HucaPoo’s at 7pm! We’ll have a dozen pizzas, and while we’re not covering the bar, their beers are cheap! Be there or be square. 🙂
Ryan Duff is doing some BBQ on Tuesday for anyone who is still around and interested. Contact him via twitter or leave a comment on this post.
Challenge! Mika Epstein (ipstenu) says she would change her gravatarGravatar Is an acronym for Globally Recognized Avatar. It is the avatar system managed by, and used within the WordPress software. if someone got a decent picture of her. See what you can do tomorrow, folks.
Yeah…. so, I didn’t finish the welcome packs (basically name badge, some post-its for proposing sessions, a welcome letter, etc). I have mostly been welcoming people in person, so I’ll just have the paper goods ready at the venue tomorrow morning (need to punch holes in the name badges tonight…. having the #fakekid take care of that while we are at HucaPoo’s). We’ll start at 8, but will be there at 7 to finish some last setting up, so feel free to come over early if you like. We’ll have coffee and mini muffins, but if you want an early breakfast, The Breakfast Club and the Sunrise are open by 7am.
See you all (again) soon!