Below is a list of languages WordPress supports and their translation status of the core Core is the set of software required to run WordPress. The Core Development Team builds WordPress. project. If you are interested in helping them translate WordPress or other related projects, please read the Translator Handbook or contact the translation editor Translation editors can approve translations for projects. The GTE (General Translation Editor) and LM (Locale Manager) roles can add new users with the "Project Translation Editor" role that can approve translations for specific projects. There are two different Translation Editor roles:
General Translation Editor and Project Translation Editor(s) for your language using the “Team” link.
If you’d like to help an inactive team, please see the Inactive Translations page.
See also the current list of CLPTE’s (Cross-Locale Locale = language version, often a combination of a language code and a region code, for instance es_MX denotes Spanish as it’s used in Mexico. A list of all locales supported by WordPress in PTE A Project Translation Editor (often referred to as PTE) is a person, who has access to validate strings on a specific project (for example BuddyPress, WooCommerce or Twenty Fourteen) for one specific locale. A project translation editor can approve strings that are added by translation contributors. Per project translation, editors are appointed by a general translation editor after a request by the project author or by the contributors themselves.)
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Locale Managers (4)
General Translation Editors Translation editors can approve translations for projects. The GTE (General Translation Editor) and LM (Locale Manager) roles can add new users with the "Project Translation Editor" role that can approve translations for specific projects. There are two different Translation Editor roles:
General Translation Editor and Project Translation Editor (6)
Project Translation Editors (39)
Current Translation Contributors (112)
2candela2, Aarón, ABCdatos, acangros, AcyMailing Newsletter Team, Adrià Forcada, agendablanca, Albert Juhé Lluveras, Albert Tarrés, Amadeu Arderiu, aneolus, Antonio Villegas, Arnau, arnaudiaz, Arnau Serra, auremisoft, beumala, bloguet, carolinaulles66, ccheca, Cesc, cescciuta, Complianz, correcioencatala, crazyserver, Cristina Ecija, cubells, Danny van Kooten, Darren Peyou, David Aguilera, dicruta, Dion Hulse, Dominik Schilling, eduardllobet, Elementor, enric7557, Exploracció, fcojgodoy, fucsilon, Gerard Blanco, Javier Casares, jcgalindo1968, jerkitu, jfitatandem, jgtorcal, Joan, Joan Muñoz, Joan Vega, Jonathan Pasquier, joordi, Jordi, jordisk, Jordi Vives, jorge-vitrubio, Josep, Josep Costa, joseplluis, Josep Morán, jyoti108, Kim Soler, koemgm, larcadiatic, laura35, leemon, lidiabs, Luba Lee, mafsdisseny, manelqb, marc9romu, Marc Armengou, mariaenlared, marian1, Mario Barceló, marmitako, mercegarciafuentes, mgrau226, miceno, mrwolfinformatica, neoandroid, Nick McReynolds, nuriarai, Núria Nadal i Rovira, Olga Bulat, orestes, pepcapdewp, pepe84, petitotet, pgreyner, Pilar Garcia, Pol Taltavull, Presskopp, redvelvetcorsets, rogerforner, rubenmgar, Sebastià, Sekander Badsha, SNG Translation Team, sokotech, sonquint, tevibp, ThemeGrill, Translations by Automattic, transmetent, valls, vilatours, violetafernandez, vitelone, WP-Translations, Xavier Aragonès, Xavier Faraudo i Gener, Xavi Ivars, and xeonmarx.
Past Translation Contributors (467)
1victor, 8tintin, @ecicerone, abeldb, acardo, acoll, acolomerserra, adapta, adrialg, adriapl, adriasanfelix, afajula, agusjc, aidenwl, ajmnz, alaxmo13, Albert Calzada, albertmarzovidal, AlbertOxiris, albertsanchezp, Aleix, Aleix Buch, Aleix Vidal i Gaya, aleph2u, aletz23, alex.salleras, Alex Freixa, alfredoroses, alfsola, alteregoweb, amdero,, AnandaSeo, Ana Pascual, Andres Adrover, andreudeharo, Anil Meena, anjows, Anna Arnay, Anonymous User 15263917, anthonyo, antoniomatt, apsocecat, aquasportclubs, arnaudbroes, arnaufiguerola, Arthur, arturvic, asebastia, aseques, Aspir-ina, AssumptaAn, augomo, avaibook, awesomesupport, axsu, azhuryen, babu, banderacatalana, baptistepons, barxeta, benedetti, BennyBeat, bernatfabregat, bichis, bitwebcat, Blaiprat, boomboosting, brunoarmenteros, bury1000, capbussat, capiscuas, carleta97, carloscsoro, carlosgv, Carlos Portillo, CARME, Carme Mias, Caterina, cesc97, cespunys, cgarde, chefilya, clickultor, comercialalemany, copiout2017, cport, creaidea, CrestaProject, crga0007, crispy82, cristinabeca, csalacat, Cuentos Personalizados - Ludobooks, cXD4931, dakar200, danimcasas, danivloven, David, david.garcia.5287, david76oliver, David Cavins, David Perez, Dawid Wiktor, dcorredor, ddsscc, demomentsomtres, develmedia, dfilba, dianahellonextstep,, dnlt, domenec, dragoncete, dstt7, dtalens, dtamajon, duub, dverger, eduardmillan, edudiaz, eduvallmajo, eduvallve, egalles79, elenafreile, elisendahj, elotrolao, elsurell, emilitorres, eMink, enadal, Enric, Enric Ballo, entumas, ePUBCat, eqhes, ereus, eserivelles, esroyo, Ester CrAl, estere123, estevebadia, esthermr, Estudi Grafema, Ewout, examplenickname, Extendify Translation Team (CLPTE), extendyourweb, farresbj, fcaballero, Fernando Tellado, ferrangmonzonis, ferranmauri, fesomia, fompi, fotoclubpoblenou, fotografiadirecta, francescjp, francescmuntada, frncesc, gabipolo, Gallu, gargamel113, GerardCuadras, gerardduenas, gerardogm, gerdrummer, Gobinda Tarafdar, gregorio.samsa, Guido, guillem77, guillett, gustemps, Hai Zheng⚡, handmademarket, herathos2, htmlpie, Ian Dunn, Ibon Azkoitia, ictlogist, ideumscz, ifigueras, ifrins, ignasi7, Ignasi_Doy, indigestio, ipelegri, irinamarques, isaac0h0e, isaacte, isasimo, israel1978, itaca9, jacktonic, Jaco Baldrich, jalache, jalenkorr, jalmansa2020, Jandru Ruiz, jansf, Jasubal, jau75, jaubass, jaumebarber, Jaume Dellunde, jaumegrauperavilanova, jaumeilla, jaumeteixidor, javiconzentra, jepihumet, jesuscruzcapella, JEVNET, jfeliua, jmgranados, jmontane, Joachim Jensen, Joan Artes, Joan Boluda, Joan Junyent Tarrida, joanmateus, joel05, jogrco, jolivares, jomorespi, jordibrus, jordicapellades, jordifv, jordiguille, jordimopi, JordiRC, jordiroscamps, Jordi Sanchez, jordisoro, jorditarrida, jordiwordpress, Jose Bescos, Jose Conti, josepgesti, , josepjc, josepkanta, josepmir, Jose Varghese, jotaemi, jparellada, jromera, js100, jsgispert, Juanjome, judithpoblenou, juliaalegre, jvilarnau, kallookoo, Kaze (David SD), kcsck, keesiemeijer, kitisito, kleinlikeblue, K M Ashikur Rahman, konfrarealbert, Kybernetik Services, lamaquinadecontenidos, Liam Gladdy, lifetimemedia, Linda, llibert, llonchm, llunarob, Lluís Gili, lmartintorre2016, lortigosa, losimo, lperezme, luciano-croce, LuckyWP, madalin.ungureanu, Mahesh Waghmare, malaltot, , Manel Marín Torrent, Manu, manyanic, Marc, marcartigas, Marc Celeiro, marcdefoix, MarcEsteveG, Marcin Pietrzak, marcosmarinm, Marc Queralt i Bassa, marfio, marinadargent, markviktor, marxally, masky1, masteriyo, maycasoto, mbaxerias, mcarrere, mcsalu, menorcafesta, mikipons, mineral grafics, mininus, miqbos, miquel95, , miquelpontes, mireiapages, mjgarciapulido, moiramo, momo-fr, monjo, mononelo, Montse Magaña, montver, moon0326, mpferran, mrc2407, nicolasesrojo, nilis24, Nitony, nord3n, npujades, nuriaicc, nusgrafic, , ocarol, ocellz, Olga Cuevas i Melis, ONINMEDIA, onit13, opinopolitica, oportell, optihelpbcn, Oriol, oriolherrera, orioloffing, papikgroup, Patrick Robrecht, pauarge, Pau Capó, PauGNU, Pendex, pepsesat, Petya Raykovska, pol3, Ponç J., posimito, prbacterio, psanchez75, pschell, puigbert, quimipla, Quique, Radina Matic, Rafel Jesús, ragur, raimonrobert, Rami Yushuvaev, ramongoma, raul2099, Raul Illana, Raul Martinez, rebelCAT, Redforts Software, Remkus de Vries, renaixenca, revistalham, ripiauet, rlm13, robosoft, Roger, rogermogu, Roger Vilaseca Darné, rrossell, rsallar, rsanchezsero, rsp67, rubenc420, , ruchy96, Rynald0s, rzgairin, sadigester, samuelfh, Samuel Soriano, Santiago Becerra, sarjona, sat70, satrebil, scbellido, Seba, SEOAlexRamon, sergicarrera, Sergi D., sergioruizt, sevishm, silverks, silverrr111, Silvio, Sinermedia, sinetiquetaCom, Sirvelia, slorka, smdmam, soccubells, soclagusti, sosinformatics, sotastudi, Space X-Chimp, spanna, SpeakOut!, sperpina, srsiempre, sr_mirindo, Stefan Cotitosu, Studi7, sturmix, Suiram, tdtwporg, terracom, Tesacu, The Events Calendar Translations, themeansar, themeinwp, Thomas, tincson, titodevera, titoJou, Toni, tonicarulla, Toni Ginard, toniplanasvila, totguia, transiword, tunyafix, Utsav tilava, vektrat, vicioextremo, vinyals, viobru, vrojasmo, webriti, webscreatives, websjc, wp-centrics, wpdevelop, WP Royal Translation, WPSwings Translation Team (CLPTE), WP Translation Team, wreta, xafterin, xanxano, xavidegr, xavier-pons, Xavier Gimeno Torrent, xavitous, xavivid, xcaliz, xcolomer, xeviprat, Yes We Work, Yoast, zarpa37, zoostudio, and zulok.