Hi guys As some of the current translation…

Hi guys,

As some of the current translation editorsTranslation Editor Translation editors can approve translations for projects. The GTE (General Translation Editor) and LM (Locale Manager) roles can add new users with the "Project Translation Editor" role that can approve translations for specific projects. There are two different Translation Editor roles: General Translation Editor and Project Translation Editor of mr (Marathi) are inactive or been busy from some months. Earlier, @dineshjain2911 has tried to contact the team here but received no response.

Recently, I have also contributed some stringsString A string is a translatable part of the software. A translation consists of a multitude of localized strings. and been seeing some active contributions by few other volunteers from last few weeks but still no response from validators. Now, approximately 1300+ strings are waiting for approval.

So, I would like to join the team by enrolling myself as a Translation EditorTranslation Editor Translation editors can approve translations for projects. The GTE (General Translation Editor) and LM (Locale Manager) roles can add new users with the "Project Translation Editor" role that can approve translations for specific projects. There are two different Translation Editor roles: General Translation Editor and Project Translation Editor (ValidatorValidator See translation editor.) for Marathi (mr) and help to speedup the WordPress translation approval process. My goal is to take the translation to 100% and make the WordPress in Marathi available to the community.

Looking forward to some positive feedback. 🙂

#mr, #request, #validator