We have a situation for pl PL Polish…

We have a situation for pl_PL (Polish). It seems that for a couple of hours (around 1:30 to 3:30 GMT 12. Sept.) the translation files were messed up. If WP auto-downloaded them during this time, the main translation admin-pl_PL.po (and .moMO files MO, or Machine Object is a binary data file that contains object data referenced by a program. It is typically used to translate program code, and may be loaded or imported into the GNU gettext program. This is the format used in a WordPress install. These files are normally located inside .../wp-content/languages/) would have a few hundred bytes instead of kB. The admin-pl_PL.po was not possible to open. Also, the multisiteMultisite Multisite is a WordPress feature which allows users to create a network of sites on a single WordPress installation. Available since WordPress version 3.0, Multisite is a continuation of WPMU or WordPress Multiuser project. WordPress MultiUser project was discontinued and its features were included into WordPress core.https://codex.wordpress.org/Create_A_Network. translation files for 4.0 weren’t downloaded. It was a mess, resulting in half of the admin panel defaulting to English.

After those 2 hours, the translation files seemed to refresh and WP installs that made updates later on were fine. The ones that dl-d the bugged files did not update them, however.

We need someone ( @nacin @ocean90 ) to push an update. Probably just changing the update date in https://api.wordpress.org/translations/core/1.0/?version=4.0 should work.

The maintainer of the pl_PL translation will confirm this below.

#pl_pl, #request