December 10th Support Team Meetup Summary

New Support Team Representative

“Everyone? Meet @macmanx. He’s going to be driving from now on and me and @ipstenu will continue to help as needed. Please be real nice to him and support him. He’s very cool.” – @jdembowski

WordPress 4.4

Common confusions and known issue are being collected the master list and updated with new information whenever possible. To avoid having to maintain two lists, I’ll just link to that instead. 🙂

Make a Release Day Checklist

We forgot something important this time, our favorite thread title for the master list actually breaks the link. We knew this last time, but we never formalized a checklist, so we forgot.

Now, we have a Release Day Checklist in our handbook.

No More Chatter in #forums During Release

All of the chatter, mostly due to excitement, made it difficult to focus on what mattered. In order to keep #forums filled with only the useful release information and open to collaboration with other teams, we will suspend (or relocate) chatter and go Full Business Mode in #forums for a period of 24 hours once #core starts their pre-release testing on the day of.

New Forums Administrator

Welcome to the team, @imazed!

Support Team Future

James is going to try to be as consistent as he can with DMing admins, moderators, and top volunteers one-on-one every few weeks. Just to touch base, see how everyone is doing, and see what he can do to help people. It will be safe space, say whatever you need to.

Next, James is going to be reaching out to the international mentors to establish contacts with someone on each international support team. We’d like to grow a more effective partnership with them, and find some way for us to share knowledge, ideas, and even workload (like those bbPress plugins we need to convert before moving to bbPressbbPress Free, open source software built on top of WordPress for easily creating forums on sites. 2).

Both of those are starting December 14th.

Finally, we’re making as commitment to reaching out to awesome forum volunteers on SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at, thanking them for what they do, and inviting them to hang out in #forums.

Read the meetup transcript in the Slack archives. (A Slack account is required)
