New Theme for your Rosetta Site

The new site theme has been installed for Rosetta sites. After translating the stringsString A string is a translatable part of the software. A translation consists of a multitude of localized strings. and conducting tests, you can request to have it activated. For instance: and

Finish Site

Step for Switching Themes

  1. Translate: Translate the meta/wordpress-org project – 90% or more completion is recommended but not required.
  2. Test: Start testing with the “Preview the new theme” button in the screenshot below. You can also append ?new-theme=1 to any page. Review the home page and spot-check other sub-pages.
  3. Request: Once your localeLocale Locale = language version, often a combination of a language code and a region code, for instance es_MX denotes Spanish as it’s used in Mexico. A list of all locales supported by WordPress in team is comfortable with how it looks with the new theme, leave a comment here to request a theme switch.
"Preview the new theme" button on a Spanish Rosetta site

There are localesLocale Locale = language version, often a combination of a language code and a region code, for instance es_MX denotes Spanish as it’s used in Mexico. A list of all locales supported by WordPress in with more than 90% of the relevant project translated. Once you are ready, please complete steps 2-3 above.

  • Mongolian 100%
  • Swedish 100% – already enabled
  • Dutch (Belgium) 97%
  • Romanian 97%
  • Dutch 96%
  • Spanish (Spain) 96% – Waiting for issue fix
  • Spanish (Venezuela) 95%
  • Catalan 92%

Found bugs?

Report any issues to

Is there a deadline?

Not at the moment, but the MetaMeta Meta is a term that refers to the inside workings of a group. For us, this is the team that works on internal WordPress sites like WordCamp Central and Make WordPress. Team is planning to only support the new theme eventually. Ensuring your RosettaRosetta The code name of the theme for the local WordPress sites (eg. is a “Rosetta” site). All locale specific WordPress sites are referred to as “Rosetta sites.” The name was inspired from the ancient Rosetta Stone, which contained more or less the same text in three different languages. site is compatible with the new theme is strongly advised.

#rosetta, #translation