Below is a list of languages WordPress supports and their translation status of the core Core is the set of software required to run WordPress. The Core Development Team builds WordPress. project. If you are interested in helping them translate WordPress or other related projects, please read the Translator Handbook or contact the translation editor Translation editors can approve translations for projects. The GTE (General Translation Editor) and LM (Locale Manager) roles can add new users with the "Project Translation Editor" role that can approve translations for specific projects. There are two different Translation Editor roles:
General Translation Editor and Project Translation Editor(s) for your language using the “Team” link.
If you’d like to help an inactive team, please see the Inactive Translations page.
See also the current list of CLPTE’s (Cross-Locale Locale = language version, often a combination of a language code and a region code, for instance es_MX denotes Spanish as it’s used in Mexico. A list of all locales supported by WordPress in PTE A Project Translation Editor (often referred to as PTE) is a person, who has access to validate strings on a specific project (for example BuddyPress, WooCommerce or Twenty Fourteen) for one specific locale. A project translation editor can approve strings that are added by translation contributors. Per project translation, editors are appointed by a general translation editor after a request by the project author or by the contributors themselves.)
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Locale Managers (6)
General Translation Editors Translation editors can approve translations for projects. The GTE (General Translation Editor) and LM (Locale Manager) roles can add new users with the "Project Translation Editor" role that can approve translations for specific projects. There are two different Translation Editor roles:
General Translation Editor and Project Translation Editor (7)
Project Translation Editors (36)
Current Translation Contributors (91)
a4jp, Abdullah Kılıç, Ahmed Kabir Chaion, Amun Pote, aThemeArt, bansal9911, Benbodhi, Blossom Themes Support, bluedigitalist, Bronson Quick, Burst Statistics Translations (CLPTE), Cameron Jones, Charles E. Frees-Melvin, Complianz, Conversios, CrestaProject, Cristian Raiber, DataMates Studio, dilurai, Dion Hulse, EnvoThemes, Eric Daams, EviLex, falselight, FiXik, fuzzybo, Garrett Hyder, Gary Pendergast, grola, HeleneFG, heymacaulay, Johan Jonk Stenström, Jose Varghese, jpanther, kapitz, kcaustralia, K M Ashikur Rahman, luciano-croce, Luke Carbis, lusp, Maikuolan, Manesh Timilsina, manypawsaustralia, MASAAKI, Md. Habibur Rahman, Md.Mustakim Ahmed, Mehraz Morshed, Michael Ott, Miles Burke, Mohan Hridoy, ndre, Noor Alam, Olga Bulat, ozcolin, Parin Panjari, Paul Bearne, Pavel Ciorici, Pete, Peter Wilson, Pieterjan Deneys, postmagthemes, Profitquery Team, rafisaeedi, Rami Yushuvaev, Rara Themes Support, Really Simple SSL, Saidul, sarojpant, Scott @ BAKKBONE Australia, sirapa, SJW, smackcoders, spiraclethemes, Stephen Edgar, tccack, tereomaori, themeansar, themeinwp, Themes4WP, Time Slot, Time Slot Translations CLPTE, varia, Wasiliy Strecker / ContestGallery developer, wbswp, webaware, Wilfreds Wholesale, WP-Translations, WP-Translations Team, wp-yogi, WPCharitable, and WPSwings Translation Team (CLPTE).
Past Translation Contributors (314)
2jgallery, 3speed, Aaron Douglas, Aaron Rutley, Addons for Contact Form 7, adminzhai, AdView Jobs, Aert Hulsebos, Aftab Ali Muni, agileLogix, AIOSEO Translations, AiratVibe, Alan Jacob Mathew, Alexander C., Alexey Avdeev, alexgso, Amit Bajracharya,, Andrew Marks, Anil Meena, Annabelle W, annakuhl, Anonymous User 9799219, Anonymous User 15356385, Anthony Hortin, antoinecrisp, Anupam Bhagat, apollo13themes, Ashok Dudhat, ashokrd2013, aThemeArt Translations, athemes, autolistings, BAKKBONE Australia, barrfridge, bazza_87, Beherit, bendingconsciousness, Bhuwan Bdr. Rokaha, Biren, Bjarni Wark, Brett Donald, Carl, catstam, charinee, Charles Harwood, ChatWingTeam, cheriequah, chiharu nagatomi, Chris A. a11n, chris howard, Christoph Herr, Code Zeno, conjur3r, crmaddon, Cronomic, CryoutCreations, dailysobujzamin, Daniel Menȝies, danieltj, DareDevil73, David, davidsingh3, Dead Writers Society, Dee Teal, Dennis Ploetner, derskythe, DirectIQ, Djelibeybi, Dmytro Shteflyuk, Dominik Schilling, DOTonPAPER, Dreamitdoit, DyadyaLesha, Easy Payment, Edie Lemoine, ejanwp, Elementor, ella4243, envato, eskeptic, everestthemes, Fahim Reza, fayne, Felipe Elia, Fernando Tellado, FL3R, Frank Hillemann, Gallery Ape, gallerywpt, Gary Jones, Gavin Perch, getsnoopy, Gio Lodi, giotec, gregja, Greg Thomas, Guido, Guillermo77, gustomaximus, Hai Zheng⚡, Hareesh S, Harry Milatz, Hinaloe, Horea Radu, htmlpie, huelagus, humblehuman, Ian Dunn, Igor, iGuk, ijurisic87, inkthemescom, INVELITY, IRM Pty Ltd, Ivan Lutrov, Jacob Peattie, James Collins, James Rayers, jameswfrost, jariko, Javier Esteban, Jayden Major, jayoswald, Jeremy Dawes, Jeroen Rotty, jessehumphrys, jezrsh, jimdaus, Joel Eade, Johannes Jülg, John Anderson, John Blackbourn, Jonathan Desrosiers, jonlout, Jory Hogeveen, jyotikasukhadiya, Kel Santiago-Pilarski, Kenan Fallon, kepaduan, ketan Umretiya, Kevin, kevinofoz, khyati3012, Kien Trong, kintoshmalae, Kokomo, krissole, Kristin Hanke, Lance Cleveland, lauramay7, Leap13, Leo Caseiro, Leon Wimmenhoeve, Linesh Jose, listingswp, LuckyWP, Lutuf Soomro, madivad, Mahesh Waghmare, mangus77, Marcel, Marc Toensing, markcoker, Mark Howells-Mead, mathiaseverson, Mathieu Chartier, mauroandres, mbj-webdevelopment, Md Mosaober Hasan, Mehedi Foysal, melkins, Michael, Michael Torbert, Michael Visser, mipromotionalsourcing, mjcs, moon0326, Moonsong, Mr Tèstøry (dd128), Muhammad Yeasin, Munnday, muzaara, muzKore, mzorz, neutrall, Niall Kennedy, Nico, Nilambar Sharma, nirus, nucleotide, oguzkocer, oneloud, ovann86, Pagup, pallawa, palmoduledev, ParsMizban, Pascal Birchler, Passionate Brains, Patrick Jackson, Patrick Robrecht, pauljwweb, Paul Merryfellow, paulrharvey, peccavi, Pedro Mendonça, Peter, Peter M., Petya Raykovska, PGleave, piembsystech, Piermario Orecchioni, Pierre Lannoy, Pieter Bos, pietpompies, pikles, Pizdin Dim, pkjha, Presskopp, printoz, pugmusic, purple-circle, pvigilante1, Rachel, randompage, reputeinfosystems, RevenueHunt, rickmnz, rimapadaya, Robert Sim, Robert Wilde, robosoft, Rocco Aliberti, rochelletrev, rodicaelena, Roland, Rosette.AI, ruby2000, RubyID Developer, Ryan McCue, safe2pay, Sami Ahmed Siddiqui, Samuel Wood (Otto), samwilson, Sanju Shankar, sasagar, Scerba M., Sebastian Schwarz, sendhil, seosbg, Sergey Biryukov, Shaka, Shea Bunge, Shelby DeNike, shinerweb, simulatorsolutions, sLa Team, Slava Abakumov, SlicedInvoices, socalchristina, SpiritedOne, Steve M, Stevinoz, Sultan Mustafijul Hoque, Sören Wünsch, tack, Taco Verdonschot, theislandcreative, themebeez, thememattic, Thomas Patrick Levy, Thorsten Frommen, tinat, TobiasBg, Tohma, Tom, Tomas Mackevicius, Tommy Haas, Tony Samperi, Toshihiro Kanai, transiword, Translations by Automattic, tsandiford, Twitter Translations Team, twocs, Ugyen Dorji, Unbeknowntoyou, unCommons, upstreamplugin, Valeriu Tihai, Varun Sharma, veronica.raducan, ViitorCloud Technologies Pvt Ltd, Wahidul Islam Riyad, Wasike Timothy, way2enjoy, wealthy, webpippos, wozbuilders, WP Royal, WP Royal Translation, WP Search Insights, wpsecured, WP Swings, WP Translation Team, wsmith187, Yan, Yoast, Yoast's Translate Team, Yordan Soares, yourchoice, Zakaria YERROU, and zoeleee.