A week in Openverse: 2023-08-28 – 2023-09-04


Merged PRs

  • #2968: Include general Node files under `packages` key
  • #2962: remove pycodestyle from ingestion server pipfile
  • #2958: Revert prettier updates to fix the dev build
  • #2954: Bump sentry-sdk from 1.29.2 to 1.30.0 in /api
  • #2952: Bump sentry-sdk from 1.29.2 to 1.30.0 in /ingestion_server
  • #2951: Bump renovatebot/githubGitHub GitHub is a website that offers online implementation of git repositories that can easily be shared, copied and modified by other developers. Public repositories are free to host, private repositories require a paid subscription. GitHub introduced the concept of the ‘pull request’ where code changes done in branches by contributors can be reviewed and discussed before being merged be the repository owner. https://github.com/-action from 39.0.1 to 39.0.5
  • #2950: Bump boto3 from 1.28.34 to 1.28.39 in /ingestion_server
  • #2945: Update postgres Docker tag to v13.10
  • #2942: Update agilepathway/pull-request-label-checker Docker tag to v1.5.3
  • #2941: Add analytics to content safety events
  • #2939: Update nginxNGINX NGINX is open source software for web serving, reverse proxying, caching, load balancing, media streaming, and more. It started out as a web server designed for maximum performance and stability. In addition to its HTTP server capabilities, NGINX can also function as a proxy server for email (IMAP, POP3, and SMTP) and a reverse proxy and load balancer for HTTP, TCP, and UDP servers. https://www.nginx.com/. Docker tag to v1.25.2
  • #2934: Replace deprecated function from Pillow
  • #2925: Bump sphinx from 7.1.1 to 7.2.5 in /documentation
  • #2919: Publish changelog for catalog-2023.
  • #2916: Publish changelog for ingestion_server-2023.
  • #2915: Add `catalog/init` just command
  • #2912: Publish changelog for api-2023.
  • #2911: Publish changelog for frontend-2023.
  • #2909: Fix Elasticsearch memory hogging the right way
  • #2908: Upgrade ESLint and Prettier packages in monorepo root
  • #2902: Use a temp checkout path for automation when building docs
  • #2898: Simplify, improve and document the i18n pipeline
  • #2897: Add all pages to tsconfig
  • #2884: Update `just` aliases
  • #2883: Remove popularity constants view
  • #2882: Remove ES matrix from CI
  • #2881: Create a page for apps made with the OpenverseOpenverse Openverse is a search engine for openly-licensed media, including images and audio. Find Openverse on GitHub and at https://openverse.org. APIAPI An API or Application Programming Interface is a software intermediary that allows programs to interact with each other and share data in limited, clearly defined ways.
  • #2880: Enabling fetching sensitive results when the UIUI UI is an acronym for User Interface - the layout of the page the user interacts with. Think ‘how are they doing that’ and less about what they are doing. switch is toggled
  • #2876: Add missing argument in `Pool.create_or_update_pool`
  • #2874: Bump pillow from 9.5.0 to 10.0.0 in /api

Closed issues

  • #2967: <Replace this with the actual title>
  • #2966: <Replace this with actual title>
  • #2957: `dev` build is broken on main
  • #2922: Linting is failing on false-positives for executable files from dev container
  • #2921: Add analytics events for content safety interactions
  • #2914: PR label checks are running (and failing) on `main`
  • #2900: GH Pages deployments failing
  • #2886: Untranslated locales list is always empty
  • #2885: Remove excessive information from `wp-locales.jsonJSON JSON, or JavaScript Object Notation, is a minimal, readable format for structuring data. It is used primarily to transmit data between a server and web application, as an alternative to XML.`
  • #2879: Update the store `fetch_sensitive` flag when it's toggled in the UI
  • #2865: Add pages to tsconfig
  • #2836: Delete previous project reminder comment before issuing a new one
  • #2772: Remove ingestion server's dependency on pycodestyle
  • #2769: "Made with Openverse" / "Developers", or some other marketing page for the API
  • #2729: Component: `VCollectionHeader`
  • #2668: New Metasearch button
  • #2606: Provider outreach form letter
  • #2591: Not using locale fallbacks for translated strings
  • #2571: Enable `playwright/expect-expect` once the pluginPlugin A plugin is a piece of software containing a group of functions that can be added to a WordPress website. They can extend functionality or add new features to your WordPress websites. WordPress plugins are written in the PHP programming language and integrate seamlessly with WordPress. These can be free in the WordPress.org Plugin Directory https://wordpress.org/plugins/ or can be cost-based plugin from a third-party supports extending the assert function names
  • #771: Define aliases for `just` recipes


Merged PRs

  • #604: Remove merge restrictions on all branches not already covered
  • #603: Bump ingestion server to rel-2023.
  • #595: Add `openverse-sensitive-terms` repository to GitHub module

Closed issues

  • #599: Updated branch protection rules don't allow dependabot to rebase its PRs
  • #594: Track the `openverse-sensitive-terms` repository in terraform
  • #574: Investigate unhealthy hosts incident 2023-07-16
  • #279: Host Openverse SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform https://slack.com/. The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at https://make.wordpress.org/chat/. Reaction on Openverse AWS infrastructure

#openverse, #week-in-openverse