Last year, I published a blog post requesting feedback from contributors on how to improve the contributor journey of WordPress. The post, which garnered insightful feedback, was followed up by an innovative session on Five for the Future at the recent WordPress Community Summit. What follows below are actionable recommendations for our program based on Community Summit discussions to achieve our collective goal of making the WordPress contributor experience the best it can be.
Effort Impact Analysis
In view of our contributors’ precious volunteer time, we can only implement the most impactful ideas from Summit Discussions. Experienced Five for the Future contributors @nao and @jeffpaul joined me to find answers to this problem by diving deep into the Community Summit Discussion notes and dividing them into four sections as the first step: increasing program awareness, matching contributors with projects, improving participation, and addressing problems. We then rearranged the discussion points based on these action items in the following Google Doc for clarity.
Next, we further divided the ideas into four discrete categories: Process Improvement, Visualization, Sponsorship (of contributors by companies), and Mentorship. We then listed all the ideas (and their corresponding categories) in an ‘Effort Impact Matrix graph’ with ‘Effort’ on the X-axis and ‘Impact’ on the Y-axis. Last, we shortlist a final set of action items that are impactful, actionable, and can be achieved successfully in a shorter timeline. You can find a visual representation of our Effort/Impact Analysis in the image below, where different action items are listed in boxes on the quadrant where we felt they would best fit.
The boxes with thick blue borders are the action items we identified as most likely to have a significant impact and are achievable in 2024. You can also find the source slide of this matrix in the following link.
Final List of Recommended Action Items
Here is our final recommended list of action items as depicted in the list below:
Process Improvement
- Implement the Make/Contributor Tool into contributor recruitment for Five for the Future.
- Establish constant communications with current and new pledgees to help them stay active (automated email check-ins for existing pledges and email onboarding for new pledgees)
- Improve Onboarding Processes for Make/Teams – Identifying and sharing impactful projects for teams, standardizing handbooks, simplifying team handbooks, and onboarding.
- Treat 5ftF Sponsorship like WordCampWordCamp WordCamps are casual, locally-organized conferences covering everything related to WordPress. They're one of the places where the WordPress community comes together to teach one another what they’ve learned throughout the year and share the joy. Learn more. sponsorships with similar benefits.
- Task-based or project-based contributor sponsorships, where companies sponsor contributor time for a certain task or project in a Make/Team.
- Project/release-based contributor sponsorships where companies could sponsor external contributors for a limited time as they work on specific projects.
- Create team health dashboards for all Make/Teams, which help contributors identify impactful projects and areas that need help (Already underway).
- To Provide dedicated mentoring and onboarding for Five for the Future companies and self-sponsored contributors.
- Helping companies set up contribution teams and onboarding sponsored contributors to Make/Teams
- 1:1 or group mentorship to help self-sponsored contributors onboard effectively.
Next Steps and Request for Feedback
Our next steps are to incorporate feedback to refine Action Items, publish a program direction page on the Five for the Future website, and recruit contributors to focus on these items.
We would love to have your feedback before we finalize these action items and proceed toward implementing them in 2024.
- Do you have any feedback on the recommended action items for Five for the Future implementation?
- Which among the suggested ideas could have the highest impact, in your opinion?
- Are there any missing ideas from the Community Summit Discussion in the recommended list that you strongly wish to implement?
- Are you interested and available to help with any of the recommended action items?
Your feedback goes a long way in improving our project’s health and long-term sustainability. Please leave your comments on the post by February 7, 2024 February 16, 2024.
The following people contributed to this blog post: @harishanker @nao @angelasjin @jeffpaul