South Azerbaijani

I want to translate south azerbaijani wikipedia and i have my team now ready for translating it in less than one week,but some one requested for south azerbaijani some month ago and i think he doesn’t work on it now.there is wrong info like language native name in he’s request,you can check wikipedia for native name in first page,I am from south azerbaijani wikipedia writers,and i love to make available wordpress in south azerbaijani too .how can i speak with current validatorValidator See translation editor.? i checked blog but that was disappointing no contact mail and no other thing.what can i do?

    Locale: azb
    Country code: IR
    Plural forms: 2
    Language native name: تۆرکجه
    Sub-domain: azb
    Site Title: تۆرکجه
    Site Description: تۆرکجه‌ ووْردپیٛرئس
    Admin Username(s): sadiqr
    Admin Email address:
