Notes from the Polyglots Chats on June 21

LocaleLocale Locale = language version, often a combination of a language code and a region code, for instance es_MX denotes Spanish as it’s used in Mexico. A list of all locales supported by WordPress in Stats

Releases: 169 (±0) locale, 54 (+4) up to date, 0 (±0) behind by minor versions, 41 (-4) behind by one major version, 14 (±0) behind more than one major version, 51 (±0) have site but never released, 9 (±0) have no site.
Translations: 169 (±0) total, 36 (-16) at 100%, 36 (+16) over 95%, 2 (±0) over 90%, 29 (±0) over 50%, 58 (±0) below 50%, 105 (±0) have a language pack generated, 8 (±0) have no project.

Requests: There are 49 unresolved editor requests out of 848 (+19) total and 8 unresolved locale requests out of 54 (+2) total.

Translators: There are 505 (+2) GTEGeneral Translation Editor A General Translation Editor (often referred to as GTE) is a person, who has global access to validate strings on all projects for a specific locale., 1 640 (+30) PTEProject Translation Editor A Project Translation Editor (often referred to as PTE) is a person, who has access to validate strings on a specific project (for example BuddyPress, WooCommerce or Twenty Fourteen) for one specific locale. A project translation editor can approve strings that are added by translation contributors. Per project translation, editors are appointed by a general translation editor after a request by the project author or by the contributors themselves. and 14 010 (+133) translation contributors.
(A The community site where WordPress code is created and shared by the users. This is where you can download the source code for WordPress core, plugins and themes as well as the central location for community conversations and organization. account could have multiple roles over different locale)

Site language: 49,847% (+0,061%) of WordPress sites are running a translated WordPress site.

=> Some extra stringsString A string is a translatable part of the software. A translation consists of a multitude of localized strings. were added/changed just before taken the stats, so not all localesLocale Locale = language version, often a combination of a language code and a region code, for instance es_MX denotes Spanish as it’s used in Mexico. A list of all locales supported by WordPress in are yet back at 100%

Polyglots teamPolyglots Team Polyglots Team is a group of multilingual translators who work on translating plugins, themes, documentation, and front-facing marketing copy.

WordCampWordCamp WordCamps are casual, locally-organized conferences covering everything related to WordPress. They're one of the places where the WordPress community comes together to teach one another what they’ve learned throughout the year and share the joy. Learn more. Europe

  • Videos start arriving at

Community Summit & Contributor DayContributor Day Contributor Days are standalone days, frequently held before or after WordCamps but they can also happen at any time. They are events where people get together to work on various areas of There are many teams that people can participate in, each with a different focus. outcome

  • Notes from all polyglots discussions are being finalized
  • New handbook pages will be created based on decisions taken during the summit
  • Cross-local PTE project will get live in the next couple of weeks
  • GWTD3 has a lead: @casiepa
  • @yoavf has worked on some amazing new features for translators on .com and we will be scheduling a meeting with him and @ocean90 to discuss what we can bring to .org


  • Finding leads for all areas is the next step
  • Then defining/confirming the date
  • No changes on the overall concept: 24h, spanning the whole world and talks

PTE onboarding

  • @coachbirgit opened the debate on how to handle PTE requests and add to the handbook
  • @nao @tobifjellner @wolly shared their documentation. Some existing docs: ja de it
  • @zetaraffix offered help for the design part. @sheilagomes already has some infographics. @tobifjellner proposed 2 entry points: 1. Aimed at developers 2. Aimed at users who want to contribute
  • A form on the dev side might be a good option/replacement for the current make/polyglots, but agreement with other teams are needed for that
  • proposal is to start with 2 simple docs: 1 for devs and 1 for PTEs/translators
  • Hashtag: PTEonboarding

GTE on slackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at

  • Not all GTE seem to be on slack
  • Proposal to add it into the onboarding of GTEs


Starting point of the meeting on slack:
