Community Summit Discussion Notes: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) for all Make Teams

From the session schedule:

This discussion will focus on how the WordPress project can welcome and sustain a diverse pool of contributors to all Make Teams. What are teams currently doing, and what practices can be brought to the whole project? What new practices, resources, support should be introduced?

Perspectives needed: Current and aspiring Make Teams members interested in DEIB.

Facilitator: Birgit Olzem (@coachbirgit)

Notetaker: david wolfpaw (@wolfpaw)

Notetaker: Bigul Malayi (@mbigul)

Notetaker: Taco Verdonschot (@tacoverdo)

Raw Notes:


  • What is DEIB? Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging.
  • Current state of DEIB in the WordPress project
  • Potential Improvement
  • Collaboration and Support
  • Scope of a DEIB Team?
  • The project today: how the WordPress project can welcome and include a diverse team of makers across all teams.
  • Equity is to ensure that we have the opportunity to give underrepresented groups the same opportunities that already represented groups have.
  • How do we honor the very best of this community? How do we bring people in and feel as welcome and included in our spaces as possible? What can we do to address things that prevent that from happening?
  • We would like members of this community to reflect how diversity in the world exists in the many local communities within our global community.
  • We want to have a diverse mindset
  • Belonging is a new word as part of the acronym. It makes me think of the premise of this discussion: sustain. It is great to have belonging because while we can make this community open, how do we ensure that their needs are continued to be met while as part of this community. I believe that Belonging is representative of that goal. Not only surface things but being able to sustain your presence there.
  • A group of four of us outside noted that we were all from four separate continents. The WordPress community can be an example of making the world more open and peaceful, and bringing the dream of open sourceOpen Source Open Source denotes software for which the original source code is made freely available and may be redistributed and modified. Open Source **must be** delivered via a licensing model, see GPL. to things like politics. I fell in love with the WP community years ago because of that.
  • When we talk about DEIB we have to talk about what the barriers of access for different people. Some of us do not have as much ability to easily access spaces for different reasons. The access for everybody is not the same, and e have to look at that and consider how we individually provide accessibilityAccessibility Accessibility (commonly shortened to a11y) refers to the design of products, devices, services, or environments for people with disabilities. The concept of accessible design ensures both “direct access” (i.e. unassisted) and “indirect access” meaning compatibility with a person’s assistive technology (for example, computer screen readers). ( We also acknowledge that it is not free to do this, for instance adding ramps. We have to invest resources, not just human, but financial, to ensure that events are accessible to everyone, through things like sponsorships and financial support and reaching out to underrepresented groups.
  • Diversity is special to us. India is a land of languages. Different languages, culture, food. The WordPress community is an ecosystem that has allowed many people to come and contribute. There is a communication issue but discussing this will help the community to learn and improve.
  • Seconding that Belonging is important. It is one thing to have DEI, but Belonging brings it full circle.
  • This community is very open. Some people do not know if they will have a place in the WP community and it is great to show that everyone can belong here. I can do what I do here without being judged by my background or what I look like.
  • I want to acknowledge that we have come a long way in this community. Sometimes it is easy to say, “we’ve done it, we’ve created a space”, but as a community what we haven’t quite done yet is have some of the invisible inclusions. We need to be honest about where we are and aren’t inclusive yet. We don’t want people to have to share their invisible inclusion, but be able to show up and already have space for them. Whatever person you see in front of you, you should not judge their ability or situation.
  • I grew up in India and lived my adult life in the US. I worked in the corporate world before WP, and sometimes I was the only female among white, male developers. It was hard to get that sense of belonging there. I am generally a quiet person, and for folks who are quieter and introverts you don’t feel as left out in the WordPress community. People welcome you and it is very different between this community and the corporate world.
  • We have a variety of diversity, inclduing people from many countries coming here, and finding it enjoyable. It gives me hope because I have been in other technology communities as the lone woman and designer in a room of developers who are men. WordPress has many things to be improved, as any other community. But this community gives me the feeling that things can be changed. I asked a question and it became a team. WordPress has the ability to evolve and improve, and there is an opportunity to make changes that can be little or make great, big things.
  • I love to hear the positive stories about where we are, but for me the diversity and inclusion part is about who is not in this room, and who is not at a WordCampWordCamp WordCamps are casual, locally-organized conferences covering everything related to WordPress. They're one of the places where the WordPress community comes together to teach one another what they’ve learned throughout the year and share the joy. Learn more.. Someone posted yesterday that they do not feel welcome or safe at WordCamps. We should not ignore this and despite how far we’ve come and how diverse the group is, we cannot stop realizing that there is so much more work to do before everyone feels welcome.
  • What is our status in diversity, not only on events, but within Make team collaborations. Where are the differences between the global and local Make teams, and do you see any interference or points.
  • Local communities are disconnected from Make itself. It is a challenge to introduce a local community to what we do as the WordPress project. A lot of people at local Meetups are seeking help, and a majority of the time it is walking them through a problem, not introducing them to what the WordPress volunteer project does. It creates a sgnificant challenge in introducing more people to the WordPress project.
  • If we are talking about Diversity and Inclusion, we have to talk about it in the MeetupMeetup All local/regional gatherings that are officially a part of the WordPress world but are not WordCamps are organized through A meetup is typically a chance for local WordPress users to get together and share new ideas and seek help from one another. Searching for ‘WordPress’ on will help you find options in your area. community. How do leaders include you, how safe do you feel, and how do they ensure that you return because you feel welcome and safe enough. If you return over time you will learn about the Community and Make teams.
  • How do we handle bad actors in and outside of the community?
  • One of the significant barriers of having people involved is the language barrier. A lot of the Make pages are only in English, and a lot of people cannot read English. Polyglots cannot increase participation in the project because of the language barrier. Many people who don’t speak English do not feel comfortable reaching out about getting involved. How do we get the non-English community feel more welcome to get involved.
  • Translation tools have been very helpful for me to get involved as a non-English speaker
  • WordPress is very open to join, but it is hard to stay for some people. The belonging is not there for everybody. WordPress a toxic positivity problem. We try to make narratives to change minds to get people who are prejudiced to be involved. There are people who cannot be here because their abusers are here. I do not feel safe at conferences where I have spoken out about racism, sexism, and homophobia. It got bad enough that if some people have not stood up for me I would not still be here. How do we do that for everybody? I am one person who stayed, but there are people leaving and losing diversity because people are scared. When people do things and make mistakes we should do something, and we cannot let bad actors blossom in the community. They are not even the best of the community. We have to be strong and speak up but it should not be on us to do so. People don’t want to be calling out their friends, but you should be the one doing so, as you have a better chance of changing them than a stranger. We are a global community. When it is positive it should be global, and when it is negative we should be global.
  • Where does the Code of Conduct apply, and where doesn’t it? Where can we apply things and where can we not? As a community, people can come out and do things, but where as WordPress can we come out and regulate and mandate, and where do we have influence? We have a lot of issues because of this.
  • I am new to WordPress and I am more of an observer. It is a hard place to get more diverse. Unfortunately the people who run the events can take over the conversation sometimes. As an educator I want to make sure that you are included and will try to call you to come into the conversation to ensure that you are heard. It is ok if you come and are lurking but we have people who tend to take over conversations and ensuring that we introduce ourselves to people to get them involved.
  • I have tried getting involved in some teams but onboarding is hard, and it took time to build my confidence to speak up a bit more. Everything is a learning moment. We should be learning every day to be better and support people around us.
  • Instead of organizing a Meetup sometimes we will do things like have a coffee chat or at a sponsor office. Sometimes instead of having a session we will just have talks so that people can be part of a group and we try to bring in newcomers. Most of the people coming to Meetups are coming for their own personal goals. We will try to accommodate them so that they return for the next Meetup and next event. We tell people that if you are attending a Meetup you are a part of the community. We tell people that you do not have to think that you have to be a programmer to be a contributor to an open source project. We tell people to come, write documentation, translate a few strings, post a video. We want people to feel safe to be part of the community. We also have events like parties, and organize in a WhatsApp group. This is going good. We want to have different contributor days, for specific groups and types of contributions, like coreCore Core is the set of software required to run WordPress. The Core Development Team builds WordPress. one day, and documentation another.
  • How do we deal with something that happens when someone is being intolerant? Should we ask them not to come
  • I have held events where we have threatened to be sued. We have to take someone’s free speech into consideration, and there is a fine line that you have to draw. You don’t want to position yourself where you lose everything when someone pushes the right buttons. You can speak up and say that you don’t feel comfortable, but to tell someone “leave” is a very slippery slope. It is hard to keep ourselves in a way that we do not have to deal with legal issues.
  • We have had issues with someone at our events who had made physical threats to members of our team, in part because of our marginalized status. We already had issues with this person and WordCamp CentralWordCamp Central Website for all WordCamp activities globally. includes a list of upcoming and past camp with links to each. was aware of them. But it took too many meetings, one-on-ones and finally having threats made in a written format that could be shared before something was done.
  • There is a lot of talk about regulation of social media right now for how it influences children. It is hard to see when it is something that you were not born into to see how that works. The current political climate is how we have had a presidency that for four years folks emboldened to say whatever they wanted to say. Before what was unacceptable to say, or only said behind an avatarAvatar An avatar is an image or illustration that specifically refers to a character that represents an online user. It’s usually a square box that appears next to the user’s name., is no longer unacceptable to say. It now becomes legally ok to say things. There are other parts of the world where there are other similar political issues.
  • Some people engage and organize online, and some people do so via their local communities.
  • The world has a variety of different laws, but we have to tailor based on what some parts of the world define for ourselves, such as GDPR in the EU, and their position making us shift accordingly. Depending on where you are in the world you may not have those checks and balances. There are a lot of things that I see about where you are breaking the law. We don’t just have to deal with various cultures, but also with various legalities around the world.
  • There was a member in our community who wanted sign language interpreters and it had to be with a specific company. This person was very vocally threatening with me about it. I had to have conversations with Central about how to handle it, because they can handle the legality but myself as an individual I cannot handle that.
  • When we look at someone we cannot tell if they are all seeing the same things to consider as we are.
  • The biggest thing that I wanted to bring into the conversation was the idea of community responsibility. Not just what the Community team does about bad actors, but what we as community members do. There’s a level of respect, curiosity, and response that I think is a default in WordPress community interactions. One of the strengths that we have as part of a diverse community is that we can continually learn from people who have different backgrounds and experiences. If we are not growing and adjusting we are not learning. The community has grown tremendously in accepting others, but we are going to see those bad actors. What can we do as a community but also individually in doing something about those bad actors.
  • If you want to make people feel like they belonging, what do we as a community do about bad actors? We cannot just let it go. Personally I would not feel that I belong and feel relaxed in an environment where I do not feel like a human being. We need to do things to protect the community in our Code of Conduct.
  • We could come up with a digital policy for the Code of Conduct for how people interact digitally around the community.
  • Your freedom does not allow you to interfere with other people’s freedoms.
  • Punishment could be applied for specific infractions, and what people can do, for instance being banned from events for a specific timeframe.
  • We had an incident a few years ago where someone had to be banned for a year and is not going to be an organizer when brought back.
  • Respect others. It is not ok to attack other people online.
  • We do have a community-wide Code of Conduct that does address both in-person community spaces, and online community spaces as well. It is a specific scope. Conversations on social media can become hostile and they are outside of what we consider the core of where we participate. It is challenging to consider where we can have influence from a community support perspective.
  • We have been building out this Code of Conduct as well as an Incident Response team. There is a lot that goes into reaching out to people and supporting community members as best we can. If there are edits that we want to make, we can improve it.
  • Toxic Positivity It is already big that we are talking about it, but some people have to realize that a conversation about diversity an a willingness to improve is important and not making it look like it is a fairy tale.
  • I see someone with an opinion that I absolutely do not appreciate, and is hurtful and wrong, and I see them being scolded at and attacked online by people trying to defend inclusion. It was very much counterproductive, while responses from someone saying that they want to help and educate was taken positively and agreed upon. If there is a chance to educate someone and there is a chance to do something about that and specific people don’t always have to be defending, there are ways to keep people involved and try first to have conversations with someone to show why their position is wrong and hurtful.
  • There was an incident of racism in the community and I had to talk to people that I considered friends and I thought that we’d had an understanding. But they flipped and called the reporters liars, and the incident response team stepped in and helped, but not a lot of people know about them. We found out that the person had multiple violations already. Luckily we had evidence of what these people did.
  • People can be educated and people make mistakes. But you have to be willing in good faith and honesty to take that help. The Incident Response team will step in and help, but why did it have to get to that? How can we stop it from getting to that point where people are on their fourth or fifth chances.
  • We don’t always know the right action if it is not your exclusion. Lots of instances that we are seeing time and time again where people who are marginalized have to stand up for themselves and be the ones to educate, and that is wrong. The people who are being attacked should not have to do the work, and those of us who are privileged should be stepping up, going on a quest for education, learning what support is needed, and offering it.
  • Exclusions impact greatly in a range of spaces outside of just Meetups and WordPress. Tokenism does not help in those spaces. This has happened because of a scarcity in the community spaces and I do not want that to happen.
  • Doing incident reports is one of the hardest jobs. If you love the community and have to see the not so great aspects of the community, it is hard to see. We nee
  • The amount of support that we can directly provide is limited legally, but as people we still care and want to help. Where we can help is collaborating with incident responders for knowledge share to offer support.
  • What can we do in our work to make active contributors feel seen, heard, and belonging?
  • One thing that has been done for regional conferences of a different open source project is having people specifically available both online and in person at smaller events to help with incident response. There are more people present who are not just organizers to respond to attendees in that space. We tried getting people with varied experiences. We have a response playbook that is public for events that we use when an incident occurs at the events. After the event we summarize and anonymize all of the incidents that occurred and what was done about them and publish it for transparency.
  • What would it take to proactively make events and other contributions safe for people? There are different barriers for different people and we can only know about what challenges we are facing ourselves. As much as some of us may want to contribute to events, we cannot take on certain roles. We could ask community members to fill a form to proactively address issues that they may have, to ensure that we are proactively being welcoming to those people.
  • Letting people know how they can feel going to an event, such as a tech event as an older woman who is not a developer.
  • Amplifying incident response teams. A lot of people don’t know who to go to when there are problems, with mediating, helping with people who made mistakes and want to learn, etc
  • Is there a way that we can start learning laws from different parts of the world to solve some of our challenges with a response team and education. The Incident Response team has some access to the legal team for Automattic pro-bono
  • An idea is to create advocacy and ally workshops to educate the rest of the community as to what that entails.
  • We have a Code of Conduct, but if we create a DEIB statement that says something along the lines of if you are part of a marginalized group, whether visible or invisible, you are welcome. If you
  • Three suggestions: making the language more inviting on bringing forth accessibility needs for events. Currently the form for WordCamp tickets asks you to list accessibility needs, but does not invite people who may not feel emboldened to share that those needs will be heard and a good faith effort will be made to address them. Second, trying to be transparent where possible what the limitations of a Code of Conduct would be, for things like legal reasons. Third suggestion, ensuring that a transparency report is published after events to address issues that came up, to avoid toxic positivity and ensuring that there is a bit less second and third hand reporting.
  • There is an organization called CHAOSS ( to help with open source groups, including a knowledge base with metrics around public health and safety. They have a badging system that linux events are required to go through to organize.
  • We asked people with experience organizing events to put some of that experience and ideas on things that went right and wrong in a document for others to review. Having that documentation will help others to get ideas and practical knowledge on how to improve events. My idea is to create a group around having this institutional knowledge available as a resource.
  • The pandemic gave accessibility to Meetups in an interesting ways. There are no Meetups near me, and it is hardly the most remote place. We need to create an online experience as much as possible. If you have a Meetup and can stream it and share it, please do that.
  • We have an aging contributor pool and we need to think about how to expand it to include younger contributors.
  • We need to address other things beyond just community events, such as having onboarding available in multiple accessible formats, and they are not yet. If something is available in only one format, we need to make sure that they are available in other formats to ensure that we have different contributors eventually.
  • We could publish a menu guide at WordCamps to ensure that people can attend an event and ensure that everyone has some form of food that is protein for them. We cannot expect all organizers to know what fits for a vegan or gluten free diet as an example. We could include a template for adding menus on WordCamp sites.
  • I think that we can start with something simple and concrete for how individuals can contribute.
  • One thing that we talked about is what happens when people cause bad situations but we haven’t talked about what happens when team leads are the ones that are causing problems. When someone in leadership makes disparaging comments I have to decide to ignore it or tell people to try to talk about people in different power dynamics.
  • There should be a separate process for project leadership to address power dynamics. It’s a whole different way to be held accountable. It shouldn’t just be holding them accountable, but requiring that they go through extra education, to ensure that they know a bit more.
  • We can look to other organizations that have had to deal with things done by higher ups, and see what they have published and how they have solved problems. For instance, in the Drupal project.
  • The WordPress project intentionally keeps ticket prices as low as possible to make events accessble, and we don’t cut things like captioning when the budgets don’t work. We need to share the intention about how we spend our funds to ensure that sponsors see that and
  • Future community summits could have captioning to help when people cannot as easily hear speakers. We need people to speak slowly and project and not cross-talk. Can these be part of the guidelines of events, and add specificity.
  • As a teacher, a suggestion is that we can incorporate language like, “ouch” to say when people say something harmful and stopping to address it. Or “elmo” to indicate “everybody, let’s move on” when someone is going on for too long.
  • One thing that I’ve heard over and over is that, “they should already know” for things that things that we assume that people should know, but not everyone knows. I would rather that more is put in the handbook even if we think that people should know them, so that we aren’t put in the position of having to ask uncomfortable questions.
  • Sometimes it is hard to be the person to step up and say something even as an organizer. If you are an organizer, try to recognize when people are having issues or seeing an issue and stepping up on their behalf.
  • There is a dedicated slackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at channel, #deib-working-group on the Making WordPress Slack
  • How do we honor the very best of our community? What can we do to address the things that prevent that from happening. 
  • Belonging is a new word to this acronym. It’s great to have belonging here. Because once we invited people in, how do we sustain their presence. How do we make them want to be here?
  • The WP community can be an example for the world, as we are ahead of the curve in bringing people together.
  • The WP community has never made me feel uncomfortable or unwelcome, which is a first given many communities I’ve been part of. However, DEIB is a never-ending project, because there’s always more to improve. 
  • When talking about DEIB we also have to think about barriers. Access for everyone isn’t the same. And we need to acknowledge that people can be in the majority in one aspect, but in a minority in another way. 
  • India is a land of variety. Different cultures, different languages, different foods. The WP community is a kind of ecosystem. It’s adopted many people. Everyone can come in and contribute. 
  • This community is a very open community. There’s a place for everyone in our community. I feel I can do what I do, and be who I am in this community.
  • What we haven’t quite done yet in this community is pay attention to invisible disabilities or needs. 
  • We need everybody here. 
  • We should think beyond these flagship events. Where do we see the state of our online community? What’s the state of our local communities?
  • Local communities are disconnected from Make itself. As a meetup organizer, I see that many attendees are beginners in WP. They’re not even aware there’s a global WP community. Not everyone organizing events is aware they’re then part of a team.
  • If we’re touching about D&I, we have to talk about meetups and how we’re supporting meetup organizers integrate people into those local communities. 
  • Part of DEIB means making the WP community slightly less welcome to those who are not open to DEIB. So how we deal with bad actors?
  • I want to echo the disconnect between local communities and the Make project. One of the challenges there is the language. Not everyone can speak English. This language barrier brings up the next barrier. 
  • WordPress is very open to join, but it’s hard to stay for some. The belonging is not there. If something happens, we try to out-positive it. But we seem to think that with a Disney-movie ending, it will all be fine. But in reality, it’s up to the same people over and over again to fight this fight.
  • When there’s a bad actor, yes we need to educate them, but maybe we also need. People are afraid to call out their friends, but that is what’s needed to make things better.
  • Where does the COC apply, and where does it not? Where can regulate, and where can we only influence?
  • Everything is a learning moment. We should be working every day to improve ourselves. 
  • Most people who come to our meetups are mainly looking for help. Most of them are in a learning curve. So oftentimes we organize meetups that a basically a chit-chat, instead of doing a session. We also continue to tell people they don’t have to be a programmer. 
  • When someone is crossing a border about inclusivity, is telling them not to come to an event non-inclusive?
  • [General response] No. 
  • As an organizer, there was a prior attendee who made me and other feel physically unsafe. That made organizing very difficult. It was challenging at the time to get the support we felt we needed. It was disheartening that it came to the point where it needed to escalate to a physical threat via email before action was taken.
  • We have generations that didn’t spend the majority of their life on social media. It’s important to recognize that there is a generation that is completely influenced by social media.
  • We are in a situation where things that in the past were only said from behind an anonymous avatar online are now said in-person, due to changes in the cultural and political climate.
  • We’re a world-wide community, but we’re not dealing with the same laws everywhere. So beyond different cultures, we’re also facing different legal structures.
  • If you want to make the community more diverse, we have to respond to bad actors. We can’t let it go. We need to protect the people we want to keep in the community.
  • We do have a community code of conduct, that addresses both online and offline parts of our community. Sometimes it’s outside of the scope of what we (WP) can regulate. WP does have an Incident Response Team that’s handling COC violations within WordPress. The community site where WordPress code is created and shared by the users. This is where you can download the source code for WordPress core, plugins and themes as well as the central location for community conversations and organization.
  • Create more awareness for the IRT. 
  • Create list of things that make people feel unsafe/unwelcome. 
  • Create an inclusivity statement that we publish in our community to help people understand expected behavior. 
  • Create a (non-exhaustive) overview of the spaces where we can interact.
  • Have a transparency report from the event’s IRT in the post-event wrap up.
  • Learn from
  • Create resources to do better. For example an example vegan menu to help local organizers get that right.
  • Share the list of names of people who are on the IRT, to make clear to the community that it’s not just Automatticians. People from around the world are included and they’ve had “formal” training.

In the first half of the session we have mainly discussed the following. 

  • What is DEIB
  • Current state of DEIB
  • Potential improvement 
  • Collaboration & Support
  • Scope of a DEIB Team  

Key Points came out in the discussions are

  • WordPress’s growth continues. We are a very big team now. 
  • WordPress is a never ending project 
  • The WordPress ecosystem accommodates thousands of people from different backgrounds(like nationalities, languages, religion, cultures, politics, beliefs etc..) 
  • The Make WordPress project is also vast and has multiple tracks. 
  • We are a very diversified community. 
  • Because of diversity our each local team will be different & has many barriers 
  • Diversity will be different for each local team 
  • Our community represents multiple interests
  • WordPress is very open to join, we have to maintain that 
  • Therefore we need a team to take care of both
  • The biggest challenge is we have to make sure the community accessible to all 
  • The next generation is coming to the stage now. So we have to make sure a smooth generation change  
  • We have to welcome & open new people & ideas always 
  • The biggest challenge is accommodating new people & transforming them as contributors 
  • So the Sustainability of contributors matters 
  • Transparency in all actions are must for it 
  •  We have to consider the feelings of new & existing people
  • The community should be open to all and there should be any judgement based on their background 
  • We have work on the documentations to keep the resource live & easy accessible 
  • Because of language barriers we can consider of translating documentations 
  • Each one should be considered equally(not matter of gender & race) 
  • The local community should be connected with global community 
  • Meetup Organiser should make sure everyone’s voice is heard 
  • Document the meetups if possible 
  • Everything is a learning moment. So support the people & their ideas around with kindness and tolerance 
  • We are living in a era of extremism so we have to consider the people with equality 
  • It will be great if we can consider digital code of conduct. It will be more helpful for the people
  • We can also regulate the code of conduct often 
  • We are from different continents & countries. So may have to consider the localization of the code of conduct with extra attributes/terms   
  • We should start to train the people about the code of conduct 
  • Clear & easy guidelines for the newcomers specially 
  • Global & local team to monitor and take actions if any incident happens 

Actionable Items to improve DEIB 

  • All should feel as more welcomed
  • Events should be more aligned to DEIB
  • Looking for make our work(contribution) more sustainable 
  • Raise more awareness & committee/team for code of conduct
  • We have to take care of disabled people, their requirements will be different. Encourage participation & contribution from them
  • Keeping an ongoing list for people from all backgrounds(Organiser, Volunteers & participants). It will welcome & encourage more people
  • Local communities face different legal issues. A legal handbook to refer for the working group
  • Create advocacy and allyship. Classes for organisers 
  • Educate, meetup members & conduct workshops. 
  • Transparency & inclusivity statement
  • Have a form people can fill our(even anonymously) 
  • Ageing(balance between ageing contributor & new one)
  • Incorporate wording that lets people to know that it is okay to ask for accommodation on form 
  • Transparency around what can & cannot be done 
  • Transparency reports around issues to clarify and avoid rumours 
  • Publish official responses
  • Checkout documents the other organisations have already created and adjust accordingly. Example for those documents are Drupal & 
  • Create online experience as much as possible 
  • Make information/meetups available through more than one format 
  • A menu guide for WordCamps 
  • We can be friendlier & more open as a community. Proactive with other community members also 
  • A separate process for the higher leadership
  • Training for the leadership
  • An open forum to speak, report regardless of the level of leadership 
  • Setup as an organiser
  • A WordPress Language 
  • Add as much info as needed more to the handbook 
  • WordPress events are budget events. We have to keep the sponsor aware about this 
  • Budget Transparency 
  • Text capture in next community summit 

#summit, #summit-2023