CLPTE Request for Twentig

Hi Polyglots,

I am hereby requesting CLPTECross-locale Project Translation Editor A Cross-Locale Project Translation Editor is an account owned by a plugin or theme author (or the authoring organization), which uses professional translators to localize their product. The cross-locale project translation editor can import/validate strings on a specific project for more than one locale. This role has the same capabilities as a Project Translation Editor over multiple locales instead of one. Cross-Locale Project Translation Editors need to meet a set of criteria before being appointed by General Translation Editors. access for our localizationLocalization Localization (sometimes shortened to "l10n") is the process of adapting a product or service to a particular language, culture, and desired local "look-and-feel." account @translationsbytwentig, through which we intend to submit professionally-translated stringsString A string is a translatable part of the software. A translation consists of a multitude of localized strings. for our Twentig plugin.

Please see the previous discussion on our PTE request where you advised us to request for a CLPTE status.

We’ll ensure to adhere to the community style guides and glossaries consistently, and exchange with the polyglots community about any questions that might come up.

The @translationsbytwentig profile lists ways to contact us and mentions the SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at account we’ll use to communicate and notify GTEs after imports.

If you have any questions or requests, please comment here. Thank you!

Kind regards,
Twentig (@twentig)
