Hello Polyglots, this my first…

Hello Polyglots, this my first day here and I have a general (and probably unusual) question.

I have read almost everything I could find about contributing and translating.
I also found my first project. I intend to support mainly Open SourceOpen Source Open Source denotes software for which the original source code is made freely available and may be redistributed and modified. Open Source **must be** delivered via a licensing model, see GPL. projects.
I downloaded the Style Guides for English and German (there isn’t one yet for Greek). I downloaded the glossaries for German and Greek (as CSV-files) from:


Then I went to: https://translate.wordpress.org/projects/wp/dev/de/default/

where I have the possibilty to download the stringsString A string is a translatable part of the software. A translation consists of a multitude of localized strings. in various file-formats but not as a CSV-file.

So, here is my question (at last):
Is it possible to get a CSV-File from this Page, with the same structure as the glossaries I mentioned earlier? (source – target – pos – comment)

Would you/could you please consider adding CSV as an export option to this Page (and the other similar Pages)?

I ask this because I prefer translating with my own CAT-software. I am much faster and feel much more comfortable using it for my projects.
If I have CSV-files with all current/approved strings, I can create my own glossaries and TMX-files, which I then can integrate to my CAT-software.

I am looking forward hearing your answer on the subject, but also your comments, suggestions and advice to a newbie like me (to your Community).

Best Regards
