Locale request for Ligurian language…

Locale request for the Ligurian Language LIJ (2018-03-25) https://lij.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lengoa_ligure

Note for the global polyglots teamPolyglots Team Polyglots Team is a group of multilingual translators who work on translating plugins, themes, documentation, and front-facing marketing copy. https://make.wordpress.org/polyglots/teams/. mentors that process this request: the LocaleLocale Locale = language version, often a combination of a language code and a region code, for instance es_MX denotes Spanish as it’s used in Mexico. A list of all locales supported by WordPress in https://make.wordpress.org/polyglots/teams/ name is Ligurian but the main language is Genoese!

The Ligurian Language initially start with Genoese. If there are any differences with the Genoese or other language variations, Saonese, Noese, Intemelio, Spezin, they will be translated into Genoese.

Classification: Indo-European, Italic, Romance, Italo-Western, Western, Gallo-Iberian, Gallo-Romance, Gallo-Italian. The Ligurian language is officially tutelated by UNESCO and has had a literature since the 1200s and the Genoese variant was widely used alongside the Mediterranean because of the commercial and nautical importance of the Republic of Genoa. That is why Zenéize (meaning Genoese) is one of its alternate names.

Request Update: 2018-10-18

Ligurian is LIJ and Genoese is ZE The language code is ISO 639-3ISO 639-3 ISO 639-3 code is an international standard for language codes in the ISO 639 series. It defines three‐letter codes for identifying languages. https://www.ethnologue.com/language/lij/

Basic Terms: English en_US -> Ligurian lij_ZE

  • Language = Léngoa
  • Ligurian = Lìgure
  • Genoa = Zêna
  • Genoese = Zenéize

Locale: lij_ZE
Country code: LIJ
Plural forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);
Language native name: Léngoa Lìgure Zenéize
Language English name: Ligurian (Genoese)
Sub-domain: lij.wordpress.orgWordPress.org The community site where WordPress code is created and shared by the users. This is where you can download the source code for WordPress core, plugins and themes as well as the central location for community conversations and organization. https://wordpress.org/
Site Title: Lìgure (Zenéize)
Site Description: Léngoa Lìgure Zenéize de Zêna
Admin Username(s): @luciano-croce

WordPress Locale: lij_ZE
GlotPressGlotPress GlotPress is the translation management software that powers Translate.WordPress.org. More information is available at glotpress.org. Locale Code: lij-ze


The official website (that I have personally created) of the Ligurian Language is http://wp-community-lij.org/

The official slack (that I have personally created) of the Ligurian Language is https://wp-community-lij.slack.com/

The Ligurian Language is also supported to the Professor of Genoa University Franco Bampi and Gilberto Volpara of the Primocanale Television.

Example of setup and links that I have in mind to get:

WordPress Locale: lij_ZE
GlotPress Locale Code: lij-ze

  • lij.wordpress.org
  • lij.wordpress.org/team
  • lij.wordpress.org/glossary
  • make.wordpress.org/polyglots/teams/?locale=lij_ZE
  • translate.wordpress.orgtranslate.wordpress.org The platform for contributing to the translation of WordPress core, themes and plugins./locale/lij-ze
  • translate.wordpress.org/locale/lij-ze/default/wp/dev
  • translate.wordpress.org/locale/lij-ze/default/glossary


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_639:l (see lij)




http://digilander.libero.it/paolore2/genovese2.html (more important link)
http://web.tiscali.it/terzacentro/html/dizio.htm (current existing glossary genoese-italian)
http://www.zeneize.net/grafia/index.htm (spelling/handwriting from Academy of the Brénno)
http://www.zeneize.net/itze/main.asp (dictionary genoese-italian)
http://www.francobampi.it/zena/mi_chi/060429gs.htm (genoa university professor supporter)
http://www.primocanale.it/network/liguriancheu/ (official ligurian language television)

This is the language map:

  • Ligurian (Lìgure) -> lij -> root language
  • Genoese (Zenéize) -> lij_ZE -> main language – my native origins

Possible other future extensions:

  • lij_NV -> Nuvaize – momentarily I live here and I also speaking this language variant
  • lij_SV -> Savuneize (Sànn-a – Savónn-a)
  • lij_SP -> Spezin
  • lij_VE -> Ventemigliusu – Intemelio
  • lij_MC -> Munegascu
  • lij_TB -> Tabarchin
  • lij_MC -> Munegascu
  • lij_BF -> Bunifazzin
  • lij_BR -> Brigašc

Priority steps is:

– Making the Glossary and Dictionary
– Translating WordPress 4.9+ / 5.0+ / 5.1+
– Translating all MetaMeta Meta is a term that refers to the inside workings of a group. For us, this is the team that works on internal WordPress sites like WordCamp Central and Make WordPress. projects
– Translating the big Top 100 Plugins and Themes

About it:

Since 2008, there is an official orthography set up by the Académia Ligùstica do Brénno, which attempts to put its script in order based on citizen speech area.

The ways of writing the Genoese are different precisely because it was mainly spoken and rarely written. In 2008 the Association “A Compagna” of Franco Bampi decided to establish an official graph (Grafîa ofiçiâ) of the Genoese: Genovese language Gallo-Romance Unesco Red book, University Sahal Mor Outaig.

Ligurian is listed by Ethnologue as a language in its own right, of the Romance branch, and not to be confused with the ancient Ligurian language. Like the languages of Lombardy, Piedmont, and surrounding regions, it is Gallo-Italic.

Genoese, in its Monegasque variance, is officially taught in the schools of Monaco and spoken by a minority of residents and as a common second language by many native residents as the Grimaldi, princes of Monaco, have a Ligurian origin. In Monaco-Ville, street signs are printed in both French and Monégasque.

Genoese has also an influence on the Llanito vernacular of Gibraltar.

Friulian, Sardinian, Sicilian, Corsican are present as WordPress language: Ligurian why not?


  • Ligurian 1,775 millions + Mounchen 38.499 + France and Argentina.
  • Corsican 330.000
  • Friulian 1,223 millions
  • Sardinian 1,663 millions
  • Sicilian 5,082 millions

All Italian People 60 millions (estimated on 2015)

The Ligurian Language is active on:

  • Piemonte (Caprauna, Briga Alta, Alto, Oltregiogo e alta Val Tanaro).
  • Emilia-Romagna (alta Val Trebbia e alta Val di Taro).
  • Lombardia (Valle Staffora).
  • Sardegna (Carloforte, Calasetta).
  • Provenza-Alpi-Costa Azzurra (Mentone, Tenda, Briga, Piena, Val Roia).
  • Corsica (Bonifacio, Ajaccio e Calvi).
  • Buenos Aires.

Total speakers of Ligurian Language 1.8 millions (2017) 1,775,010 (estimated for defect)

  • Native speakers of Zeneize 500,000 (2002) 508,210 estimated 1,508,210 (2017)
  • Native speakers of Noveize 100.000 (2002)
  • Native speakers of Savonese 90.000
  • Native speakers of Spezzino 30.000
  • Native speakers of Intemelio 25.000 – Ventemigliusu
  • Native speakers of Tabarchin 15.000
  • Native speakers of Munegascu 5.100 (1988)
  • Native speakers of Bonifacino 1.000
  • Native speakers of Brigasco 700

Native speakers Friulian 600,000 (2015) present as WordPress language
Native speakers Sardinian 1.0 millions (1999–2007) present as WordPress language
Native speakers Sicilian 4.7 millions (2002) present as WordPress language
Native speakers Corsican 30.000 (125.000 estimated) present as WordPress language

Full Ligurian Language Map:

  • Ligurian Language -> lij -> Root Ligurian Language (generic) -> official stats: ~ 508,210 (2002) native users ~ 1.508,210 (2017) estimated speakers. This language is spoken in: Italy, France, Monaco, Argentina, and is tuteleted by UNESCO.
  • Zenéize (genoese) -> lij_ZE -> Main Ligurian Language (official) -> Genoese (Zenèize) is a variant of the Ligurian language spoken from the peoples in Genoa (Zêna) the principal city of the Liguria region in Northern Italy, parts of the Mediterranean coastal zone of France, Monaco and in the villages of Carloforte and Calasetta in Sardinia.
  • Nuvaize -> lij_NV -> Novaize (noveize) Lìgure d’Otrezôvo is a ligurian variant spoken historically from the Nêuve, Seravalle, Arquâ, Val Scrivia, Borgheto, Vigneue, Bassa Val Borbëa.
  • Savuneize -> lij_SV -> Savuneize is a ligurian variant spoken historically from the Sann-a.
  • Spezin -> lij_SP -> Spezin is a ligurian variant spoken historically from the Spèza and Sinque Tære.
  • Ventemigliusu -> lij_VE -> Intemelio is a ligurian variant spoken historically from the Principality of Monaco to the Italian province of Imperia.
  • Tabarchin -> lij_TB -> Tabarchin is a ligurian variant spoken historically from the Carlofòrte, Sardinia.
  • Munegascu -> lij_MC -> Monégasque (natively Munegascu) is a variant of ligurian, a Gallo-Romance language spoken in Monaco as well as nearby in Italy and France.
  • Bunifazzin -> lij_BF -> Bonifassin is a ligurian variant spoken historically from the Bonifaçio, Còrsa.
  • Brigašc -> lij_BR -> Brigasc is a ligurian variant spoken historically from the Tera Brigašca, Italy and France.

Most of the information supplied on comment reply of this post are now obsolete: please refer only to the main post. Thanks!