Hi I am responsible for the swedish tran…

I am responsible for the swedish translation of BuddyPress (se.buddypress.org). The translation for BuddyPress is complete and i am now updating to I downloaded the .pot-file from https://svn.buddypress.org/tags/ and did a ‘Update from .pot-file’ in Poedit (I´m on a Mac). The i get the dialog with the new strings and after that a error message http://cl.ly/ed3551907f72cdd4dfd5. I click OK and everything seems to work OK. Any tips?

One more thing. I want to use GlotPress but hen i upload my completed .po-file to https://translate.wordpress.org/projects/buddypress/dev/sv/default there is a lot of strings that is still untranslated. Any tips?

#buddypress, #glotpress, #poedit