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If you’d like to help an inactive team, please see the Inactive Translations page.

See also the current list of CLPTE’s (Cross-LocaleLocale Locale = language version, often a combination of a language code and a region code, for instance es_MX denotes Spanish as it’s used in Mexico. A list of all locales supported by WordPress in PTEProject Translation Editor A Project Translation Editor (often referred to as PTE) is a person, who has access to validate strings on a specific project (for example BuddyPress, WooCommerce or Twenty Fourteen) for one specific locale. A project translation editor can approve strings that are added by translation contributors. Per project translation, editors are appointed by a general translation editor after a request by the project author or by the contributors themselves.)

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Tiếng Việt / Vietnamese

Locale Managers (5)

General Translation EditorsTranslation Editor Translation editors can approve translations for projects. The GTE (General Translation Editor) and LM (Locale Manager) roles can add new users with the "Project Translation Editor" role that can approve translations for specific projects. There are two different Translation Editor roles: General Translation Editor and Project Translation Editor (7)

Project Translation Editors (56)

Current Translation Contributors (195)

247AppsStudio, AcyMailing Newsletter Team, adc1123,, Alex Kalh, angelagrey, Anh Tran, anhtunguyen, antonionguyen, Blossom Themes Support, bphuc, brianvu-tp, Bành Long, Bảo Nam, Cat Van Minami, chandosabalic, Code Tốt, crazycat2007, Creepy.Cat, CrestaProject, cuongnm, Cuong Thach, Dat Hoang, datvnncom, dauchuot84, dilurai, Do Huy Toan, Do Phan Viet, ducchuong, duclinhha, ductrung081, dungbui, Duoc Nguyen, duyentran12071997, duytrung2121, duyvuit256, ecolisa, Efe Dinler, epicbill, eurosvn403, exciterc, fantasy1612, FitWP, francisbiondi, giphungkhuong1, Gió Đông, goldenfish125, Hanh Vu, hathanh0809, hatrungna, haunhp33, hiepnguyenmmo, Hieu Nguyen, hldvuong, Hoang Duy, Hoang Hxn, hoangkienvu, hoangnguyenquy, homewat, hongphucinfovn, Hoàng Kiếm, huubien131211, hvhacker, iamsyr, inin1998, Inisev Translations, issacoustics, Kantcer, kenvinpy, Khoi Pro, Khung Long, khuongdt, kientv, kimvt1991, kinolongxu, komal-maru, kotubo, kwango, kyhtsapo, Lam Ngoc Khuong, lavendervu2510, ldesignmedia, learntoshare, legianganh, lephanductrong, Le Quang Huy, Le Truong, Le Van Toan, Liam, lmvuong1997, Loc Bui, longengie, luanvn, luongthanhluan, Luân Thiên, Lê Phạm Quốc Khoa, Lê Phạm Quốc Khoa, mars193_dn, minhkien2007, minhlengoc, mivtt, mj24865, Mạnh Tường, Nam Truong, narga, nauakira, Neon Vo, netducdung, Nghia.l.t, Nghia Tran, ngochieu, Ngo Quang Dao, nguyenduydien, Nguyen Minh Hung, nguyenthangreal, Nguyen Van Hanh, Nguyen Xuan Quang, Nguyễn Quốc, Nguyễn Xuân Bình Minh, nhatanh110, ninhigan, novembergreen, nvhiepbk, OdinForce, olalavui, parklee2812, perspirexvietnam, Peter Pham, ph0sibl3, phamhuy361995, phanduchoa, Phan Duy Nam, philipdac, Phuoc, pnghai, Quang Mai, redbears, Rei Kokoro, Ronni K. Gothard Christiansen, rubyphan712, Ryan Nguyen, sachsongngu, senguyen, sheisverymoon, skylarkcob, sonnguyen88nb, spidermanit, strongnguyen, sunflowersapa, Sy Ky, TanaFlows, Tandy Dinh, tapcard, teambooks, tecpen, thai6070, thanh1602, thanhtd, thevuong, ThimPress, Thong Tran, Thorny, Thu P. a11n, tohaitrieu, trandinhviet, Tran Duy Thuan, TranHoangQuoc, tranhuungan, tranphuquy19, Translations by Automattic, Trieu Vy, trungnhut, truongwp, Trân Minh-Quân, tuan9304, tuchevn, Tung Du, tuyenht, tuyet0000, uyuy13, viaicom, VietPublic, vietquat19, vietvt, villasupport, Việt Nguyễn, voanhtu1988, Vũ Ngọc Tuân, warcraft14115, webdyvn, xieunhan01, xnetvn, ziwath, zonprox, and Đỗ Quốc Hữu.

Past Translation Contributors (715)

123website, admin_truongtuan, ahomnay, aioaccount, alexwoody, alhambra81, amlocalize, andeptrai, Andy Ha, Andy Hoang Huu, anhquan, anhreg, Anh Tuan, anlong01, annafamethemes, Anonymous User 15729769, Anonymous User 18860694, Anthony Pham, An Tran, An Vu, anysoftvn, apollo13themes, as247, ashisai, aviator1993, b14ckh013, babelac, bahiend, bangnguyet1214, Bang T., baonguyenyam, baros3004, batrachi, BearDev translation team (CLPTE), bestwebsoft, bh8vn, bigmniv, Big Mouth, bin2003, BinhNguyen, binnobita, blade1407, Blue Coral, bogiak4se, bokoronads, bomlinh, boyvanga, Brandlogos, bravenguyen, Brave Nguyen, buboda, buitanan, byeshino, Bố Cua, canhlam, caochitam, caoviethung, Capens Nguyễn, Caster Nguyen, CFMasterSSC, changnang, chanlongyang, chaosthunder, chatwithme9x, chichi2015, chiennd1810, chiisana, chinhphuc, chinty19, Chloe,, chrismanhnguyen, chuanmom, chungtom, chuotbu, chuyenly, cnttlc, coccachua, Colin Stewart, Comm100, componentz, confusioninterm, congchivo99, congdoan261994, congnvp, congpham1991, congthien, conversifyasia, ConveyThis, copvn, cozynightin, CUONG, cuong381, cuongdd2, cuong nguyen, CyrilG, daihiep, dammio, dancay, danghiep0122, danhca005, dannykong, Danny van Kooten, Dao Anh, daofresh, daopro80, daoquangnhat, Dao Quoc Dai, darkshala321, datanhlg, dathanhphu, Dat Nguyen, Dat Tran, datvnn, dctrkmhp, demifantasy, DesignWall, Devlin, dfmcvn, dienvk, diepluong, diginow, Dinh Kim Cuong, Dinh Quoc Han, dinhthai002, dinhtuvu, Dinhᵀᵛ, Dion Hulse, doanhtung, Doan Manh Duc, Do Duy Tung, dominhthao90, Dominik Schilling, dotronglong, DT Nguy?n, duc21122002, Duc Bui, duchuy, Duc Le, ducvo988, duhanh, Duke Yin, dungnh, duonganhtuan, duonghuuthinh, duongmdchp, duongngo, duyducitt, duyluchp2, duyngo, duytruong, Dylan Ngo - Woostify, dzuman, Elementor, erikslowhand, evilperry, Extendify Translation Team (CLPTE), FameThemes, fecoder, Frankie Jarrett, funky510, g5theme, gacf54, gad20210817, gaoshun92, Gau Bong Dep, geek1706, giangbitech, giangliao, Giang Nam, giangnt, giangnt60014, giathinh910, give1ngaymai, Gobinda Tarafdar, graceoflives, greenjulian, gsmeanspro, hackerpro536, haconghuan, hagiphar, Hai, Hai Zheng⚡, haluong92, hamhocy, hamiltonvn, hanhbx, hanhscylla, hanhsl, hanhtrinhxanh16, hani90, hannahha90, haohmaku, happyAnt, happylot, Harley Leung, Hau Nguyen, herewegotvdotcom, hiddendev, Hien D. Nguyen, Hien Lai, hienld, hienlotus, hienzquynh, hieuhuynh, hieuhuynh, hieuthahn, hieuthanh1908, hieutnm, Hiệp trần 3V, hnguyen14, hnhuan, hoaihung, hoaiminhh, hoaiseo86, hoan277, hoanganhquan, hoanganhvn, hoangbv, hoangclinh, hoanghadu, hoanglam, hoangminh891, hoangnguyendnvn, hoangvusk4, Hoan Tran, hocviencqt, homanhquochung, hqson1304, hskschool, htmlpie, htphuong82, hungdlu, hungnm144, hungpham, hungtd192, hungvuvn, HuTaNaTu, huudung13, HuyLee, huynhbathanh, huynhhieutravel, huynhlinhquyhoa, huynhnam0613, huynhnv, Huynh Tin, huyrealproperty, huytuduy, huyvublg, HVSC Khoa Nguyen, Hân Giảm Cân, icebearcomic, imabigbelly, innothemes, InvinciP, isodemy, itanhduy, Jacky Vu, Jam Viet, jarodla, jasonali, jbnguyen, jeanstarfish, jhin1m, jimmee, jimmykhanh, jkiller295, Joachim Jensen, Johnny Schwinger, johnstep,, junotran90, justin010689, kauchu, keckuraata, kenboy2304, kenzonely, kevinhm, khakhala, khoi4992, khuehm1511, Khuyen Nguyen, Khánh Duy Nguyễn, kienthanhvn, Kien Trong, Kiet Le, killer.vietnam, Kimi, Kinh Kha, kinoking, konani, Kotorinyan, krmoorhouse, KuuhakuVietNam, ladyfirst2010, laivanduc, lambor, lazykien17, lbtien1990, ldotcom, lecongquan, ledoannam, Le Duy Quang, leehauvt, lehieuit, lehoang0211, lehuynhnam, lekinhluong, lenghi, lenguyentragiang, lent85, lenznguyen, leolpms, lequockhanh8a7, lequockhoi, lethevinh, letuanvu, Le Van Dat, Le Viet Hung, levubis, liamtrng, ligkt, lina nguyen, linhcoc, linherest, linhjanettale, linhlc, linhnguyen1059, LinhPo, littlehuynh08, lngocquyen, locdh41, locntnd, logoeps, LokiWP, lonelysoul9x, longchan, Long Nguyen, longtrinh, LuckyWP, luu.thuongsinh, lxxinh, lytrongkhoa, Lê Hữu Huy, Mahesh Waghmare, Mai Tấn Lợi, maivinhltd, Manesh Timilsina, manlevan, mannuong, Marcin Pietrzak, MASAAKI, mathiznogoud, Max Min, maychieuhanoi, mdsmj, Melody, MH-Theme, minaby, Minh-Phuc Bui, minh211, minhanhng, minhawp, minhduc.aptech, minhhieu, minhhut, minhkhai, Minh Quang, mint2010, mixanything, mjcro25, Mobimsua, MoiVui, moly7x, Mr.Dream, mr.zen, mrhunter85, mrsubiz, mrtranchien, mtevietn, mythuat2d, Mộc, nam.bach, nam mai, Naoko Takano, nauthnael, ncn1992vn, nemohn, nextsmarter, neyul2493, ngald91, nganle, nghiapro123z, nglekhoi, ngoclb, ngoctam1011, ngokien, ngopasadena, ngotheduong, nguyen13, nguyenbaothi, nguyenbaotran, nguyenbatuonglam, nguyendam, nguyendang182000, nguyendanhtuong, Nguyen Dat Tai, nguyenhoatnd01, nguyenhuy1308, nguyenkimtoan, nguyenlinh1561991, Nguyen Phuong Quang, nguyentankhoa, nguyenthanhphong, nguyenthaominhthu, Nguyen Thinh, nguyenthu1811, nguyentu229, Nguyen Viet Quoc, Nguyen Vinh Cuong, nguytuanthanh, Nguyễn Duy Tuyên, Nguyễn Hiếu, Nguyễn Hồng Thế, Nguyễn Đình Việt Hưng, Nguyễn Đức Tâm, nhanpro, nhatnam, nhatthuong, NHC_HSC, nht2007, nhumanh79, nhunguyennsn, nhutplus, nhymxu, Niels de Blaauw, nimgiaminh, Ninja Team, nkhuy, nlat1989, nnhiti, noahvo, nobleliftvn, nqviet151, NTC, ntman96, ntnhan0605, ntsnavn, ntson, ntthuan, ntvinhit, nvha92, nvhcuong, nvtan2306, Nắng Việt Software, o070o, ohmygodvt95, oisinoconnor1, oosoooso, oowa95, oryc9x, pearlvn, Petya Raykovska, Pham Thanh Long, phamthanhtam, phanvannam_dl, phanvietdung1910, phatphan, Philip Arthur Moore, phivinhquy, phoenixdigi, phuchm, phudaisu, phumynice, phungnlk, phungquy, phuochaiii, phuongcaosu, Phuong Doan, Phuong Duy Nguyen, phuongnguyenth, phuongvm, pmitung, PressMaximum, ProDesigns, profile25, pvtinh, qaitvn, qminhhp, qqngoc, quachtinh, quangcntt235, quangpld, quangpro1610, quangtqag, quangvanhai, quocsinh, quoctoanpc, quynhhuong102, quynhon20, radionu, Rainy Phan, Rara Themes Support, realtimepro, Remkus de Vries, resolit, rubyphan, , Saki, Sancastiza, saosangmo, schmidt25, Sens4, SevenT, shadyshane, ShanFan, shin, shiroco, shopcon, sillymonkey, solitary1510, son111, sonalsinha21, Son Do, songchungvoitieuduong,, Song Nhi, songvoluxury, sonlamtn200, starmai, Stephen Bernhardt, stevengnk88, stordream, suamacbookuytin, sunflowertheme, superqa123, SvenSeaGal, sybaytheo, synam135, synmaskid, Sơn, tamkaka, tamkhoatechdotvn, Tan Hong IT, tanphong1890, tantetang, Ta Thanh Vuong, tcboyca, tdanhquan, tdduy88, teole, Thai, Ta Quang, Thai Hong, thangbom9o, thangbt, thanghm, thangngoc89, thangnh, thangpp, thanhart, thanhcongwap, thanhlo, thanhlt, thanhson288, thanhti, thanh_tan, thaotran86, thebigb0y, themeansar, ThemeGrill, themeinwp, theredlab, theworld102, thienanbui97, thienandoanta, thienluan14211, Thien Nguyen, thiennguyen5052, thiennguyenqn, thientv, Thien Vu, thinhbg59, thinhjojo, thitheorung, thomastrant, thongnguyenminh, thuan244, Thuan Bui, thuancoihg, thuanvatly, thuatnet, thuthu99, thutrang2412, thuypd, thuyquynhnguyen, tiemcayxanh, tienghoahangngay, tienhd, Tien Kiet Boi, tiennd, tienquang179, tientrinh, tieuholuckyboy, Tigon, timmie91, Tim Nguyen, timtran88, tinhphanxuan, tinnguyen299, tin_7117, tippibui, tntran, toantrong, tobifjellner (Tor-Bjorn “Tobi” Fjellner), tomstader, tonthatbinh135, tonyle, Tony WooRockets, Torsten Landsiedel, trananhls, trandac, Tran Dinh Khanh, trandunglk68, trangsy, Trang Tran, Tran Hai Ha, Translations by GoDaddy, TranThe, tranthethang, trantrongnhanttn, trantrung22, trantue, tranxuanthang, traviet, trhaihung, trieuhuynh, Trinh Hong Hai, Trinh Nam Viet, trongtri, trongtri35, trungtamtinhvy, truongbook, truongcuu, truongnv0101, Truong Thanh, tuananh88c25, tuanbb12, tuandq, tuanndatwork, tuchedopro, tucq, tuerosennin, tungpham42, Tu Nguyen, turtlerockkk, tuyen9xvn, tuyetnhiet, Twitter Translations Team, Tự học online, Ugyen Dorji, uploader99, Van-Thai Nguyen, vanduc1102, vanhuu, vanmay, Varun Sharma, vaysaovaysao, VHNgoc, Viet Anh, Nguyen, Vi Et Blog, VietFriend team, vietld, vietnghia91, viettamus, vileenguyen, vinhcba, vinhcuong, vinhhoangpy, vndileco, vnonen, vntopno1, vntopplay, vnzinki, vodacthe, vohuan09, votanmy, vtoanstar, vudaihung, vudinhthuan, vulemedia, vungoctho, Vuong Nguyen, vuthanhphong6789, Vu Tru So, vviptma, Vũ Hoàng Minh, Vũ Ngọc Sơn, w360s, Weather Atlas, WP Royal Translation, WP Swings, WPSwings Translation Team (CLPTE), WP Translation Team, xeno010, xuandinhgl, xuanlt, YoArts, yogaluanjackie, yotuwp, yushanls92, z3rok, Zoomworld, zou272937, Đoàn Tiến Hải, and Đặng Quốc Thắng.

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