The Incident Response Team (IRT) receives and handles incident reports following the Community Code of Conduct. This handbook page includes information about the Incident Response Team, its members, and insight into their processes.
If you witness behavior that doesn’t align with the project-wide or events code of conduct, please contact any IRT members, email, or submit a report via this form. The IRT is also available for general inquiries, clarifying how incident response functions within WordPress.
Per Incident Response Team practices, this is an annual recap of reports received in the prior year, the method of reporting, and the action taken after investigation into each report.
The Incident Response Team received 17 reports in 2023, 5 of which were resolved through mediation*. The remaining 12 reports are summarized as follows:
Report #1
Reports were received between December 2022 and January 2023 alleging that local community members influenced WordCampWordCamp WordCamps are casual, locally-organized conferences covering everything related to WordPress. They're one of the places where the WordPress community comes together to teach one another what they’ve learned throughout the year and share the joy. Learn more.’s organizing decisions to benefit particular companies and individuals.
Outcome: The inquiry process revealed insulting and personal attacks, public and private harassment, influencing and inciting harassment, retaliation, and discrimination. As a result, the Incident Response Team took several actions. The WordCamp was cancelled, a Community deputy and mentor role was removed, and involved companies were banned from sponsoring WordPress events for one year. As the issue also extended to the local meetupMeetup All local/regional gatherings that are officially a part of the WordPress world but are not WordCamps are organized through A meetup is typically a chance for local WordPress users to get together and share new ideas and seek help from one another. Searching for ‘WordPress’ on will help you find options in your area., all organizers were removed from their roles and asked to complete Meetup organizer training before becoming an organizer again.
Due to the unique nature of this situation, an announcement was shared with the community.
Report #2
In May 2023, reports alleged gatekeeping behaviors by a longtime Meetup organizer.
Outcome: Following the inquiry, the Incident Response Team issued a warning and provided guidance to the meetup organizer.
Report #3
A WordCamp in late 2022 did not provide a thorough financial transparency report despite Community Program Supporters reaching out to request information. After giving significant time for the lead organizer to provide the requested information, the issue was escalated to the Incident Response Team due to the missing funds.
Outcome: The Incident Response Team deduced that ample time had been offered to the individual to provide the information. As such, and due to the financial severity of the situation, the Incident Response Team took steps to remove the reported person from organizing roles. The individual eventually provided the requested information and was able to regain roles.
Due to the unique nature of this situation, a reminder and clarification around the process were shared with the community.
Report #4
In July 2023, reports alleged financial fraud by a WordCamp.
Outcome: This report is still under investigation.
Report #5
In September 2023, reports shared that a member and speaker of the local community was directly insulting other community members and expressing derogatory comments.
Outcome: The Incident Response Team’s inquiry learned that the individual’s behavior did violate the Code of Conduct. They were removed as a speaker from an upcoming event and issued a warning.
Report #6
In August 2023, a WordCamp attendee found an unwrapped condom hidden in the roll of toilet paper at the venue.
Outcome: Incident Response Team members reported this to the venue, requesting increased security.
Report #7
In September 2023, reports alleged hostile and aggressive behavior from one community member to another.
Outcome: After an inquiry, the Incident Response Team issued a warning to the parties involved with a reminder of the Code of Conduct in place for all events.
Report #8
In September 2023, reports alleged insulting and derogatory comments from one community member to another.
Outcome: This report is still under investigation.
Report #9
In August 2023, reports alleged harassing and inappropriate behavior from one community organizer to another.
Outcome: This report is still under investigation
Report #10
In September 2023, community members reported an unfair banning from and requested additional review.
Outcome: This report has gone through an investigation and is now working toward a resolution.
Report #11
A WordCamp attendee reported frustration with the organizing team.
Outcome: In investigating this further, the Incident Response Team determined that there were misunderstandings on the attendee’s part and that their behavior (continuous contacting and harassing of event organizers) was inappropriate. The attendee was asked to refrain from attending the event.
Report #12
In December 2023, a WordPress event organizer reportedly used threatening and rude language towards a Community Event Supporter.
Outcome: This report is still under investigation.
Thank you
The Incident Response Team is essential to supporting our community, providing a straightforward method for members to report and address incidents that go against the WordPress Community Code of Conduct. A huge thank you to the Incident Response Team Members this year for their tireless, often invisible work to ensure a safe and respectful environment for all participants.
Incident Team Members this year include Aaron Campbell (@aaroncampbell), Aditya Kane (@adityakane), Angela Jin (@angelasjin), Cate DeRosia (@mysweetcate), Devin Maeztri (@devinmaeztri), Destiny Kanno (@piyopiyofox), Evangelia Pappa (@evelina87), Harmony Romo (@harmonyromo), Hari Shanker (@harishanker), Isotta Peira (@peiraisotta), Julia Golomb (@juliarosia), Katie Richards (@katiejrichards), Kevin Cristiano (@kcristiano), Megan Rose (@megabyterose), Naoko Takano (@nao), Rocío Valdivia (@_dorsvenabili), Sam Suresh (@samsuresh), Timi Wahalahti (@sippis).
And thank you to the reporters and the individuals who assisted along the way. Reporting can be scary, especially if you’ve experienced an uncomfortable situation. At the same time, reporting allows for the opportunity to address and prevent unwelcoming challenges in the future.
Looking forward to 2024
The Incident Response Team will continue to do this critical work in 2024. Additional activities will include refining and adding to existing training for Incident Response Team members and inviting and onboarding new members to the team. If you have questions about the Incident Response Team’s work, join us in the #incident-response SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at channel or email us at
*Mediation is when the involved community members, with or without support from the Incident Response Team, work through issues by discussing them. This is a common and effective step to take before any enforcement guidelines. The Incident Response team appreciates being notified of these situations in case they escalate.