Approve” in the Pending queue simply sends the item right back to the Pending queue. (this will be fixed eventually)

In addition to the above, and obviously related to the situation, please remember that the Moderator role requires “attending as many meetings as possible within reason,” and in addition please subscribe to Make/Support. Being aware of new information as we all learn how best to moderate the forums will avoid a lot of unnecessary overlap and duplication of efforts.

Checkin with International Support Liaisons


@macmanx @clorith @jmdodd @bdbrown @kidsguide @gagan0123 @sterndata @zoonini @keesiemeijer @numeeja @dartiss @cristianozanca @d4z_c0nf @geoffreyshilling @songdogtech @stephencottontail @ipstenu @kenshino @t-p @gmosso @casiepa @netweb @sergeybiryukov @lukecavanagh @jdembowski @jcastaneda @bcworkz @abletec @cais @otto42 @danhgilmore attended.

Read the meeting transcript in the Slack archives. (A Slack account is required)
