Agenda for May 19 Support Team Meeting

I’m gonna do an experiment and will be tagging others to help with formulating a more meaningful agenda

* WordPress 4.5.2, how’s it looking so far? – @hideokamoto @sergeybiryukov @pmfonseca @zodiac1978 @imazed @cristianozanca – Support Liaisons, would you like to share your experience from the rosetta forums?
* Image embeds on forums – @otto42
* IRC Updates – @stevesterndatacom
* Do we allow hosting threads in Forums related to the hosting page
* AOB – @clorith @jcastaneda @justingreerbbi @ipstenu @jdembowski @kmessinger @kidsguide @hardeepasrani @visserlabs @zooini @geoffreyshilling @bethannon1 @gagan0123 @tnash @alchymyth @lindsaybsc @fristopher @pixolin @edegaru @esmi @anevins @keesiemeijer @songdogtech @daviduzelac @catacaustic @adeline @stephencottontail @bcworkz @rossmitchell @numeeja @abletec – Anything you guys want to raise up?

There is also an open invitation to anyone who wants to raise up a Support, Forum or IRC issue, whether or not you’re a team member 🙂 Join us!