Below is a list of languages WordPress supports and their translation status of the coreCore Core is the set of software required to run WordPress. The Core Development Team builds WordPress. project. If you are interested in helping them translate WordPress or other related projects, please read the Translator Handbook or contact the translation editorTranslation Editor Translation editors can approve translations for projects. The GTE (General Translation Editor) and LM (Locale Manager) roles can add new users with the "Project Translation Editor" role that can approve translations for specific projects. There are two different Translation Editor roles: General Translation Editor and Project Translation Editor(s) for your language using the “Team” link.

If you’d like to help an inactive team, please see the Inactive Translations page.

See also the current list of CLPTE’s (Cross-LocaleLocale Locale = language version, often a combination of a language code and a region code, for instance es_MX denotes Spanish as it’s used in Mexico. A list of all locales supported by WordPress in PTEProject Translation Editor A Project Translation Editor (often referred to as PTE) is a person, who has access to validate strings on a specific project (for example BuddyPress, WooCommerce or Twenty Fourteen) for one specific locale. A project translation editor can approve strings that are added by translation contributors. Per project translation, editors are appointed by a general translation editor after a request by the project author or by the contributors themselves.)

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Nederlands (Formeel) / Dutch (Formal)

Locale Managers (6)

General Translation EditorsTranslation Editor Translation editors can approve translations for projects. The GTE (General Translation Editor) and LM (Locale Manager) roles can add new users with the "Project Translation Editor" role that can approve translations for specific projects. There are two different Translation Editor roles: General Translation Editor and Project Translation Editor (7)

Project Translation Editors (216)

Current Translation Contributors (108)

1ahat, abeldrift, achterhuis, AntoineH, arnaudbroes, atvoogt, aventura72, az09az, basdemeijer, BedBooking Translation Team (CLPTE), Chantal Coolsma, clydegr, Coen, Complianz, croaen, csuithoorn, Daniel van de Kamp, Translator, dgjwrg, dhouben, dilurai, dkyndt, Earnie Rhyker, Elementor, Ellie Bidarigh, EnvoThemes, exbu, Extendify Translation Team (CLPTE), gink, gorgulu, govertpellikaan, Groeneplak, Guido, highlive, Irene Strikkers, Irina 🇺🇦, ivanvanoosterhout, Jacob N. Breetvelt, janvandenberg, jbruijs, Jeroen Rotty, Johan van der Wijk, jonghj, joostvandepoll, jpolderman, klaasn, koenkoenus, labok, lars Portman, LeonN1960, Leon Wimmenhoeve, Maikuolan, Marcel Pol, Marten de Wind, mary2mary, Michael v.d. Berg, Mostafa Soufi, Niels Lange, Online-Society, pa3eki, pascaloldevelthuis, pattyreuser, peregrinethemes, Peter Berger, peterpjansen, Peter Smits, pgroenewegen, pickleface, Pieterjan Deneys, postmagthemes, preworkoutexpert, provise, psmits1568, puurace, Rami Yushuvaev, Really Simple SSL, Reüel, rinoralimusaj, roodvogel, Ruud, rvl180, Sachin Agrawal, Shelf Planner, - The best online booking system to schedule your appointments, stijnvanderree, stippie, Sybre Waaijer, themeansar, Themes Daddy, Thijs, Time Slot, Time Slot Translations CLPTE, Toine Rademacher (toineenzo), tomwolf, Tonis_troubles, Translations by Automattic, tvdwal, vaibhav16, Verdi Heinz, Web-Stat, webmastermbsdh, Webteam, Willem Jurka, wordpresslex, Wouter Dekker, WPSwings Translation Team (CLPTE), wratmin, and zpnwebmaster.

Past Translation Contributors (500)

3demian, 4adnl, 8nnemiek, 12appletree, a333, abc, abrambos, AccountClosed, adversativ, Aert Hulsebos, AIOSEO Translations, alainq, Albert_vD, Alles op een plek, alriknijdam,, andresno, André Sorg, AnnaMargaretha, annemarie01, Anonymous User 15202994, Anonymous User 21053421, Anton Timmermans, apollo13themes, Apprique, artharg, asombro, aThemeArt, aThemeArt Translations, atMaarten, auditeers, aukez, automaton, axeldamming, badrth, bartels1980, bartistiek, BART VH, bcnobel, beluserra, Benjamin, bepos, Berrie Pelser, bertkrus, biancaonderweg, Bill Minozzi, Bjorn Manintveld, Bjorn van der Neut, Blossom Themes Support, bobh0belman, Bob Vandevliet, bobvhuijs, bolleke, bonahead, bosreclame, bram241, brechtryckaert, Brian Stal, bruine, Burst Statistics Translations (CLPTE), businessvisionenforced, bvado, Byteway, CardGate, carry2web, ccoertjens, cd_BE, Cees Rijken, celienn, chrisdevogt, Chris J. Zähller, Christian Sabo, chucknology, circulair, clickballsnl, Coach71, coosters, crocksak, CvS, cybereditz, Dan Caragea, Daniel Hüsken, Danny, dannyhoek, dansschoolmbition, Dave, dave316, DeBAAT, De Belser Arne, denniske, dennisrothman, denw2017, desirevdbeld, dexxh, DGNL, digitalfoxnl, dmlicht, Dominik Schilling, DOTonPAPER, Drnktxt, Droidism, drukkerijrad, dundreuge, duysserinck, Dvysss, dwinden, dynamic22, eddypiv, Edie Lemoine, Edo Dijkgraaf, Edward, Edwin, Edwin Snotje, edwinwp, Eelcomp, ehjvandijk, ehwh, eijndew, eldoradomedia, ElectroJonas, ellekari, Elly Lammers, eppoedzes, ericplugge, erik2055, erikpvisser, Ernst Snijder, Erwin Brouwer, evavangelooven, Ewout, ezzevee, fade83, Felix de Jonge, Fernando Tellado, festbase, fgdss, Flint, flipper1960, flitit, florisdeboer, Fran1972, Franky, franshumble, fritsk77, Gallery Ape, Gaming Mineblox, gavinmatito, gdschut, GDvanW, Geert De Baets, gemeenschapsraaddeweere, genevieve87, gentlemedia, geochemtec, gerhardwitteveen, gertjoling, gewoonjij, ggb, goldleewtje, golf1025, groenhart, gsart, guidomarcus, Guido van Harten, h1lbert, Hai Zheng⚡, hanheg, hansopanso, hansvannoord, hanvdg, hartveltit, hayobethlehem, hegge123, helloprint, hendricusk, hendrikv, Herbert van-Vliet, hersul, heuvelc, hgpijp, hightree, hoevene, homerecords, hopdated, horacio, htmlpie, huubee, ichnation, IDHmetsel, Igor, Indigo Webstudio, ingeariens, inigo, ishetkunst, ivape, Jaap Weijland, Jamie Blomerus, janet107, janweldink, Jarno van den Berg, JasperPress, jdelang, jeebeevee, jellewouters, Jens Ratzel, Jeroen, Jeroen, jeroenarnold, Jip Moors, jkruiper, jnasty, joekams, joelnl, Johannes Jülg, JonycMarco, joop.stringer, joopvangent, Joost, Jory Hogeveen, judith4, Julian, jurw, justflawless1995, justinhoekstra, justmaffie, Just the Doctor, jwvb, kakiebauw, karlijndzg, Karolina Vyskocilova, Ken, kickz7, Kim Gow, knireis, kooswillem, koretech, krijnermerins, laasri, lamersit, laurensho, leanangleproducts, leonoud, Leon Superkid, liorae, Livingroom_Katwijk, lodevl, Lost Sheeps, lucaserik, luciano-croce, lucvanderzandt, lugolux78, Luuk Fiets, M-Sites (Jeroen Makkink), maartenel, maartenwolfsen, Maayke, mafin, magicsun, Maik Gruppen, MakeWebBetter, Manesh Timilsina, Marc, Marcel Bootsman 🇪🇺, marcelvanzanten, marcelwwwanted, Marco Almeida | Webdados, marcobuurlage, Marco Rinia, Marcus J. Verhey, marian1, marijke_25, Mark, Martijn Gastkemper, martinvanbuuren, martje65, martyman, MASAAKI, massgun808, masterblue, Mathieu Paapst, matiyin, Mayo Moriyama, mbergsma, mc-landin, meepy2, meikehendriks, melzin, MeOnline, metavoor, Micha, michaelk85, Michel Jongbloed, michelle1993, Michelle Foolen, Michiel Heijmans, miekevanzachts, Mike Stott, Milan de Keijzer, mmwbadmin, moeyere, Monique23, Moopix, mother.of.code, mvannoort1988, mwinkelman, Natalie G, nathalishes, neujensl, Nick, Nico Verschuren, nielsmyname, NightwatchNL, nilsmomo, nirmalmistry, nlpro, nltjo, NoviIlse, Noëll Taravati, nynnyx, odilekj, opmaken, oscarvdp, Papin Schipper, parcelpro, Pascal Dreissen, passieee, Patrick, Patrick2309, patrickbus, Patrick Robrecht, Peter, peterbruins, Petra Blankwaard, Philip, Pieter, pigeelen, pjw303, plaksnor, pleunie, pluto127, Polundra, propromo, psdbestand, pvdv72, RafaelDeJongh, rafisaeedi, Rameez Iqbal, ramonbaudoin, Rara Themes Support, Raushan Jaiswal, RCJB, Redforts Software, redleaf17nl, regioonline, ReinaS, reinder1985, rembert, remcovansanten, remcowolf, Remkus de Vries, renaud35, renemwor, reneoliveira, renevanhal, rensesjoers, Richard Wijngaard, rnaaijke, Rob, robdieffenbach, Robin Popkema, Robin Roelofsen, Robin Sluijter, robinvanwees, robosoft, Rocco Aliberti, rochelletrev, roelienmeijer, roelofdegraaff, Rogier Lankhorst, Roland, ronneman, ronnos89, rosendonk, Rosette.AI, Rovanov, royslond, Roy Tanck, roytolner, roywest, rubenhulzebos, Ruben Woudsma, ruffian98, ruudvanuden, rvanderven, rvandew, ryanv1995, safelayout, samraaf, sanderbloem, sandervanzijl, Sanju Shankar, Sfaantje, shadowsence, Sharon, Shiptimize, Silion, simbaclaws, SjoerdFarber, sjouwke, slipjes, sloddervos, Solange Guerreiro, Solide Webservices, sonjacoach, Stach Redeker, Stanley van Heusden, starthiking, steijn, stemdruk, Stonehenge Creations, studentjasper, studioeef, studiojumble, svenmontijn1971, systemlord, T.Libbrecht, Taco Verdonschot, takada1971,, talkingtofishes, tamarahogenhout, tamatori, Tammo, tasco, Team Kingmailer, TG-DG, thaqua, theodeurne1976, thugie, timben, Tim de Hoog, TimDeLang, timielief, tkreeft, TM1946, Tom, Tom de Jong, tomve, Tonk, Ton van Leest, tony08, toomanywords, trb205, Tribulant Software, Tripetto, twanthaman, Uday Chakma, Unclouded Studio, vanmontfort, Vasco203, veldefeiko, veldepatrick, veniceit, veronica.raducan, vertette, Vibaspc,, voorstad, Wandel, Wasiliy Strecker / ContestGallery developer, Weather Atlas, Web2B1, web2result, Webshoplogin, websitesbeheer, WebToffee, webwerkplaats, Wesley M. Dekker BBA, wiegerwaardenburg, wilmardo, wimmie, woksoft, WordProof, wormgat, wp-fred, WP Royal, WP Royal Translation, WP Search Insights, WPSForm, WP Swings, WP Translation Team, wvansolkema, wwitting, WytseKloos, yarno, Yaroons, yosto, yvondepree, Yvonne, and Zip Recipes (CLPTE).

Is this a language that you speak? Join the WordPress translation team for Dutch (Formal)!