Summit Action Items!

One of the things discussed was ‘Action Items’ which are simple tasks we need to do, as a group or individuals! Support’s are interesting. Support is bigger than just Forums/IRC/StackEchange (where I feel I excel). To that end, we’re going to branch out and people will become the lead for subgroups. First up?

New Leads

General Support Lead: Mika

Group “Leads”:

  • Forums: Mika & Jan
  • Codex: Andrea R
  • Handbooks: Siobhan
  • Teach: Christine

Now don’t panic. I’m not leaving, but one of the many issues with the team reps is we’re spread too thin, and I need to do a little less to get more done. Anything not named directly falls under ‘support’, so even though I consider Rarst to be the StackExchange lead, it’d probably go through me for now.

These people were picked based on current activity in their fields, as well as their passions. This is our first step, however, and by no means the only or the final, so I’m sure things will continue to grow and change. I’m still the ‘lead’ here, so if you need a big stick, I’m a tweet/email away!

Also leads is really not the right word here. They’re just ‘People who are going to seed groups as they branch off into their own.’ Obviously teaching and documentation aren’t ‘support’ and really don’t belong here at all. More sites coming soon? Oh yes.

To Do List

  1. Moving the Handbooks to The community site where WordPress code is created and shared by the users. This is where you can download the source code for WordPress core, plugins and themes as well as the central location for community conversations and organization. – Yeah! That’s the new home! As soon as we have learn sorted out (@nacin knows) we’ll get this going.
  2. Videos, videos, videos! This will probably branch off on it’s own, but we want to include videos. If you’re interested in reviewing videos, we’re going to be collecting names etc soon to help out on – Be aware, this will be a lot of work, but even if you can view one or two videos a day, we’re golden. Andrea M will be in on this, don’t worry.
  3. Teaching. For this we have Christine, who will be in charge of our collecting, reviewing, and posting on learn. More on that as soon as we sort out the learn sites with @nacin (probably
  4. Pulling in info from the codex to learn, and leaving the codex as more ‘for developers’ and learn as ‘how to’ will be lead by Andrea R, and to that end I added in a ‘Hey cool person!’ message at the bottom of every codex page when you edit it.

Attribution (Credit, Etc.)

I sat in on ‘Non-Code Contributions to WordPress’ and took notes about the different ways people contribute to coreCore Core is the set of software required to run WordPress. The Core Development Team builds WordPress. (of which the folks here are a major one). Nacin and I also sat down and banged about the best way to separate the people who code from the people who are awesome in non-code ways, because they are different and deserve different recognition. First of all, we’re going to clarify the ‘Credits’ page on WP installs to make it clear that’s for code contributions — this is in-line with how other Open-Source products handle that. Then we’re going to sort out the best way to do an ‘about’ page to include the community.

Rest assured, you are all really hugely important, and if you every feel like you’re not valued, know this: Thank you. All of you. Even if you did one thing this year, you helped. I appreciate you all.

Other Things…

Some of the topics you asked me to bring up I did, and they will show up in the other Make Blogs, so stay tuned to how we change up the front page of Make. Don’t forget to check out Make Meta while you’re at it!

I may be missing things, and some ALL of this is in flux. Remember, release then iterate!