Hi Zé since wordpress for android is 100%…

Hi Zé , since wordpress for android is 100% translated into georgian when will it be included in update? 🙂 thakns


Hi Zé It seems that I’ll have to…

Hi, Zé!
It seems, that I’ll have to disturb you again :))
Due to the changes, it seems I have to ask for admin rights on ka.wordpress.orgWordPress.org The community site where WordPress code is created and shared by the users. This is where you can download the source code for WordPress core, plugins and themes as well as the central location for community conversations and organization. https://wordpress.org/ ?

#ka, #request

Hi Zé Will you please be so kind…

Hi, Zé !

Will you please be so kind to grant gio_n_s and me validatorValidator See translation editor. rights for Android WordPress?
I’ve just had a skype conversation with gio_n_s and find him absolutely reliable 🙂
Thanks beforehand!

#ka, #request

Hi Zé two requests if I haven’t become…

Hi Zé, two requests, if I haven’t become a problem for you :).
So, the firs is about BuddyPress – can you please ad Georgian translation, if it’s not too difficult?
Also, can you please have a look at a ka.forum? https://ka.forums.wordpress.org/
Thank you!

#ka, #requests

Good evening as far as we unfortunately have…

Good evening, as far as we unfortunately have no progress http://wppolyglots.wordpress.com/tag/ka/ here, I would like to ask for validator rights at translate.wordpress.org and for admin rights on ka.wordpress.org.
The wp.org account username is Diaoha.
The language localeLocale Locale = language version, often a combination of a language code and a region code, for instance es_MX denotes Spanish as it’s used in Mexico. A list of all locales supported by WordPress in https://make.wordpress.org/polyglots/teams/ you I wish to translate is ka (Georgian, ქართული.)

In case you are interested who I am and if I am responsible enough for such job. I am one of the main translators of Wiki technology to Georgian language (http://translatewiki.net/wiki/Special:Contributions/%E1%83%92%E1%83%98%E1%83%9D%E1%83%A0%E1%83%92%E1%83%98%E1%83%9B%E1%83%94%E1%83%9A%E1%83%90) and am one of the Factcheckers of Wikipedia.

Best regards,

#ka, #request

Hello is there anyone translating WordPress into Georgian…

Hello, is there anyone translating WordPress into Georgian (ka)?
I am a long time user of WordPress and have skills in supporting engines like WordPress and Wiki. So, can you please tell me what must be done to let me participate in both translation process and how can I update the WordPress page in ka language?

Unfortunately the translation and support process has stopped and is frozen on version 3.0. No one seems to be interested in supporting it. I tried to contact the persons mentioned on that page, but I’ve received no answer.

Thank’s beforehand!


WordPress Georgian Forum

Hi All!

Please create for us forum.
I finished PO filesPO files PO files are human readable files which contain translations we use. These files are not used by WordPress itself. Each language will have its own PO file, for example, for French there would be a fr_FR.po file, for german there would be a de_DE.po, for British English there might be en_GB.po. translation and uploaded them to:


Information for Forum:

URL: https://ka.forums.wordpress.org/

Thank You!

#ka, #request

Hi All I finished WordPress 3.0 Georgian Localziation…

Hi All!

I finished WordPress 3.0 Georgian Localziation.
Here is a file: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2668377/ka_GE.zip
Where can I upload it?
Can you give me SVNSVN Apache Subversion (often abbreviated SVN, after its command name svn) is a software versioning and revision control system. Software developers use Subversion to maintain current and historical versions of files such as source code, web pages, and documentation. Its goal is to be a mostly compatible successor to the widely used Concurrent Versions System (CVS). WordPress core and the wordpress.org released code are all centrally managed through SVN. https://subversion.apache.org/. login?

#ka, #request