Below is a list of languages WordPress supports and their translation status of the coreCore Core is the set of software required to run WordPress. The Core Development Team builds WordPress. project. If you are interested in helping them translate WordPress or other related projects, please read the Translator Handbook or contact the translation editorTranslation Editor Translation editors can approve translations for projects. The GTE (General Translation Editor) and LM (Locale Manager) roles can add new users with the "Project Translation Editor" role that can approve translations for specific projects. There are two different Translation Editor roles: General Translation Editor and Project Translation Editor(s) for your language using the “Team” link.

If you’d like to help an inactive team, please see the Inactive Translations page.

See also the current list of CLPTE’s (Cross-LocaleLocale Locale = language version, often a combination of a language code and a region code, for instance es_MX denotes Spanish as it’s used in Mexico. A list of all locales supported by WordPress in PTEProject Translation Editor A Project Translation Editor (often referred to as PTE) is a person, who has access to validate strings on a specific project (for example BuddyPress, WooCommerce or Twenty Fourteen) for one specific locale. A project translation editor can approve strings that are added by translation contributors. Per project translation, editors are appointed by a general translation editor after a request by the project author or by the contributors themselves.)

← All locales

Français / French (France)

Locale Managers (5)

General Translation EditorsTranslation Editor Translation editors can approve translations for projects. The GTE (General Translation Editor) and LM (Locale Manager) roles can add new users with the "Project Translation Editor" role that can approve translations for specific projects. There are two different Translation Editor roles: General Translation Editor and Project Translation Editor (4)

Project Translation Editors (190)

Current Translation Contributors (793)

33nikon, 42lex, 83kryss, :cantaloop, abarrillier, Abdelali Ait El Houssaine, Abdul kaioum, Accès Culture, acyd99, AcyMailing Newsletter Team, adambedoui, Adam Wood, Adeline, afrosio, agence24, Aimee, AIOSEO Translations, airone35, akhlan, alaforcedesmollets, alecgb, Alexandre, Alexandre Buffet, Alexandre Gaboriau, alexbarteam, Alexis, alexisfh, Alexis Grolot, Alex Motivés Pour, alexpro72, Ali Irani, Alin Marcu, altagor, amebref, amlgd, andread51, André RIHANI, angejudor, anlip, Anna, Anonymous User 20965020, Anthony Chaussin, antibuff, Antoine, arbreduperou222, areaux, argenthes, Arnaud, Arnaud DUMAURE, Arnaud Molès-Teruel @plugiciel, arthurh, Asgaros, ataypamart, ateliersmodernes, aurelienboute, aurorewpmarmite, Aurélien Denis, Aurélien Joahny, Aurélien Talbot, avaloon, Awesome Motive Localization Team (CLPTE), B3nh, Badatos, Balsakup, baptistap, baptistekim, baptisteraabe, bastiengt, Bastien Ho, bdxix, beclickedagency, BedBooking, BedBooking Translation Team (CLPTE), beluserra, Benjamin Danon, Benjamin Denis, Benjamin Gosset, Benjamin Grolleau, benjaminlang, benlumi, benoitfouc, benoitviale, Ben Sibley, benzouye, BernardRobert, BESWICK Création, beunoit, Blarlo, Boboss1973, bobume, boilloux, Bonaldi, bouzin, boxtal, bradshawtm, bricolas, Bruno D., Bruno Tritsch, Bruno Tritsch, buhlmann, Buzz, Béryl de La Grandière, C-W-R, camillejg, captns, capu24, Carine VP, Carl, carnets2routards, Cartoine, cauzyolo, Cedric Staces, Cellophile, chaazaam, chaneze25, chaoshades, charlyfaraway, chevaliertony, chmgd, Chouby, chris-kns, chrisdubasrhin, Christian-W. Budde, Christine SIEMBIDA, Christophe, Christophe Dumont, chtichris, citaro, claire25000, clalpis, claracolodro, claude_blet, Claudio Rimann, Clément Nyiri, Clément Polito, cmamac, cnous, Coco, coeur2louve, Colissimo, Complianz, coralietixeront, coriolis_too, cpgraphisme, cppbel, creaimmo, crr72021, csttrad, cybeardjm, Cyke, cyrfer, Cyrille37, CyrilleC, Cyrille Sanson, cyril_wp, Cécile, Cédric Andrietti, dacobah, damda58, Damien Pochon, dan2708, danbp, Daniel, Daniel Hüsken, Daniel Roch, Dareth NHANG, darmieux, David Grand, davinie, daxitsolutions, dbrabyn, dbroglin, ddcreas, dderkaoui, deeper26, DELUCKS, Denis Alemán, Denis Bisteinov, desben, devangshukla, Translator, dezodev, dfi42, Didier Demory, digittal, divadz, djacquel, djibian, DNADNL, dobidev, docandchef, DOH Frederic Jean-Luc, Do Rosario, DragoWeb, Drivebestway CLPTE, drixe, dryauk, dudepascalou, duff1, dwarlin, dylaw, e.lito, Eddy, Efe Dinler, elarifr, elephantetavie, elfaus, EloMaCom, Emielb, Emil1, Emilie LEBRUN, Emilien M., emixamdu, Emmanuel Roufast, enilerual, enthalpie, erc94, Eric, eridoxi, Eroan Boyer, Etienne, extein, Extend Themes, fabyreilly, fallou1234, Fantou, Farhan Noor, fatak, fatimarebecca, fchaussin, fcoulloudon, fidalgo, filou07, flashyop, flobogo, flocjb, Florent, Florent Maillefaud, Florian, Florian Brochard, florianv, Florient DELAFOY, Franck Fremont, Francois Thibaud, fream, Fred - FLQ, fredbaurin, Fredde Battel, Frederic Fauvel, fredericgalline, Frederic Gras, fredlari, frenchhandcrafters, froustit, funkyphenix, Funnelforms Translation Team (CLPTE), fxbenard, FX Poulain, gabrielle, Gael Denysiak, gaellebesson, gaglain, galaxymarine, GARCIA, Garsavanoff, Gaucho Plugins,, genevieve28, Geoffrey, Georges, Georges, geraldinewp, germain93, get3code, Gilbert GAYRAUD, gilles265, gingerbooch, gmistral, godoftheverse, gorkypaco, gpinheiro, grang, graphcomment, greengaroo, Gregoire Noyelle, GregRuelle, grena, griselidis, Grégory Viguier, guerneves, guilden84, Guillaume, Guillaume Orsal, Guitou, GuttyPress, guy78, gvaslin, gwadabeach, Hai Zheng⚡, Hareesh S, Harry_Tuttle, hazhargaleh, hector7, helloimhere, herbomezg, HERVE, Hervé Suaudeau, hibounocturne, hoblucas, iamandre, ignition3d, imagescom, Imagify, Inisev Translations, Ioana, IONOS, ipelda, Iqbal Hossain, is0ph, Isabelle33, Isaure Champeaux, itoben, Jacob N. Breetvelt, jacquebert, Jacques Malgrange, jarou, Jason Crouse, Jb Audras, jbauer52, jbkt, JCV, jdonzallaz, Jean-Christophe, Jean-David Daviet, Jean-Florent Baucher, Jean-François, Jean Lorber, jeanlucb, jeanmax77, Jean Traullé, jedilara, Jeffinho2016, jeffoulet, Jenny Dupuy, jeremyacy, Jeremy Herve, jerry1211, jerryjeon, JFG Media, jgarbasi, jjacq, JMDP, jmhetsch, jmprofsvt, jnlr, jogan, Johan, Johan van der Wijk, Johan WALTER, John Ben, Jonathan ICARD, jonattend, JoomUnited, jopa50, jordanbanks22, Jose Varghese, José Luis Torres, jpg93, jpgoem, jpib, jrduchemann, jsmansart, JS Morisset, ju2p, judicaelg, julesbou, julesdupont, Julia Galindo, Julie Moynat, julienbruneau, juliendauphin, jumpinsteph, Jérémy, Kaellyana, kalagan80, Kantari Samy, kaon68, karen0123, karine wendling, katiarisse, katrine29, Kaya Studio, Keroth, Kerrian Le Bras, kevinroualec, kevius, Killian Santos, killianvlt, Kim Gow, Kip Creativ', kistune, Klemart3D, Kleor, kliyo35, K M Ashikur Rahman, Kokomo, Konstantin Obenland, kreego, krepta, kristelas, kureman, kzoschke, la.braud, laduff, Laetitia de Perthuis, lalbert, lambert, laposteproexpeditions, lastationsupport, LauGau, laurentfa, Laurent MILLET, Laurent Naudier, lcapronnier, leandromoura42, leaoh, learnpresslms, Le chef Isidore, leduigou, lemaitreenzo, lepointdevente, leroysabrina, lespinsdessables, lextenso, Li-An, lililapaz, lilly278, Lionel Pointet, littlemy68, LOmiG, Lorangeo, Louis, Loulou51, Loïc Antignac, lucaslaurito, lucaxxx, ludivinerld, Ludovic S. Clain, lulucmy, lyloueen, Léa McAleese, M. NASRI, maapi10, macpanter, madalin.ungureanu, madmax4ever, maecatnou, Magali, magdalinau19, mahonyson, mahosman, mahr0883, majordome, MakeWebBetter, Malouk, manabilal, manu225, manud07, MARC-ANTOINE THEVENET, Marc Bellêtre, Marc Lacroix, Marco Almeida | Webdados, Marianna, Marie Comet, Marine EVAIN, marinep30600, marmottecool75, Marron, Massimo, matboss, Mathias, mathias33, Mathieu GOBERT, Mathieu Viet, Matt, mattdaley, matth1012, matthewgotcha, mat_, maximebj, maximebsu, Maxime LEROY, Maxime Michaud, Maxime Pertici, Maël Conan, mcorroy, Mehedi Hasan, merkator, mescalytequila, Metagauss, M Hefti, Mia Levesque, Michael Nelson, Michelle Bulloch, mickaelcorvaisier, mikejpr, mikewinsc, mikrofree1956, Milan Ricoul, Moez, mogrime, Mokrane KARAR, momo-fr, monakine1, Moove Agency, morgao, mowzz, moyiize, Mparany Rasoloarijao, mqcv, mreichstadt, mtessier, Muriel Rollier, mylenewp, MyThemeShop, MZed, naihf, nchaffard, ncocquerelle, nexusdev07, nicdeb, NicolasKulka, Nicolas Langle, nicolasprn, nicolasricher, nicomollet, Nikhil G, nobohunter, nsimonk, Nuktorn, Nuno Sarmento, nyoz, oarces, oceaneklein, oihan, Olivier, Olivier Gérard, openagenda, OreilleMalade, ottmann5, owleads, p0ouet, pacoute, papicx, PARETO Digital, paretodigitalclpte, Parin Panjari, paroissesainttimothe, pasand13, pascal50, Pascal Hoquet, Pascal T, pasglop, Pat, Patricia, Patricia BT, paulagaces, PaulDSB, pdumarche, Pedro Mendonça, pepe, peregrinethemes, perlaharb, petitphp, Philippe DERATHE, phoenix13, pierre74, Pierre Bichet, Pierre Lannoy, Pierre Mobian, Pierre Viéville, Pieterjan Deneys, pinprenelle, Pitou31, pixelsing, pleglise, postmagthemes, pouark, pouicpouic, prachi7677, punkyard, pxm0823, pyrobert, qctintin, Quentin, Quentin Panel, racailloux, Rachel Peter, ramien, Ranzuni, raoul69, Rashel, Raz, rddinfo, Really Simple SSL, reflexion38, reivilob, rem42, reputeinfosystems, Reuhno, RevenueHunt, Riad Benguella, ricolebelge, ricplan, robinthebird, Robin W, rockthebretzel, rodrigoq, Rolf Allard van Hagen, romainflamant, Romain VINCENT, roms2000, ronanb3, ronin24, roumi, Rozenn,, RVOLA, Régis Grison, sahro, saiocreteil, sandrine77, sandrinerodrigues, sarnia7, scargo67, schumijo, sdevos, sdidier, Sebastien Gissinger, sebastienmertes, sebh06, seblatour, sebosbi, Seebz, segarys, senequeme, SeQura Tech, Seti Gali, sgidrz, shahzadfaraz1, shams2al, Shea Bunge, sherpin, shimjakacowebs, sicca, Simon W, SiteGround Translations, skander nabli, skymaiden, SNG Translation Team, sohochoc, SomeUser, Son, sonaar, Spacetime, sphakka, sprinco, spshni, srossignol, stancer, staurand, stefan.kruger, stefannsasori, Stephane Daury (stephdau), stephaneg, stephanegauthier, Stephane PISKORZ, Stephen Bernhardt, stephnikel, Steve Hornecker, stevekabuka, Steven Roh, stormx, studioavanti, studiorenaissance, Stylemix Translation Team (CLPTE), Stéphane Audic, Stéphanie Vester, sylvain68, sylvainglobalia, Sébastien Dumont, Sébastien SERRE, Tawhid Islam Raihan, tdod, tflorian, thbo37, thebobby, The Events Calendar Translations, themeansar, theophil_bethel, theuxbc2061, thibowglt, Thierry Pigot, thomasnavarro, Thomas Piron, Thomas Villain, tiboalberny, Time Slot, Time Slot Translations CLPTE, Tim Morley, Timothée Brosille, titis14, tom05, tomasz_bednarek, toutpourmasante, Translations by Automattic, Translations by Google, Tristan. Remy, tshopb, Twentig, tyranidex, ulrichgenisson, Ultimate Member, upsilondigital, valentindu62, Valérie Galassi, vanespenamaury, vanessacolletcolomb, vanixxx, varthore, veronica2208, verturin, Viamultimedia, victorairiaud, Vilguax, VincentBray, Vincent Dubroeucq, vincentrouss, Virginie FAVRAT, Virginie Garnier, Vivodia, vmhubspot, vnonj, volpeo, vt17s, Vylma, walid91, warabar, wargalll, Web-Stat, webcraftic, webmestrelivremonami, websy, WebToffee, weecl, whaze, WhyDonate, Willy Chataigner, Wilm39, wocmultimedia, WooCommerce CLPTE, WP-Translations, wp2pgpmail, wpandrevincent, WP connect, wpdancad, wpdevelop, WPLake, WPMarmite, WPSight, WPSwings Translation Team (CLPTE), xalexisx, Xavier Borderie, xgaillard, xXSplash, Yannick Lepetit, yannouu, YAOTW, yblatti, yelbh, yoancutillas, yohanncollin, youssef203, ypec, Yves Maurin, yvounet14, z00z00z00, zatchouli, zepolo, zetoya, zguyc1, zorglub, and Éric Martin.

Past Translation Contributors (3,592)

0bamo0, 00CashBack, 0proboy0, 2dou, 2lbastien, 2wd63, 4urelien, 5AMsan, 5p2p, 5star4mula, 7am, 9janeo, 10Web Translations (CLPTe), 22internet22, 100circus, 218labs, 321concept, 535m, @Judge_DT, a.vernay, a3lfyr, a67k, Aaron Douglas, ab31270, abbadimehdi, abbiewd, abdelelomari, abdessamad idrissi, abel007, ablandin, abonnefoy, abossan19953, abpostman1, Abracarambar, absoluteweb, Absylom, acalfieri, acalyon, acl4551, Acliptic, acmkua, acrew, actu44, acvie479, Adama, Adam from Trustindex, Addons for Contact Form 7, adelesalle, adeslebaroudeur, adiboo67, adjoussama, Adlane Benlatreche, adminfc, adminkov, ado666, adriancln, Adrien, adrien3763, adrienj, adrienmissemer, adzetko, aecampos, aegidiusfrance, aembode, Aert Hulsebos, af005, afaeld, afcopro, afrut, AFS Analytics, agatita, Agence Larsen, agenceplay, agencewebify, agentcobra, AgentPaper, agepcom, Agnes, agnescld, Agnieszka Szuba, agoss34, agotteland, aguett, agw35, aholstrya, ahpcservices, aic.ulb, aicha09, aicragellebasi, aiille, AiratVibe, airodyssey, Airthemes, aissa23, Aisyk, ajoublinbdsa, akanda, akanjischool, akemimg, alaexpo, alain77250, Alainb, alaindmn, Alain Schlesser, alama32, alaurans, alban320, albanito1, Albatros789, albertchaprot, Albert Juhé Lluveras, aldep, ale5000, aleksimakos, alesastrat11, aleussice, Alex, Alex.PM, alex6m, Alexander C., Alexandra, Alexandre, Alexandre, Alexandre - AcyMailing Newsletter Team, alexandrejpierre, AlexandreRideau, Alexandre Simard, Alexandre Valensi, Alexey, alexforcier, alexgb, alexicx, alexischenal, alexisfontana, Alexis Gilard, Alexis L., Alexis Vandepitte, Alex Kirk, alexkmk, alexlev, Alex M, AlexRezid, alexrollin, alexwcmultishipping, Alf3001,, aliceplt, alicericher, alienox, alineh, Aline K., alisonr, Alix26, allanfousse, alma5475, almahmoud, aloisia, alricth, alteretgo, AlTi5, alwinbourgeois, amadeous01, amaliadl, Amandine, Amauri, Amaury Balmer, Amazon Associates Link Builder, ambretombmollie, ame, amelauel, ameliequaligaz, amicalmant, aminawp, Amit Barai Alit, amlette, amoloa, amosar, Ampersand Factory, amstrad, amstramgram, AMZ Software, Anahi, anarchic_teapot, andergmartins, andesir, andongni, Andras Guseo, Andrea De Giovine, Andreas, andreasfischer, Andrei G., Andrew DS a11n, Androwalski, andy_moyle, aneliyavalcheva, anesofy22, angelbzh, angelolopez, Angerswebdev, Anh Tran, annabplr, anne1005, annegaelle, annemarie77, annepl, AnnneC, anonymo7, Anonymous User 2132933, Anonymous User 10765487, Anonymous User 12851872, Anonymous User 14962742, Anonymous User 15021278, Anonymous User 15187180, Anonymous User 15224545, Anonymous User 15359773, Anonymous User 15409766, Anonymous User 15487706, Anonymous User 15640583, Anonymous User 15743477, Anonymous User 15802051, Anonymous User 15943123, Anonymous User 17234690, Anonymous User 17288783, Anonymous User 17532965, Anonymous User 18503205, Anonymous User 20033339, Anthony, Anthony Ceccarelli, anthonylackner, anthonymenard, anthonyringuette1711, Anthony Varela, antobdx, antoine69, antoine184, antoinecrisp, Antoine Dematté, antoinegeek, AntoineH, antoinelepine, antoinezz, apcloic, apicius46, apollo13themes, applimed, appuireg, aqrrastiq, aquinta69, aragoin, arbeca, arcantech, arguiot, ari0k, ariirau, Ariirau Ihorai, Aris, arizonawebdev, arkindor, Armin Mohren, arnaud1988, arnaud16571542, ArnaudBan, arnaudbrb, arnaudcoral, Arnaud JAEGERS, arnaudsxm2, Arnolito, aronce, arpax, Arpe5, arsenerichard, artemcomm, artemoda, artifax31, artifute, asadowski10, asaideandgo, asddigi, asflores1405, Ashanna, Ashim Kumar, ashokrd2013, ashor00, astar78, asteur, asthmalin, astrula, Ataur R, aThemeArt Translations, Atkheos, atlounge, ATL Software SRL, atmospherecommunication, atnhenri, atollia, atomicjo, attraptemps, au2023, AudeYoucom, AurelienFT, aurelienpierre, aureltbe, aurorebrdn, Aurovrata Venet, Aurélien LWS, Automattic, Autumn, avaneste, Avaos, Avasize Team, avionrouge, avotreidee, avoussou, avoZarts, avpronos, avsb89, awake78, Awaken Solutions Inc., awesomesupport, AWP Classifieds Team, Axeptio, axion31, axzoul, ayoubnejm, aytechnet, ayyourcasa, azahel452, azhanor, azixy, azralth, azygos13, b3nd3l, b3nk3i, babasteve, babico2020, baboon056, baboukzzz, babyonmove, badconker, bakfr, Baptiste Riera, bapval, bartnoel, barton165, Basil Adrien, basileboudier, basndiaye, Bastien, Bastien, bastienbroussard, basuyau, bawagab, bbigwp, bbparis, bduriez, BE API, beardev, BearDev translation team (CLPTE), bebond, beezital, begoodinweb, behabib, belette, belinda2105, belisleian, belleisle, Ben, Ben, benbois, bencal, Benchmark Email (EU), bendup, benech17, benetel, BENETNATH, Ben Huson, beninux, benj6832, Benjamin, benjamincestre, benjamincottet, Benjamin Noureux, benjaminpierredylan, benjams, BenM, benmakerfr, Ben Marshall, Ben Meredith, bennettmcelwee, Benoit Chantre, Benoti, benouthepouick, Benoît Catherineau, Benoît NICOMETTE, , Ben Pearson, Ben Pines, benpropulse, berteh, berthezene, Bertrand, Bertrand Wattel, Bessonweb, bestwebsoft, betacire, Bethany Chobanian Lang, betrainedprod, bfof, bgermann, bgtbbox, bhama, bibobu, bidibooum, BiGAnaon, bigbear67, bigbossfr, bigfoot1231, bigshoprun, Bill Minozzi, billytierson, biomat, bitbusters, bitsandarts, bjbarbievk, Bjørn Johansen, blablacar, blacklord049, BlackYeLL, blanraph, bleubleunoir, blockonomics, Blog2Social, Blog2Social-Support, bloggeur2008, Blogueur, bloomhomeproject, Blossom Themes Support, bluebounty84, blueframe, blumeblau, bmabma, bmatteo, bmoty, bmrc, bng66, Bobii, bocodjo, Bogdan, bohmzy228, boisset14, Bokorat, Boldair Développement, bonakor, Bonaldi, Bonasse, bonger, bonjourportugal, Booking Activities Team, Boris Colombier, Botnation AI, boto976, bouabdellah, boubacar, boubafred, boukar10, boulguibouga, Bourasseau, bourcier, Boxtal, boyington, bradesales, Brahim Saif, brandelune, brewyet, brianmolko, Brice Capobianco, brichardwp, brijkishork10, brinta, bristow69, brlalexandre, browserweb, bruandet, brunov99, Bryan, bryan1994, bsajie, bsharpe, buccanr, buddybody, bv9t2tvu4y9, bveuille, bvsmith, bwpjp, B_Lamailloux, b_machuel, , C-Tomoe, C.Catarina, c3lp3e, c4spR, cabdias, cadmos, caimin_nwl, caledemon, Calin Vingan, calmusac, CamaSutra, camilleaj, camilleaugey, camillegravel, , Camille V, cantarayo, caouic, capbussat, captain56, CaquisTos, carbonerpro, caribou123, carine76, carlgymlelocal, Carlito nada mas, carlsansfa, caroju42, carolinebda, castlesuceurs, castoridae33, Catch Themes, catel, caucusfr, cbeghin, cbennacerwe, cbpoitiers, cbys, ccaron, ccausse2021, Ccile, ccrica, cdebattista, cdescombes,, cdrck, cecileh, cecos, cedricbethencourt, cedriccastella, cedrine, celine_asco, celtikred, ceodoc, cesam34, cestautre, cgri, ch31, cHab, CHABIRAND Yves, Chad Butler, cham0ut, chandrawaliltd, Chantal Coolsma, chaozable01, charitycentrerefugees, charleschocolatine, Charles St-Pierre, charlie67p, Charlie Etienne, Charlie Merland, charly27, charlyg57, chayall, cheezou, chervince, chillichalli, chleuk, chomiel, chookity, choralien, chouf1, Choutben, chriden, ChriKn, chris.bataillon, chris3872, chris8304, chrisagon, Chris Castejon, chrisdynamic02, chrisfx, chrishrmnn, chrisnasulea, chrisri, Chris Simmons, christelehrhart, christellepetry, Christian EDOM, Christian Sabo, christofu, Christoph, Christophe, Christophe, Christophe, christophe94700, Christophe BENOIT, christophehoro, Christophe Seguinot, Chritchan, Chrystl, chti56, cindym21, cindyr89, cist, civinaut, cjenti, ckol, clafere, clairealma, clairec06, Clarion Technologies, Clarisse K., Clarisse K., classikd, Claude, claudebehr, Claude Tauliaut, claudy44, cldev, cleevetechs, clemencewp, clementlemagnifique, clementp1986, clementrectangle, clemi2218, click5, cln.lgr, Clotilde, clotildeg, cloudimageio, Clément, , cmarciniak, cmonjeau, cmontcour, cocosay, code2pomo, Codeies, CodexInfra, codyarsenault, cogitis, Colir, comkapi, Comm100, Commeuneimage, communication78, communicationsevanova, comptedev, connectmontre, constantinsarafian, constantv, contactoceandigital, contacttroc, ConveyThis, coockiepickle, cookiebot, copaincommecrayon, corbeau, corentineoxia, corentinfranc, corivo, cortexxe, corymbus, costib, courseul, Cozy Vision, cpaslui, cpluscommunication, crabi, crash95, creabymel, creaforge, Creame, creamediaprint, creasoeva, Creastic, CreaZo, cret32, crimson260, cripoche56840, crisp, crlnwood, croquy, croussel, Cryonid, CryoutCreations, cryptoss, csertelet, csil0710, csorbamedia, cthomasfr, ctrealisations, cturbe, cumunanza, Curpsy, cxp4, cybereve, cyberomania, Cyril, CyrilG, Cyril Seguenot, cyrilst, cytalek974, Cécile, , d27fr, daber, daboat, dafap, dahooimmobil, dailycomtranslate, dakotapearl, dalanglois, dalmings, damdam, Damien, Damien Goubeau, damiroquai, damleg, dams2metz, DANASSIÉ Arnaud, Daneel, dangerouspiper, Daniel, daniel46100, daniel@tutoderien, danieldelaplace, Daniel Farnier, Daniel Floeter, danielmendes1989, Daniel Menȝies, danielr25, DanielRiera, daniloercoli, Danny Colin, Danny van Kooten, dannyyjo, Dan Roundhill, Dan Shop, danybl, danyboyy, dariozef, darkmind, darkvadd7, darkxeon, darlio, darloup, Darren Peyou, darrigan, Darwin Ameli, datrue, davdebcom, David Artiss, davidbourguignon, David Cavins, davidchampy, David Corradini, David Daugreilh, davidhorizon, davidlfq, David MELLOT, David MT, davidsimon14, davjack, davram, daxid, dayofr, dbenigue, dbnet2353, dbuffault, dearaify, deenadrien, deeoon, Degliame David, delacosta456, delavigne, delipress, delirium6, delivengo, delpheen, delwinv, denis1030, denisflahaut, denispmw, dentaoman, DEPAGNE Christian, derosieres, derpfox, desavoye, designboxcom, Design Extreme, designium, designrecycle63, deslaurs, desplanches, devede, develogg, GmbH, devportobello, devscop, DeWilliam, dferdoille, dghstudio, dgoethals, dgontier, Dhananjay M, dharifa123, dhebert91, diambere, Diane Bourque, Diane DEFORES, dibase, didesta, Dieezah, Diego Giraldo, Digico Paris, Digit2Go, Digital River, Dilip Bheda, dilurai, dim404, dinobib, diodonmedia, Dion Hulse, directeuradrafr, DirtyF, distilleriebaptiste, dixiebelle, djayrome, djeem59, djess159, Djib's, djiinn, djtb, djworks55, dlecan, dleroux61, dletourneau, dlvfrance, dmathe, dmbaye, Dmitry Mayorov, dmsr, dngani, DNutbourne, dobainier, docxpresso, domaraj, domaxis, Dominik Rauch, Dominik Schilling, Dominique Haussener, dominiquele, dommeca, domusse, doog2229, doprev, Doremdou, doriancarriere, DoudouMoii, dougal45, dounet33, drackoweb, dracortex, drakking, Draky, drartisan, drchewbacca, drcode, drd2ab, dreammedia, dreamssoft84, drebin54, dreep, dregad, drew, drinette82, drissponcet, droit2veto, drspock, drtranslates, druiz38, drwebbe, dso31, dudaster, Duke Yin, duvy06, dyac, dydu7533, DylanRhuth, dylanw68, dzagro,, earywen, Easytransac, ebaniriv23, ebethel, E Bourrez, EBrockway, echofr, ecollart, Ecwid by Lightspeed Ecommerce Shopping Cart, edauphin, eddalilayoub, Eddy, eddyes971, Eddy LB, Edeezine, edgarwes, edlm10, edwardedd, eeaiou, efd83500, efetpl44, effi, Eglfleure, ehben, ekho666, EkoJR, el91, elaurie, elcagou, eldolink, eleazardaoudou, Elementor, elibee, EllaNet, ellememe, elode, Elodie, elodiecha22, elodyadam, elpulpo, elreco, Elrow, eltata13, , elzobo, emarcais, emarch, emendo_seb, emerickh, EmilienM., emilyaudela, emilywisser, emjy, Emmanuel, Emmanuel ADEKPLOVI, Emmanuel ANDRY, Emmanuel BERTRAND, Emmanuel Hesry, EmmanuelleC, Emmanuel Simond, emmashwp, emmbarre, encolpe, eniclot, eniotnag, EnkiTreeOfLife, enzocompany, epepin, Epistol, epnakalex, epoxyde, equipeforum, erba14, erfa489, Eric, Eric, eric77, eric10100, Erica Varlese, ericbay, ericborgnat, Eric Leroy, Eric Lesage, Eric Malalel, , erpiu, ervvan, erwangl, erwanjugand, erwinjnj, esab, esmalaes, este1, esteban0509, esteban74, Esteryn, etalented, eticweb, etlomb77, eturgetkulf, eurekaindustries, euterpiaradio, evalforisque, Evan Mattson, evoquecom, evyocom, evypop, ewidance, eworkshop, excaliben, Exodox, Exodox CL-PTE service account, expertimmodelarc, Extendify Translation Team (CLPTE), ezoulou, ezyrat, fabienaurejac, fabiencmtf, FabienHt, fabienlege, fabienp, fabienpardo, FabienV, fabilus26, Fabio Rinaldi, fabrice47, fabricelaborie, Fabulous Fab's, fabzzz, faimetti, falais, fanfarlo, fanibouc, fanjoe, fansdelementor, fantasyauction, farid6743, farpajou, Fast Simon, Fazaé, fazzyvirus, fbeaugra, fbgraphiklab, fblaser, fbs54, fcerfon, fclaus, fcojgodoy, fcourtade, fcthulhu, fdecourt, fducrest, fearindustry, FedaPay, felixinx, felixovianet, fernandeslionel, ffantaisie, ffdigital33, ffoodd, fg63, filipus, fippocampe, FipsFips, firebird75, fischbachinfo, fkngprnce, fkosmala, flagnico, flaine, Flam696, flasheur, flashnet, flaviendev, flavio63, Flayks, Flector, fleresche, FleuryK, FlinkQc, flintr, flippingmyworld, Floczek, FloInfo38, floksy, flopal, floquatrevo, Florent, florent71, florentc, Florent CHRISTOPHE, Florent Roques, florentweb, Florian Chaillou, Florian Chambolle, Florian DANIEL aka Facyla, Florian Girardey, florianlyon, florianpodigee, florianqb, Florian SIMUNEK, Florian TIAR, Florian Truchot, flouze, flow92, fluken, flv926, flystop, fmarie, fongoum, formatweb, forresst, fouad.z, founderdftba, foxync, fpeyraud, fpinon, fpointillart, fr0stfr, fragath, framboise314, france1, franchard, franck71, Franck Gervais, francklek, Franck Pignon, Franck VANHOUCKE, franckzusatz, franck_b, francois.massart, francois0412, francoisA, Francois Barnich, Francois G, Francois Lamotte, francoisnsg, francoistambwe, franculyon, frank44, Frank Bueltge, frankdelsol, Frank Goossens, Frankie Jarrett, Frank Klein, franmassarotti, franrbusch, frazck, fred5f, Fred17, Fred22000, fredalter, Frederic, frederic74, fredericlip, fredgarner, fredgorius, fredhimself, fredmistralch, Fred_Konga, freelanceforclient, freelancetechnologies, freeworldnet, frenchsacco, Frenchtastic, Frenchy, frgo, frigory, fripss, Frmo, frobertgraphiste, froozeify, frostonweb, FR_lucien, Frédéric Nuyts, fsheedy, ftpwp, fturgis, Fugu Design, fulgur, fullhestack, fulviods, funkypeople83, Funnelforms, futuramax, futurimedia, FXB, fyroeo, G3ronim0, gabdo, GabLeRoux, Gabriel, gabrieldelpech, gadlab, gaelgerard, Gaelle Despoulain, gaetanaix, gaggou, galloba, game0ver, ganmontagne, Gareth, Gary Jones, garyu_zangetsu, Gautam Thapar, gautiermarchal, gbrandy, gc700, gchtr, gdemonta, gedoforge, Geeky_Waykool, gegenne, gekkollia, gen385, geneanet, Genetech Solutions, gentilleplume, Gentlefish, GeoffBel, Geoff Guillain, Georgiana Florea, Georgian Cocora, gerald567, geraldmorales, gerberinfo, germagbokou, geronimo22300, gerritauthentic, gerwatson1, gespion, gestad2019, gestionrivalesmedias, getadback, gezer01, ggounot, Ghislain Phu, gihel59, gildasgh, Gilles, gilles24, gillesdebda, gillesgobillot, Gilles Hoarau, gilleswp, Gino Balacco, ginocremer, Gio Lodi, gislain23, gloirededieu, glukor, gmcms, goaa, gokuten, Golay, goldensteph, golibur, goneiross, goof71, gorom, gotfers, Gougnek, gouziftw, gpwp, graab, Grafikart, grafikaweb, grafityx, graphys, grazl, greencityparis, greenman19, greenprono, greffierdeswongs, gregcourdier, Gregor Capuder, Gregory, Gregory Karpinsky (@tivnet), GreWeb, grg26450, grissouris, grperetti, grrog, gsconsulting, gsvi, gteguem, GuDule-StAr, gueststar, guezavier, Guga Alves, guidebook, Guido, guiest63, guiguilyon, guiguiweb, guilamu, guileas, Guillaume, guillaume90, Guillaume G., guillaumegarciahrc, guillaumeld, Guillaume TROTON, Guillaume TURPIN, guimauve, guinness8544, gvalere810, gVectors Team, gwadaking, Gwadama, gwardomos, gwdlarry, gwenm, gwenrannv, gwenspirit, Hadrien01, hafrang, hajarnemar, Hakan Mahmutoğlu, hakim2020, Halyra, hamanad, hamdouni, Hannah4web, hanni, happybizz, Hardik Gohil, harrypo, harty911, haxee, hb2605, hbirdweb, hbourmo, Hector Cabrera, heimana3010, heinznow, Heirem, helenesavoie1, helgie, Helle1, helloursula, hello_c_elo, helpanimaux, hempunity, henri2pw, henryboisgibault, hermann17, hermanneho, Hermann LAHAMI, herve30900, Herve ARNAUD, Herve THOMAS, hew, hgouthiere, hgzllx, hidnseek, hidrarga, Hinaloe, hismail, hitihiti, Hitsteps, hlabrande, hlarocque, hogsim, hojoNc, homerthompson, Homescriptone Solutions, honnorat, Horea Radu, horus71, hosein71, HostBliss, Hostinger, houdaba92, houzephataheraly, hpbb, htsitoha, HTTPCS, HTTPS Free SSL Dot Tech, hubert91, Hubert Nguyen, hug0g, hug12, Hugh Lashbrooke, Hugo, Hugo JACQUES, hugolevet, Hugo Mazurier Escoula, hugomrvt, Hugo Posnic, Hugo Pr, hugovsorbelli, humblelight, hunterd, hussong, hwane, hxjs, hydroxfr, HyperTiti, Hyrules, hzilliox, iampitchou, Ian Dunn, iazone, Ibrahim CISSE, icad101, icaleas, Iceable, icecoyote, icksol12, idefix38, idem2lyon, idjy, idomotique, idovic, idrisslgh2020, idylle, IfSo Dynamic Content, ignasi7, igota, ihaleboop, ihdem, ijurisic87, ikakunamatata, ikiu91, ikuki, iliasma, ilias_wp, illnordqvist, imadaoufir, imadbendimerad, imliamd, immorentier, imragecs, inc-jf, incendia, index01, indigo74, infonezzar, infrablue, Ingrid Azéma, injaweb, inkthemescom, innfreds, inovagora, inrage, inside-daweb, intel886, interamap44, invinciblejane,, inyar, inzewind, ioquery, ircf, Irene Strikkers, iroloon, ironpqndq, irwinrouch, irziana, isag, isaweb, ishydo, isilia_dvp, Ismail El Korchi, issome, itinerrances, Iubenda Translation Team (CLPTE), Ivan Gabriele, Ivan Louis, IvanRF, Ixelkhan, iyann, j.hoffmann, J.N. Squire, Jabbabi, jacenstark, jack1214, Jackmail, JackNUMBER, JackSim, jacoplane, jacquespena, jaddle, jaigoff, jajasep, Jake Evans, Jake Jackson, Jake Morrison (a11n), jamesdu67, James Laforge, jamestreanor, Jan, janwyl, japotrad, jaramend, jasmine75, Jason Hendriks, Jason Rouet, jasujs, javazz, Jaxom, Jayden Major, jbbouchet, jbcouton, jbeda01, jbron, JBTouchard, jbyunes, jcamus, jcastagne, jcbousignac, jchatel, jclaude66700, jcmichel, jdenis24, jdias, JDubois450, JDWordpress, Jean-Bernard HUET, Jean-luc FRAUX, Jean-Michel Ferrard, jean-patrick, Jean-Pierre Michaud, jean44000, Jean Claude Gourdon, jeanlucbenazet, jeanneavelo, jeannedark, jeannefructiweb, jeannegi, Jean Paul Megue, jeau, jebbour, jecl0adaka, jefblog, jeff78, Jeffrey Paul, jejegri, jelal, Jenia, jenniferanselme, Jens Ratzel, jeremj2, jeremy80, jeremytools, jerhome, Jeriss Cloud Center, jerobeg, Jeroen Peters, jeromegreory, jeromevernalis, jeromext, Jessie, jessik, Jet257, jeti7338, JetLewis, jfbarthe, jfilou, jflagarde, jfm72fr, jfornech, jfoucher, jgd24, jgotheil, jhernigou, jhert, JibsouX, jiceo, jintos, Jivaneo, jjpeg, jjpsoft, jkimo2, jkroll, jlbeltrami, jleroy, jlgarnier, jljdigital, jlvdab, jma85, jmaia, jmbfr71, jmd85, jmellin14, jmgfr66, jmhwdporg, jmj92000, jmm, jmpicot, jmsarat, joachimbrindeau, Joachim Jensen, joanny, joaobrlt, jodafatass, joebarqc, Joel, Joey Kudish, Joffrey Nicoloff, johan59, Johan Jonk Stenström, Johannes Jülg, johemini, John, John, John, John Blackbourn, John Darrel, johnfsca, John Godley, johnmoose, Johnny Yu (CLPTE for Pinterest), johpriv, jojaba, Jojo, jonakangou, Jonas Roussel, Jonathan, Jonathan Bardo, Jonathan DAHAN, Jonathan Desrosiers, jonathanmerzougui, jonathanscapin, Jonathan Vannieuwkerke, jonoowh, JoomSky, Joost de Valk, jordanfaus, Jordan Rich, Jordy Meow, Jorge Bernal, jorgepetrov, joriskrawczyk, Jose, josefhelie, josselin29, josselynj, JOTAKI, Taisuke, joupi, JP, jp246, jpauldulot, jpdrouelle, jpg001, jpgolay, jphouben, jpitance, jplante, jplcie, jporret, JpTWF, jpvitulli, jr.duboc, jrey, jrostinmagnin, jsamesgsfus, jsav1n, jtissier, ju888, jualvarez, juauke, jubo,, jujutou, julesaus, julesleclerc, Julia Br, julianacarvalho0712, Julian B., julianoe, juliedbc, juliefrance33, julielogik, Julien, Julien, julien12, julienappert, julienfrecourt, Julien Liabeuf, Julien Menichini, julienmlynarczyk, julienrcs, julient84, julien_e, julila, julio75, Julio Potier, juliowilly, junk1902, jup853, Ju Reyms, jusdekiwi, just4com, Justin Ahinon, Justin Cuzin, jvzpronos, jwymann, jyd44, k2abo, Kader Bouyakoub, kahana82, Kaibot, kainio, Kaja Norbye, Kakise, kalessila8c, kalicem, kamarel1, kameleon1er, karim_maker, karine wendling, karlkreg, KAROUN22, kasimodo, Kasutan, Kathryn Presner, katiabovez, Katsushi Kawamori, kawaiijchan, kayakdemer35, kayaneuh, kdir93, keberin, kebz77, kelko, kelsett, kendodev, kenjiraw, kenny132, Kerzzy, keusta, kevin1007, Kevin Baffo, Kevin Mad, Kevin Vess, kezel, keziovsky, khahina, KHannibal, Khomille, khyvodul, Kial_Mi_46130, kica, kidacom, Kieran23, kifran, kikbluma, kikk01, killian6341, killick, kimaya49, kindtux, kingcoree, kingsman89, kinooo, Kitsuniko, kiweerouge, Kiwik, kjehiel, klinise, kmdth, knijia, knoandco, knops, kodyssee, koelan, Kokou Elolo AMEGAYIBO, kokouvi03, komkat, KOURA TOUSSAINT BEMALERA, krakt, kreacogito, kriks57, krislander, kritokin, krmoorhouse, kromidev, Kruno Golubić, kumo, kundun12, kuronokenshi, Kwashi Eli E., Kybernetik Services, Kyle Gilman, kythcayhaan, labaguettedigitale, labasse, Label Blanc, labplace, Labrak Yanis, ladyman, Laetitia, lafresheure, lagencebleu, lagrandebavardetrslt, Lainxif, lambyio, landeco, Lara Google Analytics - Support, largowinch, larsadt, Lars Koudal, lastjp, lataupe64, latelierdolympe, latenaille, latonje, laudag, Laure Lamande, lauremariet, Laurent, Laurent, laurent42, laurentcoignot, Laurent J.V. Dubois, laurentmagnin, LaurentR2D2, Laurent Vergnaud, laurianefay, Laurianne, lauriewdowiak, Lautobus, La Webeuse, Lawrence DAINES, lazarbaruk, lazl, lblangenois, lboon, lbourrat, lcarles, lda26, ldecoster, ldgwp, ldubben, leafed, lealamoine, lebendre, lebuzzy, leclercj, leendertvb, lefgolas, Le Geek, legraphist, lehezee, leif0, lejejdu33, lejournalweb, Lekcie, lemenyalex, lemong, Lena Stergatou, lennoxfretz, lentremi, leobo, leoboudet, leodom, leodsz, leololo22, Leonard, Leon Wimmenhoeve, leopx, Lepalois, lepapy, lephotographe, Le raconteur, Leroidelesprit, leroydesign, leschefs, lesjouzeaux, lesparfumsdecheyenne, lespritweb, lesylvaind, leteto68, leticia09, leubastien, leunamme, leviet78, lezebre, lfanucch, lfrancou, lgencusnau, liamekrem, liane, libertee, librexpo, lilasoa, liliaabebsi, lilipilon95, LimingYun, lingo121, Lionel Chollet, lionprincipe, lioram, littleneko666, lliorit, llucieb, lmcit, lmg1, lmichelot, lobographik, logan95, logiline, lographic, logre, loiseron, Lola_The_Kook, Lolbib, Lolo9002, lolo124002, lolodu66, Lol Zimmerli, Long Watch Studio, Long Watch Studio, lonsdaleite, loraydev, loremattei, lorem_ipsum, lorenzomilesi, lornah153, lorrisdumont, lotfinoluffy, lotheretan, loudbel, lourdi, Lox, L Perderiset, lponce, lqueffelec, lqurenssen, lriaudel, ltaupier, LucasBenard, LucasHantz, lucasht, lucasrp, Luc D, lucgre, luciano-croce, luciejegou, lucilec, luckclement, lucky45, LuckyWP, Luc Mariaux, ludertal, ludlaw, ludoboa25, Ludo Bonnet, ludoo0d0a, ludovicclain, ludwigwarnotte, lui748, luigi7317, luka30, lusciniagroup, luther29, luuug, lwink, lwvr123, lyamcarter, lydiawp, Lynn, LynXx, lyre, , m43c32n, MaamuT Delagrotte, mabdou, macalusom, Macklin Shahir, macricow, madamegal, maddaze, made2com, madeinmada4u, madiun, madmath03, madvic, maeliacreation, maelysdarde, MAfiOo, Magellan456, magepeopleteam, magicbeurt, magnaticwp, magnificphil, magod, mahi99, Mailjet, mainserv, maiplys, maitremo, majidkadi, majoncas, makfoulie, Makusu, malie9, Malo P.VEY, manassero, Manesh Timilsina, manix.thedeveloppe, Manoa, manonh, manu.p, manucau, manudevil, Manuel Schmalstieg, manuf3c, mapo5319, Marc, Marc, Marc13, marc44, marcalbertmesanger, marcandretrahan, marcartigas, Marc Boisvert-Dupras, Marc Dobler, Marcel, marcellinedechenaud, Marcin Pietrzak, marcmetzger, marcredwan, Marc Saffar, Marc Toensing, Marcus (aka @msykes), marfelnux, margzmi, mariandmweb, Marie-Aude, marie75, marieboy, mariemete, marigwil, marilyns11, marinov, marioncha5, marionperols, Marion Renard, Marjolaine Dihl, Mark Cheret, maroberti, marouanh, marties, martinacaraffa, Martin Beaumont, martinbouillaud, Martin Dulude, Martin H, Martin Stehle, Martouf, marykayyyyy, marylineswiss, MASAAKI, mascallabo, maskasfr, massou2413, mastafista, masteriyo, mat87, matbris, Mateusz Okła, math0u, mathbouq, mathdg8, mathiaskahn, Mathias Philippe, mathieu.pellegrin, mathieubailly, Mathieu Barbier, Mathieu Chartier, mathieuhays, Mathieu M., Mathieu Poisbeau, mathilde29, mathildemar, Mathilde Rivoire, Matlopress, matrix1993, matt33, matt75009, Matt Biscay, mattbourcheix, matteobarone, Matteo Marchiori, Matthieu, Matthieu, matthius, matt_corley, maudbono, maudco, Mauriac AZOUA, mauriciotesta, mauvaiseducation, mawez, maxbamboo, Maxime, Maxime, maxime8, MaximeB, maximebee, Maxime Culea, Maxime Jobin, maximekillinger, Maxime_13, maximilange, maximilienl, MaximusGDN, maxme, maxou775, maxthrill44, Maya, mayeulc, mayfly75, May Lemanceau, Mayval, Maël, mbacha, mbfairysky54, mccosmetics, mcgyver47, mcorteel, mcpt, mcrozet, mdes, mdesenfans, mduclercq, MEAT06, mediabat, mediacrea, mediartsfrance, meetingguide, megalf, megamenu, meilline, melanietamble, melibada, melopee, menders237, mensoif04, meonwp, MeOw_HRNe, meoz01, mercystark, mermouy, messaoud17, messilive19, Metagauss Translation Team (CLPTE), Metagenesis_of_Borg, metherland, meutho, meylodie, mezcaleros, mfa1, mhascoet, mhinparis, Michael, Michael, michael83, michaelcrofte, michaelgof, Michael Gout, Michael Milette, michaelsfdn, Michael Torbert, Michel, Michel, Michel - xiligroup dev, michelapau, michelballassephotographie, michelbouchon, michelbraibant, Michel VERDUN, michwii, Mickaël Gris, microeys, miendo, migpas21, Mike Castro Demaria, Mike Cortes, mikefromshopify, mikegilbin, mikes59, mikestp27, Mikko Saari, mikoma, mikrofree, milkpainter, milus783, milvain, minal02, mineyou, minhruhr, minsbe, minusc, Mips, mirbi, Mirko Humbert, mister3ze, mistercyril, misterpo, miuraclassic, mkende, mkhaldi, mlevy2014, mlfactory, mll, mllkjjhhggj, mmes, mmuman, ModernPlugins, mohamed.belhassen, mohamed.sedki, mohamedalli, Mohamed Amine Lahiala, mohamedhamnache, Mohammed Berbouch, moisa, Monarobase, MONDOHA Maoulida, mondula2016, MonsieurNuages, mooberrydreams, mopao, MotoPress, MotPresse, moum08, mounabouslouk, mourad1985, Mourat, mousstix, mozzaurel, mraihi12, mrdaftyt, MrFatad, mrjames17, mrqsg7, mrv8, MrYann, mr_pom, msakande, mtdp, mtournier, mtoy64, muletier, mullerc, Mustafa Ebaid, mwebnormandie,, mwybo, Mygale06, mykerinus, mylene-funique, myliel, myrddin02, Myrdhin09, myriamjessier, Myshock, mysticgirlthon, mywebsos, mzaimi, mzpf,, Nabil, nabil1979, NadegeGuil, nadiascrat, nadinejarvis, najoha, nallanot, nandow, nanoue13, Naoko Takano, naouelz, nassimguita, Nat, nathalie79, nathitshe, nathkalf, nathyv, natriya, Nauriskolats, Navin Poeran, nawazaga, Nazmul Hassan, nbtetreault, NCN Comm', ndehennin, nedatranslate, Neethu, nekomanta, Nels, neolytic, neosiryx, NetDame, netdelight, NetherMC, netmex, netofficielmaster, networkxd, neuronpartners, Newki75, nfally, nfavrod, ngmarel, ngoncalves, ngourle, nhatier, nhodin, niaguis, niakool, niamor96, nicesharing987, Nick, nicklatrick, Nick Spencer, Nico(las) Messer, nicochto, nicoeng, nicoesiea, nicof, nicogaudin, NicoL3AS, nicolallias, nicolasbolzinger, nicolasbullier, Nicolas Cuny, nicolasg1, Nicolas Igot, Nicolas Lemoine, nicolasleon, nicolasmartins, nicolasmetters, Nicolas Notararigo, , nicolasrenard, nicolazon, nicoss, nicotentin, nicoxygen, nidamo, nidinna, nielsabadie, nierdz, nightangel75, niko2b, niko2268, nikon33, Nikoune, ningstar40, nintechnet, nirmalgope, njn04, nmarty159, nmathey, nmdsas, nmunsch, noelialazaro, noemiesb, Noeski, noethix, noirebene, nollier, none, nonolimits, nonono88, noobygamer, nooka57, normandcharpentier, northernhighs, nosilver4u, notezik, notifweb, noulwen, nour75016, noursiddat, noutan, nuageux, numero7, Oaz, obdowp, ocarinasoft, occitageek, oceanem, oceanwp, ockhanbyron, octaid, odintk45, odinvkg, ofredon, Ohidul Islam, ohifonly, oh_franck, oisinoconnor1, ojdupuy, Okery Banza, okobsamoht, okpoub, oktane, olaboum, olabs1, oliv12, olivewalter, Olivier, Olivier.A, olivierberquin, olivierborgognon, Olivier Copetto, olivierdar, olivierf, olivierf10, Olivier Fehr, Olivier Halligon, olivierhouv, olivierj, olivierk, olivierschaeffer75008, oliviertadaa, Olivier van Helden, olivvv59, oli_14, olyahryhorenko, olygoelements, omarelm, omarrizqi, omeynard, omniumyl, oncbara, onedollar, oneilos, OneKitWeb, OneKitWeb, OnPoint Plugins, OPTICLIC Marketing web, Optimizing Matters, opusinternet, oregami, originalsbytoto, orphee66, oshikawa1140, otis33470, ottodix, ouacom, OUANGDRAK78, ouba, ouileo, oullipoc, oupsy, ousmanedev, ouziel, ovanhoey, overcride,, ovslash, owavreille, oxxoweb, oxyone, Ozh, pacificavenue, packlink, Pacotole, paddybl, pafzedog, pagiyvann, Pagup, Pair56, pakempf, palberto, Palijn, palmipode, pamc37, pame101, pangeethearenaria, panjim117, Paolo Belcastro, paolomaria, papadouble, papaloup, Papin Schipper, papy01, papyp, papypom, pascalb972, Pascal Birchler, pascalbourret, Pascal Casier, Pascal CESCATO, Pascal Pitette, pascalwp, pasolint, pasqual, passcool, patateperdue, Pat Baudy, patisr89, patprov, patrice, patriceairoldi, patricebima, patriceha, patriceinformatique, patricepradat, Patrick Faust, patrickmosca, Patrick Robrecht, PatrikRoy, patripat, Paul Argoud, paulbreard, Paul Clark, pauldbk, Paul de Wouters, paulindelforge, paulinfotso0, Paul Karampournis, Paul Laville, paulob1983, pav61100, Pavel Ciorici, Payplug, Paysan Breton, pbajoit, pboisclair, pbrimbeuf, pcowan, pcwriter, pda1, peechaya, peemp, PeepSo, Inc., pepitolu, percevalx, percu59, peregrim, perfectokun, perfectzen, periwinklefr, petate, peter017, peter228, Peter Smits, petitbateau54, petitefabriqueduweb, petitjedi, Petya Raykovska, pexys, pfs007, PhD Lady, phid78, Phil995511, philcambo, philemon1989, philippe6182, PHILIPPE CANTIN, phillylovepark, philmusichorus, philou511, philoux, philrich123, philwojcik13, philzeweb, phinee2, PhiRem, photographil, phylophyl, picanof, pichwise, Picturgency, pierr0t63, Pierre-André Cap, Pierre-Yves, pierre7, pierre313, pierrea57, pierrebiret, pierrecp11, pierrecrot, pierredimatica, pierregarello, pierreizmeo, Pierre K., Pierre Lebedel, Pierre Lemarchand, pierren, pierreripka, Pierre Saïkali, Pierre Sylvestre, Pierre_02, pif, pikaone, Pilot'in, pilou123, pilouzinho, pimoucha, pincl, pinkegirl, pipixel06, pipoulito, pitouking, Pitshou Kalombo, pixinity, pixluser, pixys, pkjha, pkshetlie, placide14, Planitron, playwithfree, pletzkus, pllarouche,, pmcardinal, pmleconte, pmoise, pmperso, pmrioux, pobarbette, poca212, podor, pokertour, polh, politeman, polkade, polodebordeaux, polov, ponsfrilus, popeye12, popsantiago, poudanet, poulet44, poulpep, poupi530d, Pourgt, PozHonks, ppoivre, pppplus, PP Translation Team (CLPTE), pravdamien, prbifidus, prbond, predajob, Prelude Prod, presscustomizr, primatt, printful, Priscilla Chapman, priss77, Prodjia, proformaroute, progserv, protis, proutos, proverselle, prwackymonarch, pscolv, PSimonnet, ptikev, ptt-homme, Public User, publishpress, publiweb, pucedemecv95, punkisdead, puravida1976, purefrance, pvierling, pwozniak89, pymotion, pytchoun, Pán, qbert72, qgerdesign, qsypoq, Quadri, qualitas, quantumod, Quentin, quentin62232, quentinbri, Quentin Chantel, quentinfintecture, quibeneamat, qwinder, Qwindoo, r0mulux, rachid986, Rachid Abderrama, rachidbigm, Rafał Gicgier, raff87, rafikitechno, Rahal Aboulfeth, ralrom, Rameez Iqbal, raminours, Rami Yushuvaev, ramonopoly, randoo, ranziani, raoulc,, raphaellencrerot, raphale, raphawel13, Rara Themes Support, Raulanton, Raushan Jaiswal, Rayleigh, raynald3, Rbeuque74, rcgoncalves, rdgdeg, RealMag777, reckon52, red4zone, Redforts Software, redvivi, reewen, Regis B, regispress, RegistrationMagic Support, regnevegetal, Reiniepress, rellik77, remi1malo, remicliquennois, Remi Corson, remijonquieres, remimodulo, reminiscence17, remithomas, Remkus de Vries, rems37, Remy B, remyj38, renansavidan, renard1980, Rene, reno13008, reponsesbio, resamanagement, reservit, reskatorfr, resurehtonatey, revenonsanosmoutons, revixi5, Reüel, RF GESTION, Rhialto, riccardowp, Richard Carlier, Richard MAZUR, rik08, Rishabh the Translator, Ritika Roy, rivmanbx, rjorel, rladeon, rnifle, roanne, robbertflipsen, Rob de Cleen, Robert Sim, Robert Windisch, Robin G, Robin Labadie, robinwpdeveloper, robosoft, Rocco Aliberti, rochelletrev, rock4temps, rocknrocknroll, rodinux, rodriced2, rodseb29, Rogier Lankhorst, rollet34, Romain, romainchabrolin, romaingiacalone, romainsibille, romanb, romanio0089, romsala, romu62820, romuald28, romualdg, root09, rorobibifc, Rosette.AI, rosnoun, rostopoko, Rouen Webmaster, roundge, roundupwp, routard, rouxarriere, royalerror, royaljouet33, rubadub77, Rudloff, rukien, RUN-IT SYSTEM, runigerardsen, ruraweb, Rustaurius, Ruth Raventós, rwancraft, RynuX, , sabrina410906, sacha001, sadakoid, Safea, Sagrav, saidnai, sakuto, Saleswonder Team Tobias, salihou, sallymclean, salmakabis24, SALYM, Sam, Sami BEN YOUSSEF, samimnassri, Sam Lowry, Sampic, samsalou, Samsoft, Samuel, samuelbzn, Samuel Guebo, samuelimbert, samuelimbert1985, samuelmonnard, samuelpiret, samuelrh, samuel_29, samuel _remoue, Samy RABIH, Samyterje, sandklk, Sandra-66, Sanesh Acowebs, sanguinarias, santa42, santerref, Saracom, sasu61, sbadenis, sbigras, sbindi, sbnet, sbouey, scalblog, scardo2000, sccgoichon, sceric, schawki, schmidt25, science5olutions, scorvez, scoudeville, scourrie, screenprotector, Scrollsequence, sdegrande, sdouchy, se7en76, seb-romeo, seb00ch, Sebaa Bilal, Sebastian Soo, sebeeasy, sebm78, sebmeric, seboparized, seboune, sebpress, sebremy, sebronin, sebvita, Seby Corby, secuip, sedcore, seekz85150, seishynon, Sekander Badsha, Sellsy, senatorbright, sendhil, SEOKEY, SeoMix, seoptix, Seospande, Serge, serge94, serge rauber, sergio89, serialbob, SeriousOwl, Serval, serval92, ServiceInfo, sfheu6669, sfroment, sgortaisnc, sguenette, sguillaume75, Shadi G شادي جـ, Shannon Smith, Shannon Smith, Shareaholic, sharebordeaux, sharedbits, shauns, sheik78, shokola, Shopify, shulard, siadmin, siddhyn, sieurvld, signe, silicium92, silver689, silverks, silvio71, sim1234, Simon, Simon Courtois, simonf79, simonfaure, Simon Janin, simonpackham, simonroy, simsactu, sinaam, sindios7, Sinoq, SirAde, sirapa, siret, siridev, siriub, sisaupl123, sitecurengys, siteweb, sitewebmontpellier, sitrakadev, skins9t, skotperez, skro9899, skuenzi, skymanhand, skynews, SkyWeb, slabbe, SLASHlabs, Slava Abakumov, slegrand.antidot, sleyer1, slhuilli, smarinier, SmartnTIC, Smartsupp_plugin_CLPTE, smk130774, smuteau, snafu76, snakevipgaming, Sneaky, snowill, sobary, sogobamia, soilhat, sokar87, solaack, Solal Sanson-Stern, solidaritelocale, solutionscenter, sombartg, somcconnell, sonia-zzzz, soniacrea, soon7, sophie35, sophieb2g, Sophie Jouglard, sophrologue64500, soubis, Soul.City, sourixx, souverain, SP -, space17,, sparkis70, Spiffy Plugins, spline, spline68, spoonconcept, spraxis, SPYRIT systèmes d'information, sriviere, sseb35, st0fkry, st646de, st646es, st646fr, stadsarl, starchicken, startstek, steadyson, stef2bor, stef296, Stef Pasto, stefunky91, stekendak1, stenier, steno753, steph79, steph78630, Stephane, Stephane Daoust, stephaneroumieux, stephanetcheua, stephaniecii, StephanR, StephBel, stephrouen, Steph Wells, steve7777777, Steve Burge, stfc, stkwp, stl_on_web, stobynet, Streamline, stremone, stryghs, studiogardin, studiojurdan, studiom2v, Stéphane POISSON, Stéphane Treilhou, Subrata Mal, sudautomatic, sudoer, sultanjohn, sunfizz, sunnysilver, sunshine93, Superbatros, supercaty, Supertext, supertomate, Support Ole, supremelooser, supsystic, suraj63, surfix, SuzuKube, SVE69, sventanta, Sven Wagener, Swanito GEEK, Swathi S, sweetibal, sxmsushi, syberpro, Sybre Waaijer, sycall, Syhlver, syjust, sylfaen, Sylko, Syltaen, Sylvain Gemieux, Sylvain Tissot, Sylvie Massey, symboule, symptoma, sytou34, Sébastien COLLET, t-bo, tabuleo59, Taco Verdonschot, tadeha, tadraes, tahar17, taharamada, takfarinas, talahari, talbiconsept, talkingtofishes, tamise, tanemika, Tania Secalin, taonoe, taquin21, tarkansel, tarsalfr, tbauser, tbo460, tchelo12, tchewwy, tchiffa, tchoa91, tcwebfree, tdechangy, tdjemai, tdskt, teamass972, tearprice005, techspothit, teckos, Teddy, teddybeer, tematahotoa, tensazangetsu, terminoteca, testeurinformatique, testori1, th0masl, th3bish0p, thalie_93, THazell, thberrid, thebachman, thefibonaccifactory, theforkllillo, TheFork Widgets Translation Team (CLPTE), thejookerful, thejs, TheKillian, thelenias, themebeez, themeinwp, themely, ThemeZee, thenoyd, theo2018, theode, thepab, theploum, thepopevideo, therealyoda, TheSubmarine, The WP Empire, thibauld, Thibault, thibault01, thibautbannelier, thibautdlct, thiephaine, thierryandre, Thierry Maesen, thierryyyyyyy, thinprincess, thisisbbc, Thom, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, thomas1218, Thomas @VirtuBox, thomasbaltes, thomasbellili, Thomas Blanchard, Thomas Borghi, thomascharbit, Thomas Deneulin, Thomas Dubois, Thomas Dufranne, thomasferracci, thomasherisson, , thomaspich, Thomas Schmit, thomasvias, Thorsten Frommen, thpi, thrakula, Thx9999, thyrco, Théotime Gigleux, tianaina, tibolgr, Tibow, ticou973, Tidio Translation Team CLPTE, tiennou, tigrebleu, tikideido, Till Krüss, Tim, tim13n, timelord34, timjvollmer, timotheemoulin, tiniebongoetc, tinoushka, tintou, TinyPNG, tisoucy, titanscity, 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wyse92, xaaa13, xadar17709, xaome, Xavier Delatour, xavierdes, xavoonet, xenogaming, xeonski, xhaye, ximun, ximun144, xoow67, xreiss, xtand, xtiko, xtof_r,, xydelprice, Yacine, yahiabia, yammal, yan49, Yanis, Yanis, yanisla35, yankiara, yann64, yannb5, Yannick, yannicka, yannix14, Yann Kozon, YannLes, Yannovitch, yannux, YannX, Yao, YARPP, Yasmina YENDE SUKA, Yassine Idrissi, ydraen, yehudah, yellowpeak, yesbenjy, yeti59, yeye64, yg1958, ygirod, YiuriV, yletan, ynassala, yoann31, Yoast, Yoav Farhi, Yoav Rheims, yocoman31, yodatak, Yogwan, Yohan, yohann888, Yohann Billard, yohji79, yom33, Yordan Soares, yotekoon, Youdemus, yougli, Younes JFR., Younited Pay, younko, youpain, Your Shop On Web, youssefachir, youyou78, ypellegrin, yquenechdu, yudabdi, Yus, yvaisse, yvanrouxel, Yves-Marie LEVEQUE, yvesdouillot, yveslens, yvon73, yvvs, yyue, zabriskie73, zackmell, zagga50, zakariaou, Zakaria YERROU, zakisp, zakoops, Zapilou, zappaien, zax337, zebede, zebraoh, zebulong, zedtk, zefgoldwin2017, 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