Photo Directory Team Reps 2022: Submit your Votes!

In February, the Photo Directory team opened up nominations for first time Photo Directory team reps for 2022. The poll is now open and ready for your vote.

Where can I vote?

Right here!

You can vote for up to two people at the same time. Once you have submitted your vote, you won’t be able to vote again.

To see what team reps are responsible for, see the previous post calling for Photo Directory Team Rep nominations. For now the Photo Directory Team anticipates electing two team reps. Of course, team reps can decide to add additional people as team reps, during the course of the year.

This poll will be open until Tuesday, March 22, 2022, after which team reps will be selected based on the votes received. Stay tuned for that announcement post!

#team-rep, #team-reps