It’s not very clear what licence the translations…

It’s not very clear what licence the translations fall under, judging from the PO file headers generated by GlotPressGlotPress GlotPress is the translation management software that powers More information is available at It’s also not clear what the project is, though the PO filesPO files PO files are human readable files which contain translations we use. These files are not used by WordPress itself. Each language will have its own PO file, for example, for French there would be a fr_FR.po file, for german there would be a de_DE.po, for British English there might be en_GB.po. probably aren’t published anywhere aside from the translation packages. Another thing is that there should be a notice saying “by submitting your translations you agree that you’re licensing them under the GNU GPLGPL GPL is an acronym for GNU Public License. It is the standard license WordPress uses for Open Source licensing The GPL is a ‘copyleft’ license This means that derivative work can only be distributed under the same license terms. This is in distinction to permissive free software licenses, of which the BSD license and the MIT License are widely used examples.” or a checkbox that you mark upon registration, so that the translations are actually licenced to be distributed with WordPress.
