The primary interface for moderating photos is the familiar post edit admin page, but with enhancements.
Metaboxes Overview
- This is auto-generated and should not need editing.
Post content:
- Treated as the photo caption.
- This is required. If one was not provided, create one based on image content.
- Should be descriptive of the photo content.
- Use sentence case.
- Text should be in English
- Feel empowered to improve/fix the user-submitted caption; don’t feel as though the contributor’s text needs to be maintained.
- Review the photo for content and quality.
- The photo must comply with stated guidelines.
- Photos should be well composed, well lit, have a subject that is interesting, not be blurry, etc, etc.
- If in doubt about the quality of an image, consult with other moderators in the #photomods SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at channel.
Custom Fields:
- Any existing custom fields should be left as-is. Do not update any (such as ‘post_content’) to reflect any changes you may have made elsewhere.
Photo Contributor:
- Summarizes pertinent information regarding the contributor such as:
- AvatarAvatar An avatar is an image or illustration that specifically refers to a character that represents an online user. It’s usually a square box that appears next to the user’s name.
- Display name (linked to their URLURL A specific web address of a website or web page on the Internet, such as a website’s URL if they have one)
- @-mention name (linked to their The community site where WordPress code is created and shared by the users. This is where you can download the source code for WordPress core, plugins and themes as well as the central location for community conversations and organization. profile)
- The number of photos they’ve had published to the site (linked to their photo contributor archive)
- The number of photos they’ve had rejected (linked to the admin listing of those rejections)
- The number of photos they have waiting in the moderation queue
- The date when the user account was created/registered
- The IP address at the time of the photo submission
- Rejection and error statistics
- At least one categoryCategory The ‘category’ taxonomy lets you group posts / content together that share a common bond. Categories are pre-defined and broad ranging. should be assigned.
- Two categories are reasonable, but three is stretching things unless they all significantly apply.
- Review auto-assigned categories for relevance, removing any as necessary.
- New categories should not be created without consensus from moderators and maintainers.
- Valid colors: white, silver, gray, black, brown, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, violet.
- New colors should not be created without consensus from moderators and maintainers.
- Colors should be notable colors within the image (in terms of sizable presence, prominence, vibrancy). Not every color present needs to be tagged.
- At least one color should be assigned. Ideally not more than three unless each is strongly represented.
- Some colors may be auto-assigned, but they may not be accurate. Review auto-assigned colors for relevance, removing any as necessary.
- Assign from existing color(s) as needed.
- Singular, not plural (e.g. “tree” instead of “trees”).
- Review auto-assigned tags for relevance, removing any that are incorrect or are too specific (Google Vision can generate some uncommon terms for tags).
- Add/create tags as needed.
- At least one tag should be assigned.
- No need to tag every possible thing in the photo. Should mostly be things that are prominent in the photo.
- No upper limit on the number of tags, within reason. Ideally not more than 6 unless strongly warranted.
- Use fairly broad tags consisting of common terms.
- Avoid colors, scientific terms, and other uncommon terms.
- Make note of any undesirable tags that get repeatedly auto-assigned so they can be added to a list to be ignored in the future.
Photo Info:
- Not much to evaluate here, just information about the image file itself such as dimensions, file size, file type, file name, original file name, and submission date.
- The original file name is presented here since it is recorded as a potential reference value when communicating with the contributor, but it is not actually shown or used meaningfully anywhere.
- If copyright is stated, ensure it is CC0.
- Check values for any text fields for questionable content (generally in caption, description, copyright, tags)