Global WordPress Translation Day 4 Meeting Notes (Feb 12, 2019)

Attendance: @Nao, @zetaraffix, @xkon, @jordicuevas, @ibdz, @bhargavmehta, @tobifjellner, @fahimmurshed, @Webcommsat, @casiepa, @priyankabehera155, @patilswapnilv, and @nemanja

The second meeting for Global WordPress Translation Day 4 (GWTD4, Saturday, May 11, 2019) started at 13:00 UTC and was closed at 14:15 (meeting archive).

Team Organization

Design/Communication Teams are combined (background).

Live Stream Content Team is small, so you’re welcome to help them out and/or switch over to the team. The role is similar to session team for WordCamps.

Teams are encouraged to have meetings and discussions on #polyglots-events SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at channel.

Event Format


  • 24-hour live stream with curated contents (live & recorded videos)
  • Local events during the 24-hour period


  • Use the preceding week to promote awareness of translation-related activities (mentoring new translators and building resources such as getting started guide/ glossary/style guide)
  • Have several (pairs of?) local hosts run the live streaming as a team relay rather than a marathon

Next Meeting

Next weekly meeting will be on February 19, 2019 13:00 UTC in #polyglots-events.

#gwtd, #gwtd4, #weekly-meetings