RSVPs So Far

136 Invited, 105 RSVPs via the form. 77 Yes, 25 Maybe, 3 No. There are also a few others who emailed me, commented on Twitter, or pinged on skype instead of using the form. Officially, invitees have another week to RSVP with the form, but it would be great to get them in sooner if possible. If you’re not sure yet, RSVPing as a Maybe is a valid response, and we’ll follow up with you.

These are the people who haven’t RSVPed (or pinged me) yet that I’m mildly wondering if I sent the invite to an outdated email address:
Adii Pienaar, Alex Rabe, Chris Pearson, Chris Wallace, Clay Griffiths, Diana (Katayama) Cury, Drew Strojny, Elliot Condon, Japheth Thomson, Jason Schuller, Johan “Spocke” Sörlin, Justin Tadlock, Kevinjohn Gallagher, Kuraishi, Milan Dinic, Miyoshi Takayuki, Nitzan Miron, Vid Luther, Will P Davis

If you know any of the people on this mini-list, if you wanted to make sure they got the email invite, that would be a help. If you discover anyone from this list didn’t get their email, please let me know the best way to reach them so we can rectify that. Thanks!
