Hi, I have been trying…

Hi, I have been trying to get in touch with hindi translation team. I have submitted about 700 stings for hindi translation, all of them are still in pending mode even after 2 years. Hindi community on SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform https://slack.com/. The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at https://make.wordpress.org/chat/. is inactive and the last message was seen there in July 2019. I tried looking for information so that I can contact the team directly but I didn’t find much ways of contacting them.

I have addressed my issue here: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/translations-are-not-approved-seems-like-no-editor-is-in-working-mode-since-2y/

@juhise @ankit-k-gupta @gagan0123 @gyan @hardeepasrani are among the editors who can approve translations.

I am working on many plugins and themes and translating them, but if my translations are not getting approved then there is no way of making efforts to make wordpress a better platform.

So, please make me an editor so that I can proceed with translations without waiting for years. I tried talking to the developers of the plugins and themes also, they also face the issue with editors.

There are companies which are working to translate projects, thats fine but its not fair that the individual contributors are not getting attention and everything being commercialized.
