Skeleton for the locale-based PTE Onboarding process

This is a skeleton for local sites. LocaleLocale Locale = language version, often a combination of a language code and a region code, for instance es_MX denotes Spanish as it’s used in Mexico. A list of all locales supported by WordPress in manager can use and adjust it for their locale team guidelines. Please replace [YOUR LOCALE] with your locale. Example: How the German community handles PTEProject Translation Editor A Project Translation Editor (often referred to as PTE) is a person, who has access to validate strings on a specific project (for example BuddyPress, WooCommerce or Twenty Fourteen) for one specific locale. A project translation editor can approve strings that are added by translation contributors. Per project translation, editors are appointed by a general translation editor after a request by the project author or by the contributors themselves. requests.

How the [YOUR LOCALE] community handles PTE requests

Following the path of some other locales, here are the guidelines for all WordPress Translators who wish to have their favorite products (themes, plugins) localized in [YOUR LOCALE], to give it a wider chance to be adopted by [YOUR LOCALE] users.

In order to assure the best possible quality for all translations (and therefore for the products you so dearly worked on to translate), we have established a few rules to grant you PTE (Project Translator Editor) status for the project(s) that interest you:

  1. We will accept your request only if you write and speak [YOUR LANGUAGE] fluently.
  2. We expect you to follow these steps:
    • Join the [YOUR LOCALE] Slack community. (If you have a separate Slack team for your locale, link to the instructions on how to join.)
    • Translate as a Contributor (Any person logged in at can contribute suggested translations. If you make an error, you may reject your own translation and submit a new one.)
    • Inform the translation team about your translation and ask them to review your contribution.
    • A PTE or a GTE (General Translator Editor) will review your translations and give you the feedback;
    • If the quality of your translation is up to the standards the communities try to follow, you will be granted PTE permissions.
    • Now that you have been granted PTE permissions, you can approve, reject or edit translations. You can also mark translations as “fuzzy”.


  • We strive for excellence: We aim to create the best possible localization for all products in the WordPress ecosystem. Since localization can determine a product’s user experience in a given language, all translations should be done in the best possible way.
  • It helps us create a community of translators for our locale that knows each other and can support each other when needed.
  • We think globally.
  • We aim at consistency.
  • It streamlines and optimizes the process, reducing the amount of “improper” translations and the time spent on rejecting and revising translations (thus allowing more time to be devoted to the actual localizing)

Our process for accepting a new editor is somewhat similar to how the code is submitted on GitHub, where access is not given directly to original code, but allowed through Forks and Pull Requests.

These rules are meant to give you the best possible localization for your product(s) and to contribute to enhanced user experience, a stronger platform, and a healthier ecosystem to work on for the whole WordPress community.

If you have any questions, we invite you to join the #Polyglots channel on the global WordPress Slack team (instructions for joining are found at ) and find us in the #polyglots channel for further discussion.

Good luck with your localization work.

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