Provider API – Flickr

Flickr API

We run an hourly job to pull the last hour’s uploads from Flickr. You can find the documentation for Flickr APIAPI An API or Application Programming Interface is a software intermediary that allows programs to interact with each other and share data in limited, clearly defined ways. here. We currently use the method to query the API. Here is an example showing the type of query string we use:,license,date_upload,date_taken,owner_name,tags,o_dims,url_t,url_s,url_m,url_l&per_page=500&format=json&nojsoncallback=1&page=1

Such a call to the method produces a result of the following format:

  "photos": {
    "page": 1,
    "pages": 24306,
    "perpage": 5,
    "total": "121528",
    "photo": [
        "id": "48499561892",
        "owner": "7702423@N04",
        "secret": "2fc41d65e3",
        "server": "65535",
        "farm": 66,
        "title": "Fox Squirrels on a Beautiful Summer Day at the University of Michigan - August 9th, 2019",
        "ispublic": 1,
        "isfriend": 0,
        "isfamily": 0,
        "license": "1",
        "description": {
          "_content": "Fox squirrels out and about at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.  Taken on a nice Summer day in Ann Arbor, Friday August 9th, 2019.  I did see my Dodgeball trio - Patches O'Houlihan is looking good, but Steve the Pirate is looking a bit shabby.  I will reach out to see if he needs more medicine.  Beautiful day in Ann Arbor.  "
        "o_width": "6000",
        "o_height": "4000",
        "dateupload": "1565395643",
        "datetaken": "2019-08-09 09:21:44",
        "datetakengranularity": "0",
        "datetakenunknown": "0",
        "ownername": "cseeman",
        "tags": "gobluesquirrels squirrels foxsquirrels easternfoxsquirrels michiganfoxsquirrels universityofmichiganfoxsquirrels annarbor michigan animal campus universityofmichigan umsquirrels08092019 summer eating peanuts augustumsquirrel mange squirrelmange squirreltreatment justin stevethepirate patchesohoulihan",
        "url_t": "",
        "height_t": 67,
        "width_t": 100,
        "url_s": "",
        "height_s": 160,
        "width_s": 240,
        "url_m": "",
        "height_m": 333,
        "width_m": 500,
        "url_l": "",
        "height_l": 683,
        "width_l": 1024
        "id": "48499561547",
        "owner": "7702423@N04",
        "secret": "be92df1d66",
        "server": "65535",
        "farm": 66,
        "title": "Fox Squirrels on a Beautiful Summer Day at the University of Michigan - August 9th, 2019",
        "ispublic": 1,
        "isfriend": 0,
        "isfamily": 0,
        "license": "1",
        "description": {
          "_content": "Fox squirrels out and about at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.  Taken on a nice Summer day in Ann Arbor, Friday August 9th, 2019.  I did see my Dodgeball trio - Patches O'Houlihan is looking good, but Steve the Pirate is looking a bit shabby.  I will reach out to see if he needs more medicine.  Beautiful day in Ann Arbor.  "
        "o_width": "6000",
        "o_height": "4000",
        "dateupload": "1565395644",
        "datetaken": "2019-08-09 09:22:08",
        "datetakengranularity": "0",
        "datetakenunknown": "0",
        "ownername": "cseeman",
        "tags": "gobluesquirrels squirrels foxsquirrels easternfoxsquirrels michiganfoxsquirrels universityofmichiganfoxsquirrels annarbor michigan animal campus universityofmichigan umsquirrels08092019 summer eating peanuts augustumsquirrel mange squirrelmange squirreltreatment justin stevethepirate patchesohoulihan",
        "url_t": "",
        "height_t": 67,
        "width_t": 100,
        "url_s": "",
        "height_s": 160,
        "width_s": 240,
        "url_m": "",
        "height_m": 333,
        "width_m": 500,
        "url_l": "",
        "height_l": 683,
        "width_l": 1024
  "stat": "ok"

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Metadata Mapping

Below is a table showing the mapping from metadata returned by the Flickr API to columns in the image table in PostgreSQL. Fields from the above JSONJSON JSON, or JavaScript Object Notation, is a minimal, readable format for structuring data. It is used primarily to transmit data between a server and web application, as an alternative to XML. are preceded by ‘$’ to mark them.

        DB Column        |    Comes From
 foreign_identifier      | $id
 foreign_landing_url     | "" + $owner + "/" + $id
 url                     | $url_l or $url_m or $url_s (largest which exists)
 thumbnail               | $url_s
 width                   | $width_l or $width_m or $width_s (matches url)
 height                  | $height_l or $height_m or $height_s (matches url)
 license                 | $license
 license_version         | Generated based on $license.  See note.
 creator                 | $ownername
 creator_url             | "" + $owner
 title                   | $title
 meta_data               | Specified below
 tags                    | Specified below

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meta_data field

The metadata field in the DB is a JSON field with the following information:

  "pub_date": $dateupload (unix timestamp),
  "date_taken": $datetaken,
  "description": $description._content

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tags field

The tags field in the DB is a JSON field with the following information:

    "name": <tagname1>,
    "provider": "flickr"
    "name": <tagname2>,
    "provider": "flickr"

Here, <tagnameX> is one of the tags from the $tags field in the API response. There is a maximum of 20 tags stored in the tags field.

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API Key generation

  1. Create an account at
  2. Apply for an API key at (we are thankfully non-commercial)
  3. You should be presented with a key and a secret. It is reccommended to store these in a password manager for security purposes.

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