Sign-up for the new Polyglots Monthly Newsletter

Are you interested in receiving monthly updates about top Polyglots news and posts? Good news! The idea for a Polyglots monthly newsletter is now a reality. You can sign up to subscribe via the sidebarSidebar A sidebar in WordPress is referred to a widget-ready area used by WordPress themes to display information that is not a part of the main content. It is not always a vertical column on the side. It can be a horizontal rectangle below or above the content area, footer, header, or any where in the theme. of this site, or directly through this sign-up form.

The expected date for the first edition of the newsletter is October 15, 2021

What will it include?

Based on the idea that @nao shared in her post, the goal of the Polyglots monthly newsletter is to make it easier to follow Polyglots news. 

Since Make/Polyglots is used for updates, proposals, and requests, sometimes it can be difficult to follow all the posts. The monthly newsletter will collect these posts in a shorter format, so it is easier to follow Polyglots updates and discussions. You can find an example of the newsletter’s first edition here.

When will it be sent?

The newsletter will be sent on a monthly basis. Similar to how the Community team prepares the WordPress Meetup Newsletter, a draft for the newsletter will be shared ahead of time in the #polyglots channel in the Making WordPress Slack for feedback or additions. Once the newsletter is sent, it will also be published on Make/Polyglots as a monthly post, highlighting the top discussions and proposals on the blog.

How do you get involved?

The best way to help is to share this news with others! As the newsletter grows, it will help to have a larger audience to get feedback on the format, frequency, and any other improvements for the future.

If you’re interested in helping to write the newsletter, please leave a comment on this post. Any help is welcome, whether you’d like to write, review, or help share the news. 

Prefer to subscribe to only one option?

  • If you only want to receive the monthly newsletter, sign up via Sign-up for Top Polyglots News or this link. You can then unfollow the Make/Polyglots blog via
  • If you only want to receive immediate updates each time a new post is published on Make/Polyglots, make sure you’ve entered your email under Subscribe to All New Posts on the sidebar of this site.
  • This will not change any alerts that you’ve set up via your The community site where WordPress code is created and shared by the users. This is where you can download the source code for WordPress core, plugins and themes as well as the central location for community conversations and organization. profile.