Subtitles for WordPress 4.3

Hi polyglotters!

The WordPress 4.2 video was the first one that we created subtitles for. It was great to be able to provide subtitles, although I think we had varying degrees of success with the overall workflow. We’d like to provide subtitles again for WordPress 4.3.

I’d like to refine the workflow and make it a better and smoother experience. You can find the workflow that we used for 4.2 here.

In brief, what we did was either:
1. Translate through a web interface, or
2. Translate the XML file directly

The files were then emailed to me.

I would be okay with using the same approach again this time but not everyone found the experience to be smooth. So if you have feedback and a suggestion for a better workflow that we can implement, please let me know on this thread.

Some dates for your diary:

  • the final cut of the video will be made available by 12th August for translation
  • I will need to receive subtitles by 15th August.
